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Rebel Yell

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Posts posted by Rebel Yell

  1. and Pop is underrated album,I like him a lot...

    I read somewhere some time ago, I think Bono said

    that their company forced them to release Pop earlier

    then it's supposed to be,they didnt do that album to

    the end as they wanted,so they are" maybe " planning

    to release it again sometimes but finished as they wanted it

    it would be cool ...

    That would be awesome! :o

  2. Pictures of the packaging have leaked.

    Here's what Trent said on The Spiral:

    "As we approach the end of this leg of the tour I find myself slipping into a depression. Part of it is touring itself - I've really had enough at this point. Another factor has been the production headaches of this tour. I was busy finishing the record and didn't have the resources to dedicate to getting overly involved in the light show this time around, assuming my instructions had been followed... This led to multiple personnel changes and the end result - a poor light show which made / makes every show feel like a disappointment on some level to me.

    And... as flattered and happy as I am regarding the interest in Year Zero, it's still frustrating to see that as hard as you try to make the experience as cool as it can be for fans, most people will still hear a poor rip and ugly scans of your artwork - ruining the excitement / secrets / experience. Blah blah blah. Weird position to be in.

    Current Mood:


  3. Trent says:

    "There is only one version of YEAR ZERO. There is no deluxe version - every version has the same package (which is cool). You should not be paying more for a deluxe digi-pak version because there is only one version - which IS a digi-pak."

  4. i was never able to get into u2 for some strange reason there music never appealed to my tastes.

    Hmm... What U2 albums and songs have you checked out?

    They've covered a pretty wide variety of music, so I'm sure you could find at least a song or two you like if you dug deep enough. ^_^

  5. The Greater Good (Instrumental) and Survivalism_tardusted have leaked from the Survivalism single, which means I can't find a link on ETS.

    So... who wants to hook me up? :lol:

    It's up on Oink.

    Do you have an account there?


    I'll see if I can d/l it and up it to you.

    No. :huh::lol:

    Thank you, good sir! ^_^

  6. i think the new material is far less commercial than anything on 'with teeth' , take a little more listens to get into. trent is so fucking clever. wonder if he's the drummer for the whole album? josh freese nails this song live, he is fucking amazing though. everything trent and his team has done to promote this album is brilliant. the whole concept and sound of this album is superb, trent has excelled musically and conceptually, again.

    Freese did some recording with Trent, so I'm sure he'll be on some of the songs.

    By the way, Freese is fucking amazing. You HAVE to see/hear that guy in concert. :o

  7. The drumming is great on that track. Is it Freese?

    No, everything is done by Trent Reznor on this track except for some backing vocals by Saul Williams.

    Josh Freese did do some live drum tracks on the album though.

    And is in the video. :huh:

  8. omg i went to all the Y.Z. websites...insane

    the number is


    madd crazy.


    Keep in mind you'll be charged long-distance, assuming you don't live in Los Angeles. :lol:

    Oh yes, and according to Kerrang, Trent's thinking about making a Year Zero movie.

    Also, they will be touring England/Europe again in August 2007.

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