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Posts posted by sl4yer

  1. 13 minutes ago, Cosmo said:

    Better than Riad and Scraped, for sure, better than a few cuts off UYI and better than Anything Goes, IMO.


    Anything Goes is kind of a filler and it contains some cringe worthy lyrics but it’s fun and has good energy.

    Idk how can you even compare it to The General. TG is a entirely different type of song. They are not made by the same band and they don’t even belong in the same genre.

    However, The General is barely listenable. The composition itself leaves a lot to be desired as it’s very repetitive and goes nowhere but the execution and production is just atrocious. I’ll take everything off CD and AFD over this garbage. I’m not a big fan of Scraped or Riad but at least they sound like finished songs.

    Even live version sounded better and we all know Axl’s voice is completely shot. I think it says a lot.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, meadsoap said:

    and they absolutely were, look at the "who ate all the pussy" joke somebody sent off

    You must be fun at parties, aren’t you? :lol:

    In my eyes, that joke is aimed at his t-shirt (which is fucking cringe btw) more than at his physical appearance but if you’re taking that as an insult then I don’t think I want to continue this discussion.

    I’m sure you’re a good person but you should consider trying not to take everything so seriously, especially when you’re visiting online forums.

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  3. 2 hours ago, meadsoap said:

    Go back and read my comments, because that's the opposite of what I said. Or you're being willfully ignorant because you think it discredits me. I know you're a mod here, and it's in your best interest to continue the toxic culture. If you actually gave af about it, you would be responding to the people making fat jokes about a sick man and not worrying yourself about me.

    I didn’t even get involved in the discussion but I just wanted to say you’re acting like a moron. Firstly, I haven’t seen anyone here making any hateful comments about Axl’s weight so when you say “making fat jokes about a sick man” - it’s extremely exaggerated or even false statement. I’m sure that the person who first noticed his weight gain in that thread didn’t do that to make fun of him but rather to imply their concern about his health. If you can’t distinguish making hateful and unnecessary comments or judgments from stating a fact than it’s your problem and you have no reason to overreact like that.

    Secondly, if that kind of jokes trigger you so much than I’d suggest getting rid of internet and isolating yourself from society. No matter how hard you try, you can’t change some people’s mentality. Yes, humans are cruel, always have been and always will be. There is always some douche in any community you will find. But from my experience, people here are really kind and polite in most cases. 

    Don’t go to youtube or facebook comments about GNR cause you’ll propably get a heart attack from the amount of hate that is spilled on Axl Rose.


  4. 14 hours ago, jacdaniel said:

    Excuse me?

    Did you really just say that Buckethead is the BEST guitarist the band has ever had?  WOW!! 

    Now, if you mean most technical then fair enough. He's also more technical than Hendrix, Page, Clapton etc

    But absolutely NOT the best. 

    He's never written an iconic riff or solo in his career and his 7000 albums dont sell very well. 



    Nirvana’s albums sell very well. Does it mean that Cobain is one of the greatest guitarists ever?

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    Both lack energy. Obviously the voice that's loud and clear is the "better" option, but it 1000% does lack energy. It's not bad, but I would much rather Axk just doing some fucking exercises to strengthen his weak falsetto. There are a lot of exercises that can be done and he has the resources. Singing in lower registers is for when there is no other choice, and in this instance while he sounds really quiet when he tries to go into his falsetto maybe it's best to temporarily use a more comfortable range. But his voice is still there up high, it's not like he can't do it, it's just a very specific area that needs targetted work 

    I think that regarding his current abilities he should stick to the low voice for the mid range and only use his upper register for screams and crucial parts, for example in TWAT, RQ outro, WTTJ, SCOM outro etc.

  6. 2 hours ago, ChristianGNR said:

    One of the biggest problems nowadays is thinking that the world is binary. Nobody here is defending falsetto or Mickey just because doesn’t like the Baritone voice.
    I prefer much more Axl working in his medium register, taking a break, or even retiring, than singing GN’R catalog in Baritone voice. 

    1. I didn’t see anyone here who has criticizing his baritone voice. I just wanted to clarify that using falsetto fucks dynamics of the songs way more because it’s too soft and weak. It’s just not a technique made for songs like You Could Be Mine.

    2. May I ask why would you prefer him to retire? Some songs would sound off, e.g. Jungle, Reckless or Shadow but these songs are still somewhat decent live especially Reckless Life. I see nothing wrong with Estranged, Civil War being sung that way. I think it sounds pretty good and his alterations of melodies are pretty interesting. I could also see YCBM and Hard Skool with his Chinese Democracy vocals. It could sound badass if done right.

    So I don’t really understand what you’re problem. Especially when he’s using this voice in a lot of songs. (ISE, BO,PTU,Brownstone,Absurd,KOHD,DOTF,CD,Patience,Don’t Cry, half of Estranged, Wichita, etc.) 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Martin Riggs said:

    Yeah, I like the baritone voice but it definitely takes away some of the “energy” of the song.

    …and falsetto doesn’t?

    This entire discussion about dynamics is complete bullshit.

    Dynamics are about loudness, not pitch. And well, usually high register is the loudest but not when you’re using fucking falsetto. Listen to any of his performances this year where he’s using both registers (e.g. Brownstone or PTU) and notice that he’s upper range is barely audible compared to his chest voice. It’s so weak that he may as well whisper the lyrics. Then talk about taking away „dynamics” or „energy”. 

    • Like 4
  8. I’ve got mixed feelings towards ChiDem era. I find it WAY more interesting than any other era but simultaneously I think Slash just belongs in GNR. He’s too much of an icon to be replaced by other player, even if it’s Buckethead who blows him out of water in terms of practical skills.

    If Chinese Democracy was independent from GN’R (Axl’s solo album i.e.) it would solve a lot of issues with that album and  with process of releasing it.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, rumandraisin said:

    Just because they soundchecked it and it was on a setlist means nothing. 

    Most of the songs that were soundchecked were played later. Most of the songs that appeared on alt setlists were played later.

    So it does mean something. I believe that Perhaps and/or The General really is coming out soon.

    However, I’m really tired with what they’re doing with „new” music. It’s horrendous. Other bands just release new albums and everything is fine. But Guns N’ Roses can’t work like that because there is Axl Rose who is the biggest rockstar and „perfecionist” and he managed to find the most retarted and unprofessional “management” that the music industry has ever seen.

    Right now, they’re not building a hype in any way, they’re just annoying as fuck. If anyone IS actually getting hype then prepare yourself for the great disappointment. There is no way that the songs recorded 25 years ago (sick!) with recently re-recorded guitars and bass and then remixed will convey any profound emotion. 

    I enjoy Hard Skool and I think Absurd is somewhat fun but it’s hard to even consider them songs. It’s more like a remix or a mashup.

    I still look forward to hear what these unreleased songs will sound like in new versions but I got no hype. Everything that was recorded during CD era has been wasted by Axl. They can use whatever they want from that sessions to create another frankenstein’s monster of a song but there will be no artistic value in that.

    • Like 3
  10. Everyone has their own opinion.

    I love many songs from RHCP’s new albums. Eddie blows me away. Black Summer is a great lead single and when I saw them live crowd was pumped when they started playing it.

    I think new Foo Fighters record is amazing and due to devastating circumstances it brings me to tears.

    I think new Metallica album is decent but a bit too bloated. But still it is a solid effort. 

    51 minutes ago, Bitchisback said:

    The new albums were so genetic. 

    All of the albums that I mentioned are generic. And I really don’t care.

    Music is a form of expression. I don’t expect 60 year-olds to be as creative as they were 35 years ago. I don’t think anyone would even really want that. They have their legacy and their style on which they’ve been working for years. And you know, it’s always better to make a new record than not. Some people will love it for sure. And that’s why I don’t understand Axl’s aversion to release stuff that he already has. Especially when there’s that not much in his catalogue.

    • Like 3
  11. I find it fascinating how much influence CD project had and has on Axl’s/GNR’s career. 

    It began like 25 years ago? And it’s still going on. It seems like this chapter won’t be finished until Axl is dead. 

    It’s both sad and interesting. I wish Axl released an autobiography. By now, I’m way more interested in getting to know what exactly happened in the process of creating this album and how Axl feels about all of this than in listening to unreleased songs.

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    • GNFNR 1
  12. I have no idea what to think of this. I’m really skeptical about full album being released by GNR. But I just can’t believe that this amount of people could affect the algorithm THAT much.

    When you search for these titles- GNR is not suggested at youtube, google, apple or anything. 

    People who know about leaks are in a tiny group. When you go under HS or Absurd video to see the comments you’ll see that a vast majority of people don’t even know that these are old songs. And god, Silkworms was played live in 2001!


    7 minutes ago, Lies They Tell said:

    What exactly are you trying to say? That GNR is about to release Ballad of Death? Is that what you're suggesting?

    Of course Ballad of Death is associated with Guns n' Roses. That is exactly why the algorithm is giving GNR as a suggestion when you search for Ballad of Death. Algorithms are based on associations.

    Irony, sarcasm….

  13. I think that most of you overestimate popularity of GNR. 

    We (hardcore gnr fans that know about leaks and do all the shit we do) are not even a 1% of GNR’s fanbase.

    And when it comes to spotify:

    -pop artists like Taylor Swift has 3 times more listeners than GNR

    -GNR is still one of the most popular bands on Spoti but it’s because SCOM, PC and other classics, not because of fucking State Of Grace! :lol:

    Hard Skool was by far the most popular leak and now when it’s released - it doesn’t really do huge numbers neither on youtube or spotify.

    • Like 2
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  14. 3 minutes ago, GoodOlJohnnyK said:

    A lot of marketing wizards in here.

    They’ve got an expensive box set dropping in November. Tell me, why would they then drop a competing product to draw attention (and dollars) away from the UYI box?

    Because it’s GNR and their management could not be further from making reasonable decisions?

    1 minute ago, Ninjapie24 said:

    Be honest, I’d rather listen to the John Petrucci State of Grace than a song that has been reworked for 20 years that may or may not come out 

    If it has exact same vocals as the demo version I think I would rather listen to Taylor Swift ;)

    • Haha 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    It seems that there is a pattern where the more people are searching the more songs pop up.

    I don’t want to sound cocky or anything but it just really don’t make sense to me. At least not with just a song titles. If many people typed “state of grace guns n roses” - it would be somewhat possible. But with just a title? And GNR would be suggested because people who search for these titles listen a lot to GNR? So if many RHCP fans would look for I Wanna Be Your Dog it would show RHCP? I doubt it. And they actually played cover of that song before. 

    Also, I think that more people would look for the songs that leaked on youtube than on spotify and youtube altorithm is easier to manipulate than Spotify’s if I had to guess.

    So let’s see what will happen.


    Well, no gnr at all. And this is my private account on which I have subscribed tons of GNR related channels and liked tons of GNR videos.



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