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Posts posted by Crazedlioness

  1. The only thing I respect Goldstein for is at least admitting to the fact that he fucked up in the 90s. Not that it matters as in a way he helped break the band apart as he says himself. At least he realises that though. But the part that he says about axl not realising how much the band hated him. They hated him because he wouldn't communicate with them and they didn't understand the meaning behind his actions, because Doug kept him so sheltered, but imagine if he'd just let them communicate instead of saving his own ass and trying to get money for the band. That's ultimately what he was doing. I think slash and duff know now or at least have a better understanding that axl wasn't so bad back then he was just disconnected and misunderstood by them and everyone else because of people like Doug. Even if Doug did it to please axl, it hurt axl in the long run. I think that's kind of the same with TB. I don't think they mean ill, I think they just try to keep axl happy in the short term even if ends up being worse for him in the long run

  2. 16 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Lovely pictures @Andy14! Keep 'em coming :heart: (And I do indeed love that pic of young glammy Axl :wub:)


    I listened to it recently after @Blackstar had mentioned it and actually typed some of it down while listening (which was excruciating, because Dougie on audio is even more obnoxious than in writing, incredibly enough). My comments are in purple because it was a confusing white mess before that.


    Some random things that stood out to me:

    - Dougie told a story about how he trained Slash to stop destroying hotel rooms. Came across as really condescending to me, no wonder Slash hated him. Also called Steven a doll and a sweetie, which was kind of weird along the same lines.

    - As Mick Wall recently wrote in his book, the thing about Niven and Izzy were really into "black magic" and going to New Orleans a lot together because of that came up again. Maybe that's why Niven is so paranoid about Satan now :rolleyes:

    - Is there a giant vault of unreleased GNR songs? - Nope, as far as Dougie knows there aren't any.

    - Axl met Yoda through Suzy London (I knew that already), and he had a lot of faith in Suzy and the regression therapy they were doing together. And since it was a lot about faith it was kind of like a religion and therefore a sensitive topic according to Dougie. The rest of the band complained to Dougie that Yoda was a fucking whackjob, but criticizing people's religion never goes well and so they just gave him his space and went with it, despite the fact that Dougie was aware that these people were in no way qualified, doctors or anything like that. :rolleyes: Sharon was just a housewife, according to Dougie, but he thinks Axl would still be involved with Yoda if she hadn't died :facepalm:

    - Mitch Lafon asked Dougie about the letter Frey posted a while ago. Doug proudly admits that he wrote that letter and gave it to Beta. Shortly after it ended up on the internet somehow. He never expected that letter to become public knowledge. One wonders who put it onto the net? Axl?

    - The thing Courtney Love yelled to Axl at that MTV event (?) apparently was "Hey, look it's Asshole Rose. Hey, asshole!" And in general, Axl only reacted with anger towards Kurt/Nirvana because his feelings were really hurt. Because he loved Kurt and didn't expect what he got.

    - Axl likes doing things that will go down in history.


    About Alan Niven and Axl:

    - Goldstein kept comparing Niven and Axl to his own father and his brother, who had some kind of mental illness (manic-depressive, iirc). Apparently Dougie's father was a tyrant and his brother a genius manic-depressive genius or something. And Axl's and Niven's relationship apparently was just the same as his father's relationship with his brother; yet another tyrant figure unable to get along with the menatlly ill kid... Yeah, okay, whatever. And I guess I could see how a dominant father figure/tyrant type of manager would immediately rub Axl the wrong way because of his childhood experiences.

    - At one point Alan Niven handed Axl song lyrics on the bus. Axl opened the bus window and threw Niven's lyrics out, saying "I don't want my manager to hand me songs, I want you to be my manager." (That's... such an Axl thing to do.)

    - Niven hated Axl. He hated axl from day one. It was Niven's idea to kick Axl out of the band in the 80s and he got the others on board with it, but they apparently weren't so sure or something because they asked Doug what he thought about that and Doug basically told them it was a stupid idea (wow; something I agree with Doug on :tongue2:).

    - Niven always talked about Axl in really disparaging and denigrating ways and one day Dougie realized that he'd never heard Axl talk as horribly about Alan as Alan Niven talked about Axl. So he figured Axl was the better person between the two and decided to stay with Axl instead of going with Niven. (Very similar to Beta's reasoning as to why she chose Axl over Steph Seymour. Funny how they all choose to stay with Axl because he's just such a good person. Surely no other reasons at all :rolleyes:)

    - Niven hadnt spoken to Axl in 9 months at one point, because he was too busy doing great white stuff. (Great job managing GNR there. No wonder other morons like Dougie had an easy time taking over :facepalm:)

    - One day Dougie was talking to Axl on the phone about the annullment of his marriage to Erin, when Axl asked to talk to Niven. Dougie thought this was a great idea to get Niven back into Axl's good graces, but Niven wasn't having it. He took the phone and told Axl "Wow, how fucking sad for you. Yet again you failed at something. At the end of the day, when I lay my head down next to my wife, I know that we're together forever. Yet again you've managed to fuck something up." And then he hung up.

    Now I'm the last person to excuse what Axl did to Erin and their marriage not working out was indeed mostly on Axl, but fuck. Could he be any more cruel? "Yet again you failed at something." "Yet again you've managed to fuck something up."  And rubbing his happy relationship with his wife under his nose. If this was the kind of manner in which he usually talked to Axl, then I really can't blame Axl for wanting to get rid of him. Not to mention that this kind of thing surely didn't help his insecurity issues and fears about not being good enough either. :facepalm:

    Anyway, after that conversation, Dougie called Slash in desperation and asked him what to do because things between Axl and Niven clearly weren't getting better/working out again. But Slash was done with Niven too because Niven had apparently tried to fuck Slash's fiance Renee at a party, so Slash just said "I'm fucking done with this, I can't do this anymore. Ask him what he wants and pay him off." And that's how Niven's time in GNR ended.


    About Axl and Axl's relationship with Slash and the band:

    - Dougie told a funny story about how Axl was both impressed and terrified by Slash's song writing (stuff like Coma and Locomotive): "I would get these phone calls from Axl, saying 'You wouldn't fucking believe what he (Slash) has written now. How am I supposed to write lyrics to that?!"

    - "Axl has this incredible inherent fear of not being able to pull it off live."; "I don't even know if it should be called stage fright, I'd call it a fear of failing."; "Axl was constantly having issues with his throat. Now combine that with his fear of going on stage and failing. And that's the reason he takes so long to get ready for a show."

    That's one thing Alan Niven and Doug Goldstein agree on. Niven has also talked about Axl suffering from extreme stage fright and having some anxiety issues related to that.

    - ML: "Would you say Axl is misunderstood?"  Doug: "COMPLETELY! Even by his own band members. He loves those guys, he loves those guys. I can't speak to today, but... I have to say that my perception has always been that Axl loved them way more than they knew and people would argue with me 'actions speak louder than words', but you know, Slash would come to me -and again, I had the ability to grow up with a manic-depressive in my room- and Slash would come up to me and say: 'he's acting like an irrational fucking asshole!' and I'd go 'oh right, this is the point where I defend him for his irrational acts'. Can't be done."

    ML: Do you think Axl is still manic-depressive, or do you think he's managed to get that under control? Doug: I don't think that ever goes away. It never goes away.

    - "Axl always wants to do things right. And one of the things that's been frustrating for me, because he does that with his own band members, Axl LOVES Slash and Duff and Izzy, obviously, because of growing up with him, he LOVES those guys, but he doesn't know how to communicate it. So whenever we'd have some shit go down, the band was kind of left not really understanding why things were happening. I would try and communicate Axl's position, but it's always been pretty frustrating to me that Axl refuses to stick up for himself in ANY situation.

    This I can absolutely believe. Knowing how to show love and communicating it is something you learn, usually from your family, but if you don't learn it there, well. :(I remember Beta also said something similar once about Axl not knowing how to give and receive love and affection when she met him. The thing about Axl not sticking up for himself... I've heard this before from someone else (Baz maybe?).

    - About Slash playing with Michael Jackson: "When Axl fell out of love with Slash, it's this instance. It's not Slash's side, clearly, but I was there, I was living it and Axl... He was IN TEARS when Slash went to play with Michael. We had absolute knowledge of the allegations. Axl had courageously spoken about his childhood in Rolling Stone, and it was absolutely uncomprehensible to him that Slash, who he loved and felt like was his partner all the way down the line in GNR, would actually go against how he felt towards child molestation, particularly over a big screen TV. That was the straw that broke the camels back. But in fairness, I didn't say that's not why Slash and Duff left, not even close,  but that is when Axl disengaged as to thinking that Slash was his partner in GNR.

    ML: It was a sense of betrayal, I guess?  Doug: Yeah, big time.

    I remember when this story first appeared in the Brazilian Rolling Stone or something, people called bullshit. But I'm convinced it's true. For one thing, Marc Canter said the same thing in the recent BBC documentary. And for another, this is exactly the kind of thing Axl would really get upset and hurt about while Slash might not even have been thinking too much about it. And Doug doesn't sound like he's lying or making something up if you listen to him actually tell this story.

    Not gonna lie, Axl actually crying because Slash went to perform with MJ makes me want to cry too. To Axl, it probably looked liked getting a fucking TV as payment for appearing with MJ was more important to Slash than all the shit Axl had gone through as a child (and I have no doubt Axl told Slash all about that). :(

    What an awful situation.



    Yeah like I said, he licked his own ass quite a bit as he usually does and wow can't even fathom the effort you must have put into this. The one thing that struck me in this interview is when he says the thing about him being in a different country while slash and duff signed off the gnr name even though slash and duff basically blame it all on him. I don't think he's lying about that tbh

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  3. 42 minutes ago, KiraMPD said:

    I agree, that does indeed sound like Axl in the background.

    LOL! Remember when Bach said this...?


    Honestly, I feel like I can trust neither when they talk about Axl. Alan Niven always comes across like a bitter ex with an axe to grind while Doug Goldstein is often a little too complimentary and his "stories" are a little fantastical and over-dramatic (to the point that it sometimes sounds made-up). I just try to keep an open mind about it and find as many sources as possible...

    In addition to that, could someone tell me (with sources) if Alan Niven and Doug Goldstein had/have their own substance abuse problems? 'Cuz in a lot of their interviews they don't seem quite all "there", ya know what I mean?

    I know Alan niven used to do heroin with izzy but Doug Goldstein claims to always have been sober I think he's said before he was hyperactive or something 

  4. Wow  this thread moves at speed of light you guys. Have any of you heard the Doug Goldstein interview with Mitch lafon? It's very interesting and although he does seem to be licking his own ass quite a bit in the interview he also shares a good few stories showcasing Alan nivens assholeness and he does say that Alan niven lies a lot and hates axl and I have to say I believe him. So I don't really trust anything Alan said in the Mick wall interviews. Ps. I can't hear axl in the video either

  5. 7 minutes ago, Rocketqueen76 said:

    @killuridols at first I wasn't taking it personally, but now I am. Yes I think some of the comments are very fucking hateful. Let's put the band issue aside for a moment and look at the fact that you and @Asia both attacked me and my country because of my opinion....but I'm supposed to 'deal or get out' because I disagree with some of the things being said?  My temper is one of a slow boil and I am trying very hard to keep it down. I will only ask nicely once....don't come for me again....I will not be run off  by you or anyone else.

    Okay this is exactly what we don't need in this chat. Everyone has different opinions and that's what makes the world interesting but we have to respect each others opinions. I'm sorry if anything said on here offended you @Rocketqueen76 ! How about we stop the political talk (as its not what this forum is about) and move on to a nicer topic like slaxl :axl92::slash:

  6.  Okay axl positivity time. I just want him to hang out out with hey guys offstage but he really doesn't seem to for an unknown reason but axl is allowed to have his opinion and if it was 1991 he'd be having a rant about it but now he just tweeted (I personally enjoyed his rants) but yeah, axl positivity time :axl92:

  7. 3 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    This version gets Slashs little comment in that I've always loved 


    Why can't slash be like that with axl now? I swear slash is too serious these days. Also as excited as I am if gnr come to Ireland I'll have no one to go with cause no one I know will pay a lot of money for their tickets so I'm just gonna have to go by myself :( but yeah like I just want slash to do a little joke or show a little smile. I need slaxl more than oxygen at this point

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  8. I haven't had wifi for over a week now but I was catching up and im wondering where the story about izzys mum buying axl a present is cause I seem to have missed it completely. Also happy belated birthday to everyone who had their birthday in the past week and a half :)

  9. I have to say I'm SO disappointed in how hard it is to find old izzy interviews. No matter what I look up he only thing that comes up is the axl and duff interview. I'm so frustrated. Dj ashba trying hard to not get his wife deported I see :blink::dj:


  10. I think now more than ever I want izzy to join the reunion. Slash duff Susan and Meehan all seem to have this very tight nit group and they don't seem that open to let people in so in my opinion if izzy joined the tour axl would have a friend he could hang out w

    4 minutes ago, KiraMPD said:

    I must be in a weird mood but reading this made me tear-up a bit (...and now I sound like a pansy <_<). I wish I had a friendship like that.

    Do you mind posting sources for these two instances? Thanks.

    They're both things I found online a long time ago but i promise to look for the original interviews/sources first thing in the morning tomorrow and post them. Also I'm a huge slaxl shipper as well but their friendship is quite complicated and especially with both having different groups of friends now so I just think izzy might be of help haha 

  11. Aww thank you. It's good to finally make myself known after spying for so long and just quietly saying my opinions in my own head. I think every gnr member (maybe Barr izzy) has looked better in the past year than in last ten years. They all seem to have gotten themselves very fit for the reunion. I have to admit I almost cried when I found out axi shaved off the moustache haha 

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