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Posts posted by RazorGunner

  1. 1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I seem to remember people saying, ''who's this chump'' when Sorum arrived and disliking Sorum's drumming. 

    I don't recall anyone uttering those exact words. 

    My point was that when Adler was fired, there wasn't nearly the number of fans interested in the event, it was an announcement on MTV, and a byline in some magazines- nothing more. 

    The nostalgia-fueled fans rabidly campaigning for Adler hadn't materialized yet, nor had the internet. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Blackstar said:


    Lastly, given that we have very little information, we can't be 100% sure that they didn't try at all. Maybe there is behind the scenes stuff about the Apollo show that we don't know about.

    I agree with this- 

    All the details haven't been made public, so that's a lot of unknowns thrown in the mix that just might affect people's perceptions if they were known. 


  3. 1 minute ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Rose wasn't obligated to offer Slash anything considering the latter sued Rose on multiple occasions, as well as sniping at him in interview. Vice versa Slash was not obligated into rejoining Axl considering the latter had voiced obscenities about Slash (''Cancer'', ''...in my ass'').


    Very true, but the issue(s) between Axl and Slash don't have anything to do with Adler. 

    I'm personally very glad that Slash and Axl found a way to get past all the problems and work together again. 

    The smart business decision would be to keep Adler far away from GNR, despite all the newfound nostalgia fans he has now that weren't around when he was fired, there wasn't much of a reaction at all then- but the internet wasn't around then either. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Adler did all the right things leading up to the NITLT and immediately after he played in Argentina with the three. He basically followed the typical gnr ''media blackout'' modus operandi. We didn't hear a peep from Adler. We didn't hear anything when he injured himself; we initially found that out through rumour.

    And what did he receive for his troubles? Two songs. Two guest appearances (reduced to one by Argentina). Two guest appearances in his own band!! He had to endure the indignity of watching some random guy play his material instead, sans these two/one songs when Adler was wheeled out like a performing monkey. 


    Adler should thank his lucky stars, the powers that be at GNR, (and Slash) - that he was offered any guest appearances with the band at all. 

    They weren't obligated to offer him anything at all, and had every reason not to-'all things considered'.

    Realistically, it isn't "his" band, and hopefully everyone has enough evidence now just why it isn't a particularly savvy business decision to include Adler in any future plans. You don't bite (or talk shit about) the hand that feeds.  

    Far too many years of his victim mentality and whining.


  5. Adler should seriously stop mentioning 'The Four Agreements' in interviews from now on. He isn't really adhering to them in any imaginable way :(


    The Four Agreements are: 

    1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.

    2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
    Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

    3. Don’t Make Assumptions
    Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

    4. Always Do Your Best
    Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

    • Like 1
  6. Nothing positive ever came from airing dirty laundry publicly in the media. 

    I seriously doubt after reading this, and Adler's brother's idiot ravings that Slash, Axl and Duff are going to have a miraculous change of heart and run over each other scrambling to apologize to Adler and beg him to come be a member of GNR. :facepalm:

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, action said:

    a bit far fetched isn't it?

    I'm keeping with the theory that Axl is actually dead and the illuminati replaced him with a lookalike.

    Haha! Sure, Axl's lookalike and Macca's replacement probably play dominoes together. :P

    6 hours ago, RussTCB said:

    I, for one, wish Axl would release a boxed set of everything the new lineups (including the AFD re-record) recorded. He could call it "This Is How I Spent My Summer Vacation" and only like 10 people would get the reference.


    This would be brilliant and I for one, would buy it immediately. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Yes, I can tell you to not quote me if I am feeling harassed by your comments, which are personally directed at me.

    One more of these insults and I will report you.


    LOL! Report away! 

    I tend to treat people as I am treated, and I don't take anything that nameless, faceless strangers say on the internet personally. 

    We simply disagree- agree to disagree and MOVE ON. Christ! :crazy::blink:





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  9. 21 hours ago, AncientEvil80 said:

    Icons. Oh yea, but YET AGAIN, why don't they do their own solo efforts then, even just the 2 of them together: people are gonna love them and tear their hair out to see them/listen to them! What a great idea! But to be fair, they have to call themselves as something else rather than Guns N' Roses. Wanna bet they sell a lot less, the 2 icons alone?? :lol:

    Take a vital part out of any organism, that organism will perish. Was Izzy vital? Fuck yeah. Same as Steven. It ain't GNR until all the parts are together.

    The myth that Izzy is non dependable is just fucking annoying at this point. I bet that if the band started doing things right, for the right reasons, Izzy would be there 100% and doing it just like all the other guys. And it would make a HUGE difference. And by that I don't mean commercially.

    People, pull your business heads out of your asses - this is just rock n roll: you're just trying to justify ugly, stupid situations and decisions that frankly make very little sense, with ways of making $$$, sell tickets and be "popular". As with any artistic endeavor, this ALWAYS ends poorly. 

    It's unfortunate that Izzy and GNR were unable to come to an agreement that everybody was happy with, but aside from the hardcore fans, nobody was really upset he wasn't there and the concert sales didn't suffer as proven by the pollstar figures for 2016 and 2017. 

    Izzy has no leverage at present, nor does Adler- (which is an entirely different animal. ) 

    Could things change? Certainly- and it would be amazing to see him onstage with GNR again so I hope issues can be resolved at some point. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/9/2018 at 9:28 PM, Hollywood Gunner said:

    i never said i expect anyone to work for free... whether he sold his share or not, he was still one of the main reasons they got so big in the first place, so my personal opinion is that they shoulda gave him an equal cut... now its more than likely that none of us will ever know what really went down, and all we'll ever get are these vague insinuations, but when i hear the word cash grab, i think greed, and when izzy says it was all about the loot, it leads me to beleive that at least one person was being greedy.

    did i still go to the shows? yes... did i enjoy the fuck out of them? hell yes... but izzy not being around cuz someone wanted a little bit more cash when theyre already filthy rich, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth... now if axl ever comes out and says it was payback for ditching them mid tour 25 years ago then it might change my take on things... and im not even a huge izzy fan, its just my two cents


    Not the first time Izzy has been concerned with the money though- 

    Excerpt from Axl's interview with Spinner w/Del James:


    "The Izzy bit was fun -- and also fun because we didn't have to rely on him in any way, which is how he prefers things and works better for everyone. That said, you never knew if Izzy would be there or not or if he'd remember the song or decide to leave early. It didn't cause any problems, because we were doing our show regardless and didn't have to depend on anything, but it did open everyone's eyes a bit and blow minds."

    "He called, asked to come out and negotiated a deal with management that it's probably best that none of us knew about or the fun would've seemed a bit more like being used or taken advantage of spoiling the moment. As it was, we had a great time."



    Slash- From Kerrang! March 1984

    "Izzy all of a sudden turned around and stabbed us in the back again, asked for an amazing amount of money to do one show - it's like, 'I can't believe this, go home!'. That's the last time we talked. I don't know what's going on in his head...I have this great photo of Gilby, Izzy and Ronnie Wood together - the flunkies from hell "

    • Like 1
  11. 19 hours ago, killuridols said:

    There was a whole discussion in the last pages about it, well developed and explained. If you failed to read it and understand it, I will not explain it again to you. Go back and read all of it, as you should have, instead of coming now here to throw a bunch of bollocks about things that were already clarified.

    Your little opinion means nothing to me and your "facts" only exist in your head.

    Do not quote me anymore. The discussion about that topic was over 4 days ago. You lost the train.

    What you typed reeked of misguided entitlement issues, look the term up if you are unfamiliar with it. 

    Your disturbed and unrealistic little opinion means nothing to me either, I don't spend all day, everyday online due to the fact I have an actual life- honestly don't want or require you to explain a single solitary thing to me, that's Laughable.

    Do not attempt to tell me whom I can and whom I can't quote here, you don't make the rules. If you type something here I can quote and comment on it. 

    Synopsis: You somehow think the band "owes" you, I and others disagree- end of.  :blink::crazy:

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  12. 12 hours ago, Hollywood Gunner said:

    izzy not being there cuz of the "loot" indicates its a cash grab... not wanting to split the pie 5 ways is low

    Izzy, unlike the other 3- sold his share when he quit. 

    All that is known is that Izzy and GNR couldn't come to an agreement that everyone was happy with, his now-deleted tweet didn't describe or encompass the entire situation. 

    It costs money to tour, why pour all that cash into a tour that were not going to be profitable? People seem to think musicians should be altruistic with their profession, when they themselves wouldn't think of doing their jobs for free. 

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  13. On 4/6/2018 at 12:36 PM, killuridols said:

    And you are suffering from "I'm-gonna-pose-as-Axl-Rose-and-use-his-typical-speech-to-project-some-sense-of-self-importance"


    What you do is not only bizarre but truly pathetic.

    Not posing as anyone simply stating facts. :blink:

    I'm not the one who is pathetic here :crazy:

    Expecting a band to personally be obliged to you is an unrealistic mindset and an unhealthy attitude.  Whatever personal insults you choose to hurl next won't change that fact nor my opinion. 


    • Like 4
  14. 7 minutes ago, AncientEvil80 said:

    Adding o the recent discussions: of course the band doesn't owe anything. Please.

    YET, if you're gonna do something "public" in your field of work I expect you to do it right. Otherwise it's inevitable that you'll get my criticism and skepticism. Eventually, total alienation.


    "right" is subjective though. 

    Many people have many differing opinions on what is the "right" way to run operations or release things- etc. 

    Just because someone does things differently than you would prefer them to be done, does not mean it isn't right for them, given their issues, perspectives, priorities and commitments. 

  15. On 4/4/2018 at 11:36 AM, SoulMonster said:

    I think it is VERY healthy to not feel artists owe their fans anything. Such feelings are likely to just result in disappointment since artists rarely can live up to the expectations of their devoted fans. To be a happy GN'R fan I think you have to go further, to a "always hope, never expect" mentality, but that's a digression.

    Not even in a MORAL sense to Guns N' Roses owe their fans anything. The world doesn't work that way. It would make business sense to honor the hardcore fans and it would be a nice gesture to do so, but there is no moral obligations that they act in any special way simply because some people really, really, really like them.

    Agree completely. 

    Part of the issue is people convince themselves that they "need" things that in reality they only want. Wants and needs are very different things. 

    The sad fact is that this mental gymnastic IE: convincing yourself you need what you want, results in misery. Sure, there is disappointment, frustration, or sadness when we don't get what we want- But devastation only really results when we think we need- must have, can't live without- what we want.

    I don't understand the view some have expressed concerning how GNR supposedly morally owes the fans at all, I'm totally at a disconnect there. 


  16. 22 hours ago, default_ said:

    For all the "owe us" discussion:

    I believe they fuckin owe us an explanation of what the fuck is going on. If they are or not just a touring/nostalgia act right now to be precise.

    Cause if they arent, I dont really think they owe us an album RIGHT NOW, the way I see it, this reunion is Guns N' Roses getting back for the first time after the Illusions tour and they are back together for just two years, I dont think they had enough time to release an album just yet. CD and CD lineup isnt Guns N Roses so I dont think we should count those years as "time we've waited for a Guns N Roses album". What we have now is Guns N Roses and its only been two years.

    But if by late 2019 they havent done a single interview or press release saying anything about what is going on I'll just go away.

    Right now I'm just feeling bored, by 2019 I'll probably feel cheated.


    Nobody "owes" you an explanation, updates or an album. 

    Many fans form an emotional attachment to the band and develop misguided entitlement issues.

    You don't get a say in internal band issues, all fans get to decide is whether to support the band by buying tickets, merch and albums when they are released. 

    Nobody is "cheating" you. 


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