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Posts posted by SevenMichaels

  1. 1 hour ago, northernsoul said:

    Not really.  95% of people who go to a Guns gig in 2017 have zero interest in listening to them play new songs.  This forum isn't representative of the GnR fan base


    They will need another gimmick or to take a very long break to do stadiums again though, although they could probably do a Euro festival run with the odd US festival too quite comfortably every other year like Metallica



    I am speaking from my own personal opinion. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, North Korean Democracy said:

    I'm pretty sure his voice is shot. He can use a mid range voice depending on the vocal range that certain songs require like in the verses of Nightrain or Out Ta Get Me, or the "And Please remeber..." in Don't Cry, but he can't sustain that range in songs like YCBM or SCOM, or maybe he can but it's painful and damaging for him. I agree that the Mickey sounds embarrasing but he doesn't sound like that just because of not caring and being lazy. He clearly cared a lot with AC/DC and still sounded Mickey on TNT and others. His favourite DC song was Touch Too Much and he sounded Mickey as hell in that one. I think that's the definitive proof that Mickey is not only a product of lazyness. 

    Philadelphia '12 was an outsading night out of the blue like Houston last year but it wasn't as good as most 2010 performances, still a lot of Mickey. This Highway to Hell performance was great but not flawless, Mickey here & there. Not on 2010 level. He's better at the Brian songs because of the full screaming factor.

    Anyway, at the end of the day we all just have theories. Only Axl knows the absolute truth about his voice.

    It's really not, his mid range 'singing' voice (SCOM and Patience studio versions) apparently is long gone, it wasn't even good on the UYI tour imo. He can work around this with the range of voices he can utilize, he just chooses not to as it takes a lot of effort and hard work, and Axl has always been a lazy basterd. That HTH was absolutely flawless though, proof his voice is far from shot.

    There is no point in arguing this further, we are on opposite sides of the fence, and that's cool, keeps things interesting. Peace.

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    How could anyone argue other than Slash playing the best on the NITL tour? He is technically superior in every way and is not fucked up on drugs every second night.

    How many SMKC shows have you been to/watched on YouTube? On the basis of that statement, sweet fuck all. 

    12 minutes ago, Marie82 said:

    NITL for me. He's killing it every show without drugs or alcohol. Still the best.

    Still the best, but not at his best.

  4. 1 minute ago, North Korean Democracy said:

    No, he can't easily use it, he shot his voice after 2010. He barely used it on AC/DC, when he wasn't screaming Mickey came along. Axl/DC was excellent and Axl cared more than in GNR but it wasn't flawless. Listen to TNT, Touch Too Much, early Dirty Deeds performances, verses of High Voltage, most of Sin City, "Let There be Light, Sound!" parts of Let There Be Rock, if that isn't Mickey anything is. Axl can't rasp everything anymore, it was great while it lasted. 

    No, his voice wasn't shot, he gained 100 pounds, didn't rehearse or sing whatsoever and quite frankly could not give a fuck anymore. He turned it on when he wanted to, see Philadelphia I believe in 2012. ACDC performances certainly weren't flawless but they were a hell of a lot better than his performances in Guns. He used the mid range rasp at times too, see Rock N'Roll Thunder (off the top of my head) for example. I have never once stated that he can rasp everything anymore, he couldn't even do it all the time post '89, I am saying he can work around it and sing the songs properly instead of using that pathetic, insulting and gut wrenching Mickey mouse voice. But he won't, as quite frankly, he's getting away with it, thanks to all of the apologists and in the media, thanks to Slash. Axl's getting paid, he does not care about Guns or his fans anymore. He phones in performances (for the majority), and they are completely and utterly choreographed. It is quite sad, but it's not going to change, until he returns to ACDC, or sings with Billy Joel, for example. Wait and see.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, RONIN said:

    Please. You've never been to a show clearly. Everyone here knows Axl sounds perfect on Paradise City, YCBM, and SCOM. I believe his singing is better now than it was on Appetite for Destruction.

    Oh yes, I forgot, Axl Rose is completely and utterly perfect in every sense of the word, I in fact believe he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, he can do no wrong. Say it with me Ronin, all hail Axl Rose! Crucify those that don't! 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, North Korean Democracy said:

    There are exceptions. It seems he can also rasp in a mid range voice without screaming in those brief lines you said, the verses of Out Ta Get Me, verses of Nightrain and parts of Jungle and CD but it's a different kind of rasp than the typical Axl high rasp. Those parts are performed in a different range than YCBM, SCOM, TNT or Touch Too Much where he just can't go rasp when not screaming.

    This is nonsense. Axl could easily use that 'different kind of rasp' on YCBM, he used it in 2010, albeit with more power, and he also used it with ACDC, he just literally chooses not to do it, and there is no excuse for that. Every single one of Axl's performances have been completely robotic and choreographed beyond belief, this a fact. Although there have been high points, I feel he has disappointed overall, even though he looks good again, he's phoning in the majority of his GNR performances, as it is simply just a job to him now. Nothing more, nothing less. He's over it.

  7. 21 minutes ago, RONIN said:

    So do you feel Slash is off his game in GnR right now or that he's simply peaked between 2010-2015? 

    I wouldn't say he is off his game on this tour whatsoever, he is the star attraction imo and is playing excellently for the most part, I also do not feel he has peaked either as when he returns to SMKC he will step it back up another level, as I feel it is clear he is at his absolute best when performing original material.

  8. 9 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I've often thought Sir Mick was underrated as a vocalist. True, he does not have the technique and control of a Fred but he is - was - probably the seminal Anglo interpreter of Chicago Blues and early American rock n' roll. He has a good rhythm to his voice, combined with an understanding of his source material. What defects his voice has he overcomes through charisma and personality.

    But as I said the Godfather destroys them all in terms of frontmanship. I'd have Presley high up also.

    I'd have to agree he is underrated as a vocalist on studio material (and live) from the 60's and early 70's, particularly his performances on Sticky Fingers, Let It Bleed and Exile. I'd also have to agree with him being one of the seminal, along with Keith, interpreters of Chicago Blues and early American rock n'roll, but I personally believe that Zeppelin trounced them on that when they came into their element between Zeppelin 2&4.

    I feel as though Freddie had equal if not greater amounts of personality and charisma in comparison to Mick, but Freddie just happened to be one of the greatest songwriters and, in my opinion, the greatest vocalist in the history of music also. 

    I am not overly familiar with James Brown so I cannot comment, but it is impossible not to agree with Presley. I'd have 87-89 Axl up there too.

  9. I think in terms of raw, emotive guitar playing, then 87-93 Slash is your man. In terms of techinal brilliance and absolute master of his craft, then his solo album/tour and SMKC/tours Slash is your man, particularly live. It's entirely subjective which you prefer, but as a guitarist myself who has studied Slash and his entire career, and who is no real fan of punk rock music/aesthetics, especially not sloppy guitar playing, I'd take 2010-2015 Slash any day of the week.

  10. 6 hours ago, SWINGTRADER said:

    If these people are referring to Axl in his prime, then they are idiots. If they are referring to current Axl, then they have a point. Axl's movements on each song are identical now from show to show. " It's so easy" starts off with the exact same movements. Welcome to the Jungle is the same. There is no unpredictability anymore. He is a robot.


    I sometimes think that Axl totally forgot what he did when he was young. Like he erased it from his mind entirely and became a new person.  He doesn't even know how to move with the mic stand anymore. It's like a lousy imitation except it really isn't.

    This. Absolutely this.

  11. 1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Nahh. Mick Jagger is another class up from Rose. The greatest frontman of all time is of course James Brown.

    The thing is, Jagger can't sing, especially not live. Freddie Mercury is the greatest frontman of all time, without a shadow of a doubt.

    2 hours ago, scooby845 said:

    I haven't seen a person with more charisma and stage presence than Axl Rose...

    ..whether it be music business or anything else for that matter..!!

    Ehh, I say again, Freddie Mercury??

  12. 5 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    This needs to be posted in the NITL media song list... Didn't know Frank sang backups either.. One more reason they don't need the Blue Bird

    The 'blue bird', who's name is Melissa, by the way, is there to sing high harmonies that nobody else could in the band, and to add the layers of synth/effects to the different tracks that have them on the records. Whether you like her or not, she's not going anywhere, and you don't need to be so disrespectful towards a woman whatsoever, I think it says more about you as a person than anything else. 


    Ps. No mickey? Are you deaf?

    • Like 3
  13. 20 minutes ago, Lies They Tell said:

    Yes his voice was in great shape in 2010 and the performance with Duff especially was on par with some of his better performances from the nineties. Surely he sang his ass off, cause it was the first performance with Duff in a long time and he knew those videos would be all over the internet. Now I actually VERY much doubt that he even could sing like that today. But even if he could, he could most likely not do it every night without losing his voice. So yes, it might be a choice to sing with a clean voice, but a choice that he made for a good reason.

    You know it's pretty cool arguing with you, cause you're respectful towards other opinions. But I really have to go to bed now because it's very late here where I live. And honestly I don't think our argument would really go anywhere from here. Neither one of us can really prove with 100% evidence that we're right, so let's just agree to disagree or whatever. :D

    I beg to differ, as I watched every single ACDC show from start to finish, and he was nothing short of sensational 90% of the time, imo. He's still got it.

    Okay man, that's fair enough. We'll agree to disagree, and leave it at that. Have a good one!

  14. 10 minutes ago, Lies They Tell said:

    Yeah, I didn't mean to be rude in the first place. I prefer civil discussion. I just don't understand why some people act like they're so sure that Axl doesn't have any good reason to use the clean voice. Let's take YCBM for example. Axl struggled with that song already in his prime. Just take a look at this performance:

    It's almost raspless and it's from 1993 for fucks sake. How on earth are people expecting him to sound better NOW? There's probably many reasons why YCBM is so much harder for Axl to sing than AC/DC songs and I probably don't know all the reasons cause I'm not an expert on these things. But there seems to be more variation between higher and lower notes on YCBM and there's more stretched vowels compared to the short bursts of vocals that's typical to most AC/DC songs. He's still singing this part with rasp: "While you're breakin' down my back n' I been rackin' out my brain It don't matter how we make it 'Cause it always ends the same You can push it for more mileage But your flaps are wearin' thin..." Probably because it's the right pitch for him and he can sing it with short screaming bursts of vocals.

    If Axl was just purely lazy and didn't care at all, then wouldn't it make more sense that he'd sing the whole song without rasp? To me it seems like he's singing that part with rasp, that he feels he can comfortably sing with rasp without damaging his voice in the long run. Even the AC/DC shows weren't a rasp-fest from start to finish. And those were some of his most important gigs ever cause he had to prove Angus and the whole world that he can do it. So naturally he sang his ass off. But could he sing like that all the time on every AC/DC show from now on? I don't know. AC/DC songs do fit his voice better than most GNR songs, but those were also some of his most important shows, so it's possible that in the future we might see AC/DC shows with less rasp.

    Some songs, like for example Nightrain are songs that Axl can sing with rasp every night pretty effortlessly without risking his voice. But some songs need more effort to sing with a raspy voice and singing those songs with rasp every night might even cause permanent damage to his voice. Well that's my theory anyway. I'm not saying that it's a fact, cause we don't know the truth. All I'm saying is that you don't know, if Axl could sing songs like YCBM with full rasp every night, for a fact either. There's a chance that he in fact has no other real choice than to use the clean voice that he is using currently.

    That's cool man, me too. I understand what you're saying, but then I look to the 2010 02 London performance with Duff and that whole tour and I think that speaks for itself really, he can do it, he just chooses not to, at least in my opinion.

  15. 23 minutes ago, Lies They Tell said:

    What kind of voice should he use for example on You Could Be Mine then? When I'm watching the shows, it seems like he's using all kinds of different voices when ever he can to not sound like Mickey. But on songs like You Could Me Mine, there's not really much he can do if he's not going full rasp. He could of course sing it with a much lower voice, but I bet the majority of fans would hate that even more and people would be saying that he sings totally out of tune and he's lost his high voice. So to me the clean voice that he uses seems to be the only way to sing certain songs, unless he goes full rasp.

    Or do you have a suggestion what kid of voice he should use on YCBM?

    Firstly, I appreciate your attempts to enter into a civil discussion instead of throwing insults at me, respect man.

    And secondly, given his ACDC performances, I do not think there is any reason whatsoever he cannot go full rasp on YCBM each night, I can understand sweet child and NR, but not YCBM at all.

    @Lies They Tell or, actually, the voice he uses on CD.

  16. 1 hour ago, Lies They Tell said:

    How exactly do you know that though? How do you know that it wouldn't damage Axl's voice, if he'd sing with full rasp all the time on every single show? Do you have any proof that Axl wouldn't lose his voice for good if he did that? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

    I'm not asking for him to use full rasp at all, I never stated this. So maybe you should try reading what I said, instead of talking out of your own ass.

    • Like 1
  17. All in all, Slash has made this reunion as big and successful as it is imo, without a doubt. He is the primary attraction. Big fan of Axl's too, just a shame he decides to sing the majority of the material in that pathetic gut wrenching falsetto of his, and it's even sadder that the majority of fans on here just accept it and defend it. He does not need to use that voice whatsoever. I saw them at Slane, great show, but I could tell clearly that his voice sounded like shit for a great proportion of it. It's quite sad, but it is what it is. 

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