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Posts posted by bumbleslash69

  1. hmm... I'd love:

    Remastered UYI I and II (they sound like dog crap)

    The original bonus disks intended for UYI (Spaghetti Incident (with the unreleased instrumentals) and whatever else was in consideration)

    A treasure trove of demos (Don't Cry, You Could Be Mine, Yesterdays, etc.)

    A raw version of UYI without the dubs

    The Tokyo show

    The Paris show

    The Perfect Crime documentary

    Remastered GnR Live Era


    What we'll get:



    Remastered UYI I and II

    A collection of the singles

    A disk of demos we already have

    The Tokyo show, still split into two DVDs

    Monopoly size pieces of Axl's converse sneakers, Slash's hat and Duff's bass

    The edited combined UYI disk

    Welcome to the Videos



  2. 39 minutes ago, TheViper said:

    Does this mean that ... and others bought copies of the CD's and the originals are still in the hands of whomever he met in Virginia?

    Seems likely. Would be a huge missed opportunity for the original buyer to not make backups and complete more sales. Because sooner or later, the value will disappear when they leak. Hopefully no one is out thousands of dollars when that happens. 

  3. When Checkmate leaked people debated for years about its legitimacy Basically until Axl's chat on here. 

    Catcher In the Rye, IRS 99, TWAT and Better all leaked around then and everyone knew they were legit. So it made everyone super crazy, cynical, optimistic and just peaked the whole Chinese Democracy craze, imo. 

    There were so many snippets out there that people were trying to pass off and sell/trade for others prior to CD's release. People were trading anything they could or passing other artist's music off as GnR.  I remember hearing Alkaline Trio's Time To Waste during this. I ended up with Biffy Clyro's Mountains way before it was released from all of this too. 

    It was a great time to be a teenager on the internet lol. Hopefully that gives a little context to why people doubted Checkmate being a Guns song. The hunt for songs was the best part of CD, and it's probably why everyone is so geeked now. This could be a last hoorah for a lot of curiosities. 

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  4. What would our man get in trouble with exactly if caught red handed? Copyright infringement?Like when people put up YouTube videos and then have claims made and they're taken offline? 

    I'm not well versed in most laws, but hasn't the "most" illegal act already happened? When the locker buyer sold the CDs? 

    There is nothing different or special about this just because it's GnR and unreleased, right? It's still sharing UMG material the same way people do everyday with YT videos? 

    I'm just trying to follow along. I don't want the guy to get in trouble at all, but I get a little lost when people talk about him going to prison for the rest of his life. I'm thinking it would be a copyright infringement charge for each track that leaks? (Or just one if he puts them as one file like the Radiohead leak)

  5. 5 minutes ago, CAFC Nick said:

    Russ I gotta admit I actually disagree with you here. As much as I am absolutely dying to hear it, If Axl doesn’t think the music is ready or good enough, it’s not our place to demand it, even if we are willing to show him a large portion of our collective wallet.

    Have to agree with you here. They are about protecting the brand and making money. Don't think they'll be releasing anything from this period. They likely have one shot at a release right now that would make them bank. You put our something from the CD era before the reunion band puts out something, and you hurt the larger release's hype. 

    I'd love to pay for a CD deluxe reissue, but I'm not really the fan GnR caters to anymore. 

  6. It always amazed me back in the day that most of CD was recorded in 99-01, at least Axl's parts, and the initial live versions didn't match the demos. Like the gruffy Madagascar voice compared to 01 or the CD intro. It's such an interesting album with all the cutting and pasting that went down.


    Anyways, these are cool to hear. Like other people mentioned it's more just laying curious ghosts to rest with these than it was like back in 06. 

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