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Wake up its time to die

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Posts posted by Wake up its time to die

  1. One album, multiple configurations.

    That would be insane. Like the same album but a few tracks different on each album, 10 constant songs and three songs different. So have to buy 4 copies to get all songs.

    Sort of like Pearl Jams live albums, so many of them but fans had to buy them all.

    THis is pure marketing brilliance.....think about it ...the "10" Constant songs would be leaks hardcores have heard so the 3-4 changed up songs between albums would be all new songs nobodys ever heard.

    so all the diehards would buy as many albums as they release.

  2. Man if i made something as awful as the three new songs metallicas put out off that album screw delaying it id burn it.

    Got to be the lamest attempt at "metal" ive ever seen....jesus

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