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Posts posted by Natalia92

  1. 4 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Who is it?

    Yeah that's way out of line. Unfortunately GnR has some fans who think that because they go to lots of shows and are recognized by the band that they're somehow better than everyone else. Sorry that happened to you.

    Welcome to the US btw! Where did you move from?

    Thanks! I m from Greece!:)

    Unfortunately  the band may indeed appreciate them after all, at least the management if not the band itself. I noticed that these people were treated differently by the security man ( Gio I think?) which sucks and probably makes them even more snobby and delusional.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Ratam said:

    Maybe she was drunk?

    Oh no, she was completely sober😂 The superfans don't drink because if you drink you might need to pee and if you need to pee you might need to go to the bathroom and if you go to the bathroom you might loose your spot on the rail and life will never be the same again.😂😂

    • Haha 4
  3. 30 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    What happened, did you move for them? I hope you told them to get fucked. 

    I know who you mean and I seriously hope you told them to get fucked :lol:

    We just went a few steps to the left eventually, which I regret, I should have told them to go fuck themselves as you said. I was shocked by her attitude and how rude she was... when I get attacked like that out of the blue I don't respond as I should. And it was not jus that, while we were waiting in line, she and h r friend (another middle aged woman) were belittling another fan from another country who had flew in just for th concert ! What the hell?!

    I am not saying these things out of jealousy or anything, I was just shocked to see fans acting like royalty. Some of these people give off a very weird vibe, like they are really delusional, they seem to think they matter to the band or something? The band may know their faces or names since they attend almost every single show but I m pretty sure they couldn't care less. If I was Axl or Slash and had people who are that level of delusional and obsessed following me around the globe I would be creeped out. 

    I am originally from Europe and recently moved to the US, I have never seen people acting like that in concerts back home.

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  4. What's up with the so called superfans? I don't care how anyone decides to spend  their money and if they follow the band around the globe. I m talking about their attitude. I went to some shows on this tour and during one of them, one woman told me to " go elsewhere" because apparently the spots on the rail in the middle of the stage are for them. I was shocked. It's so weird for 45 + year old women behaving like 15 year old groupies. Not to mention that the security guard allows them to carry banners inside while my friend's banner was ripped into pieces by the same security guy. What the f? Does the ba d know about this shit?

    • Wow 2
  5. 13 hours ago, Frey said:

    You are so far off the mark (at least as far as this thread is concerned). Most people here have always stood up for Erin or other women and never blamed them for Axl's lack of family. Also, people don't just hate on Beta because she's a woman. As I said, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to distrust her and I'd say her son Fernando is equally as disliked as she is (if not more so). And the same goes for other men in the entourage, like Andrei. So how can misogyny be the explanation for this? Reasons to dislike TB and the freak show are manifold, but reducing it to simply misogyny makes no sense.

    And yes, Axl already had plenty of issues long before TB came into play, but still the fact remains: Axl hasn't had a single real relationship with a woman (or a guy) that we know of since TB entered the picture, which is highly unusual (especially for him), though not in itself alarming. But if you add in everything else we know about TB, it doesn't seem far-fetched to at least consider the possibility that this entire situation might be the result of at least subtle manipulation or actions on the part of TB. I always get the impression the only people vehemently defending TB are the ones who don't really know anything about them, so if that is the case, I suggest you read up on them.




    Vast majority of insults are always directed to Beta , if you look at the other sections of the forum or other forums you 'll see what I;m talking about.  As for people defending the other girls I don't know, maybe they did in the past but it was not long ago that I saw someone uploading that video of arrogant Slash calling Steph useless. :facepalm: Misogyny. Many people condemn it in words but they lack the maturity to fully understand it so they reproduce it. Anyway I'm not gonna argue anymore here with anyone ("whaaat you just called Slash arrogant?":facepalm::facepalm:) cause it leads us to nowhere

    And no, I don't even believe that they are the most appropriate people to manage a band of this calimber.

  6. 1 hour ago, Frey said:


    There are plenty of legitimate reasons to at least distrust TB.

    And the bits and pieces we do know about are more than enough to make me question their motives and to make me think they're capable of some seriously shady shit.

    I said it is unfair and superficial to blame the fact that Axl didn't have a family on his own on them because for me it is quite obvious that there are some other issues going on. Axl had a huge fall out with both Erin and Stephanie and that was long before TB  appeared in the picture. Axl had (has?) his issues with women due to his strict upbringing and I think he admitted that in some interview in which he said that he grew up with the notion that women were evil etc etc. To overlook this and blame Beta and her kids is kind of idiotic  imo.

    I've never met Beta but I find all the hatred on the forums (not only this one, pretty much everywhere) disturbing and completely unprovoked. For me the answer to this lies in a little greek word: misogyny. There MUST be a female to put the blame on. Always. Erin was a crazy bitch, Stephanie was a cheating slut... oh wait Axl hasn't had a fmily in his fifties? yeah right let's find another female scapegoat to put the blame on. That blood-sucker , leach, vulture, "fat-fuck", "consuela":facepalm:, I can't even count how many times I've seen this words on message boards like this one. This IS sad, repulsive and totally unfair and very far from just "distrusting" ( not directed to you or anyone in particular to avoid misunderstanding, just my thoughts on why people hate so much). Axl himself thanked that woman in tears but so what? the internet know-it all s know better. Misogyny is insidious and sometimes easy to embrace it without even understaning

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Asia said:


     How old are you that you think people at 52 stand over their grave already? 

    NEVER EVER said that.  I just believe that Axl might have some deeper issues that prevented him form making his own family ( like his traumatic childhood for example ) until the age of 55, so it is highly unlikely that this is going to change now, unless I don't know he finds a way to sort out his issues. To blame it on Tb is kind of superficial and unfair. I honestly wish him the best anyway. Noone of us knows what exactly goes on in his life and I find it quite repulsive that some people post like they have an insight in his personal life, spilling hatred for people they don't really know personally. And I'm not referring to you Asia :) goodnight! 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Asia said:

    What if he starts going out with them, listening to them, meeting people with them, what if he meets some woman, what if he makes a child - a whole gigantic tragedy for the lot.

    I think you are missing the fact that Slash and Duff have their own families/girlfriens/kids, with whom they  spent most of their time with. I don't believe that they spend so much time with Axl offstage irrespectively of TB. They are not the 25- year old carefree dudes they were back in the day. Plus Axl is 55 y.o and unfortunately the chances of him starting his own family now are slim. I really wish he would find a nice woman and have kids with her and be happy because he deserves it but what are the chances of doing so in your mid - fifties?

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, MyPrettyTiedUpMichelle said:



    Ah, ok. See I didn't know until recently that Axl had gone off the rails into heavy drinking and now Duff's reaction to him drinking the beer at the piano that night makes more sense, because I thought he looked 'concerned' watching Axl and possibly that concern was not for himself, but for Axl?  



    What night? You mean when Duff joined Guns back in '14 or now? when did that happen?

  10. 1 hour ago, Asia said:

      and TB decides Angus will be better for Axl as they still don't trust Slash (Slash is a threat for them, Angus is not), so they force him to go all the way with Angus and shelve GNR for undefined time, hoping Axl will somehow be OK enough with AC/DC, even if not as happy as with his own band releasing his own music, and they will be safe without too much Slash and Duff around.


    But from a financial point of view NO way Angus is better for Axl than Slash/Duff. A new album by Guns with this line up would sell way better than any Axl/DC album. I love ACDC and Axl's work with them so far but let's face it a new album would be faced with much criticism from most of ACDC fan base since Angus is the only original member in the band. ( exactly what happened with Chidem with so many fans turning a deaf ear because of the non classic line up)

  11. 2 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    Is it only me or why can't I take someone seriously that follows an artist basically around the world?


    No, it's not just you. I don't really understand what's the point of seeing the exact same show 120 times . + It always surprised me how these people can take several months off work to follow a band around the world , and in case they don't work how in the world can they afford to   attend hundreds of shows around the globe?:facepalm: or maybe I'm just being jealous.:smiley-confused2:

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