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Posts posted by GnRMatt

  1. Thanks to everyone involved in running this site. Eric, you did a great job. When I got interested in Guns again there were really only two boards that stood out - for different reasons.

    HTGTH was just ... sickening. Gag-inducing in the sycophancy posted.

    Then there was MYGNR ... a literal breath of fresh air. So obvious that those who posted were in the majority fans of a band and a man that should have kissed their feet for their devotion through the years when GNR was irrevelant.

    Fans who bought numerous copies of CD, boosting sales numbers - even if that didn't translate to the actual number of people who bought the album.

    Fans who simply wanted THEIR band to BE a band.

    Fans who wanted really easy things - a group photo! A video! A tweet!

    As for me?

    I'll mark this site off with deep regret and after a few days I'll stop thinking about Guns N Roses again. They'll go back into the "Whatever happened to...?" category they were in before I discovered this board.

    MYGNR kept my interest going. It made me take another listen to certain songs, and gave me a fresh perspective on GNR news and happenings.

    Without MYGNR, it's just not worth the effort. I could Google "Guns N Roses" a few times a year and get the same "late on stage", "lawsuit", "Axl hates Slash" news that makes up the majority of GNR news.

    It was the voices - here - of the fans - that made GNR worth paying attention to.

    Thanks to all of you for that.

    Great post!

    I'm sad to see it end, like many, MYGNR was a site I visited daily for years.

    See you all on another forum!

  2. Even if it's not HOB it's still a 2001/2 pro-shot (that hasn't been seen) so buzzkillers shut the hell up right.


    Don´t swallow everything so easily.

    There are no hoarders. Everything there is, is out there. The rest is in Axl´s vault.

    There is still the VMA Rehearsals out there, I'm sure theres a few more tracks out there for trade too.

  3. Was wondering if anyone has ever just filmed the videos that play in the background, especially for the songs on Chinese Democracy as they seem alot like music videos.

    I know there seems to be a girl in a few of them that seems to tell a story and Madagascar seems pretty impressive, but unfortunately I don't remember much else.

    If anyone from the Guns camp happens to read this then it be pretty cool if they were uploaded.

  4. Boring.

    I enjoyed reading that, what did you find 'boring'? I think some people here expect too much. You especially will find something in the 'interview' and make a new thread about it just to get attention.

    He sat down for a few mins to have a chat which I think is pretty cool.

  5. theres a thread at at cd.com where some guy is saying that axl will be issuing a statement before the end of the year which addresses what happened with the better video, 2011 tour dates, and the next album. is this part of the same interview in question?

    I think this is the guy who says he has some inside knowledge...

    Here is what he said at CD.com

    What I can tell you is, a certain Mr. Rose will be issuing an end of year update to his fans!

    Aside from him wishing everybody a happy and healthy new year, he will also be touching on the following subjects:

    1) Better video - Due to popular demand, you will hear from the horse's mouth the truth on why this video never saw the light of day!

    2) 2011 tour plans? Yes, no, maybe. You'll know what's in store soon enough. Again, straight from the horse's mouth!

    3) Lawsuits - The man himself will tell you what he can. He knows that enquring minds want to know!

    3) The follow up album to Chinese Democracy - (STAY TUNED!)

    Happy Holidays! :rockon: :rockon:

    Axl has normally done end of year updates in the past, but if he touches on these subjects then I suppose this guy could be called a credible source.

  6. I expect from the one line they quoted, it was a comment that they got from him at the airport or the venue.

    By the sounds of it, it seems they had a sit down interview with him backstage before the show.

    Is that one line the interview or is there more to come?

    Hopefully more to come, be a real let down if the manager and the paper who got the quote think this is one.

  7. I think it was handed in but the reason for being rejected and this is just ones opinion, the record company were holding out for Slash and the others to return, and even in 2008 we have to hand it to Ivon Azoff for getting CD released even though there was probably alot of backroom chatting between him and the label saying he promises to get a reunion and make them millions ect.

    I'm pretty sure its more or less the same album we have now just alot less polished, when we were on the forums in the early days we had no news so we used to look forward to Axl's open letters around Christmas time and he always said it gives them a chance to re-work different parts for it.

    In regards to checkmate being on that supposed album, where did you read that?

  8. Hey--

    Axl claims to have a "legal record of every last detail of what went down with the breakup." which is about 40,000 words long. However he says he finds it a depressing read and so doesn't go back to it much--But do you ever think we'll see some sort of book from Axl, his version of Guns' history? I think it would make for an awesome read, personally, and would be nice to see his side of the whole story in book form, especially since he's kept EVERY DETAIL, probably I would imagine with exact dates and everything. It would definitely make for an interesting, awesome read.

    I'm kind of like Axl--I love having very exact, written histories of everything. I think people should keep a journal, though I don't, or they should record themselves like Nixon did. Nixon installed recorders in his Oval Office, on his telephone, in his suite at Camp David, which allows us to have thousands of hours of inside conversations. I think everyone should tape themselves in such a manner. It's good for history, geneaology and good in case you need to remember specific dates.

    I reckon we'd see it, I don't think it will be released anytime soon as it would kind of take away from what Axl and Guns are doing now and put more focus back onto Slash era, but you can only imagine what the media would say, infact I don't think they'd turn one page of it but still say its crap and call Axl a liar.

    So personally I can see if being released once Axl is no longer with us.

    And remember when Axl wrote his homework assignment, I always had a feeling that some of that was extracts of what he had written.

  9. This coming from a guy who is only a touring guitarist.

    I think he's more than that, DJ seems to take being in Guns seriously which is a great thing and I reckon he's around for the long haul, and I believe he's recorded bits with Axl over the past couple of years and he knows what's coming.

    Didn't DJ mention once that Axl wanted him in the band years ago but he refused as he had too much on at the time, and then when the auditions happened Axl told the band if he showed he's got the gig.

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