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Posts posted by Inbox

  1. Wow, I just learned Axl might be an alcoholic with cocaine habit! 😮 I've noticed him drinking more often than seems ok for me personally but I did't know there's so much going on behind closed doors (or is there?....). Back in the day he was quite against such things... 

    I can only hope he gets his life back on track. It's never too late!

  2. 4 hours ago, MyPrettyTiedUpMichelle said:

    I was kidding. ^^ I hope they don't read anything at all on this forum, particularly Axl, as he is shat on so much.  I wasn't the biggest Axl sympathiser before I came here and now I find myself championing him at every opportunity.  He's so disrespected on this forum in general - his personality, his looks, his past, his legacy, his singing, his ability as a performer, his contribution to the music...I question why some members here like Guns N' Roses at all, their hatred for Axl seems to be so strong, almost irrationally so.  Like his very existence is a personal insult to them.  I know he has his fans here, too, but they don't seem to be the most vocal.  This is my outsider/newbie perspective.  

    I am Axl's fan!!! And just like you, when I came to this place I was shocked to see so much negativity towards Axl. I'm used to seeing such comments on YT from people who know 3 GNR songs and "know" by default that Axl is "the biggest asshole in rock history", but to see it here was an unpleasant surprise. Well.... fuck them! 😝

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Asia said:

    Because Axl was quite feminine in his looks and women's stuff suited him better than other men, who look more "manly".

    No. It's because he had both body and personality for wearing kilt. It doesn't look good on sissies (even if the body is great). You have to be badass like Axl. :headbang::lol:

  4. 1 hour ago, Tori72 said:

    I'm sorry I gotta derail this thread.  But first let me say that I actually like this look below. If only more men would dare to rock a skirt or kilt. Still even though designer ware and model, it's not even close to Axl. 

    Now kilt derailment

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    Anyone love Outlander series? Next after Axl there isn't anything more sexy in a kilt than Sam Heughan. If in costume or real life.




    He's ginger, too. :awesomeface:


    I watch Outlander! :lol: And yes, the kilt looks great on him. I mean, he IS Scottish after all and they are shooting in Scotland, so it would be an utter embarrassment if they didn't get it right. 

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  5. 13 hours ago, killuridols said:

    Because up to that moment I was mainly listening to male artists and this is the first female band that I gave a try. From there I started listening to lots of female musicians so yeah....


    Ok, here's one more copycat Axl that I just remembered :max:

    Fucking Ricky Martin in a skirt or kilt :rolleyes:





    Ugh.... just NO. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Frey said:

    I will be pissed if they all let it slip away again and waste some more years (they're not getting any younger!)

    I don't give a fuck about AC/DC.

    I don't give a fuck about SMKC.

    If that is what I'm getting after this tour is over, I'll probably lose most of my interest and motivation to pay attention to what this band is doing.


    I agree.

    I tend to believe Axl on this one too. For one, Axl says he has the rehearsal tapes from back then and there's nothing but Slash-based blues rock on there. To make a claim like that, he can probably back it up.

    For another, Duff has also supported Axl's claims and he also said he thought the material was crappy. And while I don't value Duff's words as much as I used to anymore these days, it's still notable in that it's unusual because Duff tends to side with Slash for the most part. So Duff must have really disliked whatever Slash was trying to push.


    Disagree. While I do trust Izzy's words for the most part, I really can't say the same about Slash and Duff.

    There's too much off in their version of things, for example the famous contract which they supposedly signed under duress. If that were true, Axl wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on. I don't care why they've lied about this, maybe they don't really remember anymore and have convinced themselves their version is the truth or maybe they lied to save face because they were dumb enough to sign away their rights and were embarrassed about it (more likely), but the story they've been pushing probably isn't true.

    Then you have the whole Paul Tobias thing you mentioned here. As SoulMonster recently pointed out in another thread, Duff also told two different versions of how the whole PT thing went down. The first one he told painted Axl in a much worse light than the one he told later on, which was much closer to Axl's version of events. Axl's version of events (if one cares to read it) is actually pretty understandable to me. I believe him when he says Slash and Duff immediately reacted with hostility, even though Paul was only supposed to be a temporary help anyway and he only wanted them to at least give it a try. If I had been in Axl's position I would have done exactly the same thing- if no one else makes any suggestions or bothers to find a new guy, then they gotta live with the result of someone else taking charge. I always ask people for their input and give them a chance to do things their way, but if nothing comes out of that, they're stuck with my decision.

    And of course the night Slash went to Axl's house. Regardless of the details of what exactly was said or wasn't said, Slash did at first try to lie about this whole thing too.

    Then you have even Marc Canter saying that Slash lies to make himself look better.

    Not to mention Slash and Duff spouting pretty words to the media for decades about only reuniting for the right reasons and so on and so forth, when that couldn't have been farther from the truth.

    You're also painting the situation with the CD guys in a much worse light than it deserves. There's no bad blood between most of the CD guys and Axl. Stinson has nothing but nice words to say about Axl and GNR, Fortus and Frank are still in the band, Ashba left voluntarily when he could see the reunion happening and iirc Finck didn't leave on bad terms either, he just left to do different stuff.

    So no, I don't find Slash's and Duff's version of events more believable at all, in fact I don't trust a word they say.

    I tend to believe Izzy (who is pretty straightforward and has never really been caught telling bullshit stories) and Axl (whose version of events may be skewed and bordering on delusional sometimes, but at least he himself is probably convinced he's telling the truth) much more. Hell, at this point I probably trust even Steven's words more than their's because the guy just isn't capable of lying convincingly.


    That too is debatable and certainly not the truth (since none of us here can know what "the truth" is).

    Slash wanted to get back into the band for years, going so far as to even refuse to go on stage with Duff, Steven and Izzy at an AFD anniversary celebration because he didn't want to piss Axl off and to show up at Axl's house in the middle of the night, among other things. And as soon as Axl called and finally gave him a chance back in, Slash immediately jumped and was there.

    It's all a matter of how you try to spin things. You can either paint Axl as the lonely guy who finally had to admit defeat and beg Slash to come back, or you can paint Slash as the desperate guy who tried for years to get Axl to accept him back in again and who like a dog immediately appeared when Axl finally deigned to give him another chance and called.

    If I had to guess, I'd say the truth is probably somewhere in between. Axl realized there was no moving forward with NuGNR and no more money to be made (which he needs to finance his ever-growing horde of Brazilians) and maybe he missed Slash and the times they had (Baz made it sound that way) and was sick of carrying all the weight alone, and Slash also was on the look-out for some extra income after his costly divorce with Perla and since he clearly regretted ever leaving in the first place, he was of course very glad about suddenly having the chance to re-join the band that always meant the world to him, his own band.



    I agree with a lot of what you said!

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  7. 3 hours ago, SevenMichaels said:

    I don't think this thread is entirely nonsensical as, of course people on here are going to be biased towards Axl, but outside this forum and the universe of people who are actively fans of GNR, Axl is one of the most hated celebrities on the entire planet, and has been for a very long time, with good, legitimate reason. They look down upon him and do not rate him whatsoever. I for one believe he had stage presence and charisma in abundance in his prime, far more than Slash, he was the best, particularly from 87-89, but he has changed and lost so much, stage presence and charisma included, and although he still has it to a degree, it's entirely robotic and choreographed, what he says and when he speaks to crowds, his moves, his 'singing', outfit changes, everything. It's quite sad. But luckily for Axl, what he's lost, Slash has gained, and now has far more stage presence and wow factor than Axl could ever dream of getting near these days, hence the financial success of this reunion. Slash is the big draw, he is carrying this reunion on his shoulders, and Axl and co are along for the ride. Who knew it'd turn out like this back in the day huh?

    Really? Then why wasn't Slash selling out arenas and stadiums along with Duff before they reunited with Axl? I mean, I could have missed something as I never got into VR and didn't follow either of them. Slash is more popular than Axl in positive sense because he kept himself in the limelight all these years and played with anyone who was inviting, and basically he was the good guy. But that doesn't mean he has more stage presence when you see him live. 

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