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Posts posted by UYI4

  1. What still blows me away is how someone would even know about a storage locker for sale owned by a former associate of the band unless that person let them know, and also how all of these random ass people got ahold of these finished songs in the first place even before the lockers as obviously there’s a lot out there in complete form.  I listened to that SoundCloud thing.  Obviously people have and have heard a lot of finished with vocal material we didn’t know existed until now.  That guy said tons.  The entire thing is strange.  Oh well.  1 record in 26 years.  I’ll be surprised if we hear anything at all in the next 2 years.  I’ll be 40 by the time anything substantial gets released if rumored timelines are accurate.  Weird to think I was 11 when TSI got released. Either way I’ll buy it and I’m sure it will be great.

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    • Haha 1
  2.  Obviously the focus was the majority of the songs that we got in Chinese 1.   As those are old and obviously repeated as a focus. I’m sure there’s plenty more and people have them. Will be here them I doubt it. It is cool to hear what we have and what else may come. I hope the band releases all of this in proper form.  Now if they did a Box set release of Chinese with all these demos with vocals And it was like 60 songs with the remastered version of the album and all the different types of artwork I would probably be more willing to pay $1000 for that then a release of appetite or illusions of songs I’ve already heard a bazillion times

  3. Supposedly if you read across the Internet there are far more songs than we realize that people have in complete lyrical form.  I think several more of those songs from storage have vocals because if you read the listings/pictures some of them show no vox.  But a larger chunk just have song titles and time and then some other random number and date.  I remember some interview somewhere with maybe tommy or someone who said they had an A list and B list and it was something like 60 songs.  Someone elsewhere had stated there was another disc with song “dragon” on it.  That disc is supposedly chuck full of finished songs.  I just hope we are lucky enough to keep hearing stuff like this. I also hope the band releases it (ALL FINISHED TRACKS) in pure form someday one way or another.  I’d buy it all in a heartbeat.  Never know what to believe anymore.  But seems to be some truth to all of it in some way.

  4. one thing I have always wondered (because I am fascinated by the business side of music as much as music itself) is I wonder if part of the problem with the releases has been song writing credits/rights.  I have always been curious what the "nuguns" contracts looked like.  Meaning, I wonder if they had to sign a waiver saying the songs written over time would be owned by band name and label/axl or if they would still get some sort of royalty and writing credit for their part.  So say for example The General gets released and was primarily written by tommy, josh, axl, bucket, robyn, pittman and it goes to 1 and makes a substantial amount of dollars.  Yet slash records over Robyn's lead, duff records a new baseline, Frank replaces drums etc, however the song more-less remains the same.  I wonder if those old members have any legal recourse or option of royalty being a writer of the song.

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  5. I try and look at things in life from an objective/subjective approach.  Hard to take shots at TB.  They could be genuinely nice people and just have a position within the band to help in some form obviously.  I am aware of their actual positions, but it obviously goes deeper.  I look at it from perspective of, TB and others we think might probably don't have the control many/we think.  Ultimately the band, their attorney's, their publicists, their label, marketing, and conglomerates that own the labels, and who knows who else have control.  I think we didn't hear this stuff all of these years because as Axl once said "how do you take something that was once so big and re-create with an entirely new group of people." It's a big risk when you are the sole survivor regardless of who is at fault, you add in a label and several managers who envision things certain ways that they would like things to be and it becomes a clusterfuck.  We all agree we love the band pretty much in all forms.  I defended the band to friends all of the time since I was 13 years old that "CD" was coming, over and over, buying metal edge and reading the metal wire, spin, rolling stone magazine just to catch a glimpse of news.  We went from hearing all about the band was doing in the early 90's to absolutely nothing.  That is what sucks.  That is the slap in the face to me.    They don't have to do individual interviews if they don't want to.  I could understand them not wanting to do that much so words aren't twisted.  What would be best is have a random fan or person from here even ask them the hard questions about releasing new/old music.  Or they could do a youtube livestream of only axl/slash/duff having that discussion with nobody interview them.  Just them and the world.  They would be in control.  Bottom line they technically don't have to do anything and they will still make millions.  They could re-release all of these leaks in complete polished form and we would all buy them as we all did with Chinese.  They do owe it to their fans to give more explanations and more information regarding such things.  The mystique is old an annoying.  Fans make anyone in a media spotlight.  I've played music for years myself and had mediocre success throughout my own life and some of those people still follow my music to this day, albeit very few. This band doesn't have to worry about.  I understand the artistic integrity portion whole-heartedly too, but there comes a point where you have to let go or time passes you buy and we all end up forgotten or a was or has been.

  6. this is not a request.  More a statement.  But I am intrigued about Oklahoma as that was listed on the locker cds. I've always wondered about that song for years as the story was he was in court and the OKC bombing happened.  I was 12-13 years old at that time in 1995.  To think that song is potentially that old. I would presume most of those on the CDs have vocals unless noted,,, as some of the pictures reflect "no vox"


    • GNFNR 1
  7. I did around 1995 when I dove into Faith No More King For A Day album.  I was so bummed nothing was happening with GNR as a 13 year old kid during that year that Faith No More became my new favorite band.  They kind of have remained that way next to a band called Virgos Merlot.  I always kept tabs on GNR though.  Illusions made me want to play guitar and write music and inspired me to do so.  Still my top 2 favorite albums.

  8. A few things I have always wondered about CD/CDII or whatever we want to call them/it.  May not be our business, and we will likely never know but,


    Why after all of these years has nobody else talked about songs that werent on CD within more interviews.  That many band members come and gone and nothing, but vague answers, or "I forgots."  I am also surprised that there has not been more leaked in that regard if there truly are so many songs.  Right or wrong, it just happens.  Im sure all 300+(sarcasm) members of GNR over the last 25 years post Illusions has copies of this stuff in one form or another.  Im not dropping hints it should be shared or anything, just kind of surprised given the summit of the borderline over the last 20 years with the internet.


    This brings up a second point.  I am fascinated with the business aspect of the music business as ridiculous as it can be.  I know some about it being a semi-professional musician myself over 18 years.  My question would be in regards to rights, and royalties of new songs recorded post GNR.  I am curious if everyone post-illusions signed rights and waivers that they dont get legal rights to music sold if they leave.  Like, does Axl truly own it all because he owns rights under the name?  Did they sign things that they cannot show people the music, and or talk about it if they leave the band? 


    This is what worries me of we may never see this music.  I was super stoked seeing duff and slash come back.  I would be all for them revamping chinese era stuff and using some of it or all of it.  It seems like Axl would be open to starting from scratch too.  I am only speculating that as it seems they are all getting along so well.  Granted, seems like trying to make any sort of albums is what ripped this band apart a few times going back into the 80s.  Super fascinating to me.  It seems like everyone would be a lot more open to "stylistic" changes at this point.  Everything has done.  There has been everything from emo/numetal/core/postcore and i could go on since illusions era ended.  All members have added hiphop and a variety of things in their solo work.  Seems like the growth there could create something incredible.  Id love to hear any or all of the songs listed and new ones from scratch.  I think if CD was truly finished in late 99 early 2k, if it had been released it could have been revolutionary.  Sad that the label and managers at the time had to screw the band around like that.  Ive never felt like blaming solely axl for it.  I know he has the largest stake in the heart of it all, but it takes a lot to move a machine or business in general.  Especially when trying to maintain success and not tarnishing what people favor as so great and or beautiful.


    Im just curious as to why more reporters havent brought this up with Axl or others over the years and more in depth.  I may just be a nerd for that side of it though.  They may have and were told they couldnt answer for the usual "legal" issues or not to upset people.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Again, it's been explained previously several times that these videos weren't being allowed because UMG "turned their heads before". They were allowed because UMG was making money off of these videos. 

    And again, the videos being taken down isn't even the point of the whole situation now. The situation now is that the videos were taken down by people who had no right to do so and they were able to get it done by falsly claming to work for Team Brazil and Guns N' Roses. In addition, now we're to the point where they made very real threats to family members of other GN'R fans.


    I agree with RussTCB.


    Those people making threats and taking things down that made the band money are the pathetic sides of life.  The should realize that you can't play God without creating and ending up in hell.  If they are being threatening towards people they should remember everything is traceable nowadays and it is a stupid decision to threaten someone in any form.  Especially when it is because they didnt get their own way.  There is enough garbage and chaos in the world.  No reason to create more.  Seems like a pathetic operation to me, that they see fit to go about things like this with something that everyone is supposed to love.  Makes me kind of not want to be involved with the band I've loved since I was a 9 year old kid in 1991 hearing them on the radio and wondering who played that guitar solo which ended up being slash in november rain.

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  10. I’ve tried for years to look at it all from an artistic integrity standpoint, and wondered if it really was the label.  Labels are a business.  Labels want $ so why would they sit on material for so long, something that would no matter what generate revenue regardless of which hatted guitarist is or isn’t involved.  More recently I’ve wondered if it was a respect thing for returning/new members of the band to listen to the songs, add there own parts, write new songs etc. Which that would be cool, but they should get all members in a room and do a 1 hour interview and say this is what we are and aren’t doing.  These are our plans.  Unless they are afraid to really climb the elephant in the room that ripped up the band the last time.

    I would assume at this point in life there wouldn’t be a clash of “genre” and who wants what in an album as there has been contradiction on both sides.  But they’re human beings.  We are all fickle, but it would be nice to have a bone thrown.  Or, a break down lengthy interview of what happened since 2008 when CD was released.  You’d think such a large name in music would have a better marketing approach as pointed out in the podcast.  It baffles me why the album didn’t see the supposed tour edition with original artwork.  They could’ve done a limited run and increased price to feel out sales.  Just all seems shady to me,,but I guess that’s business.  I’ve been involved myself in music since 1999 in and out of bands and released some independent albums and did some showcases.  I saw even being contracted with an entertainment firm had weird string and shady schemes involved.

    General would be cool

    Atlas would be cool

    Anythjng new and not regurgitated would be cool.  Only thing I enjoyed about the $200 deluxe edition I bought was pictures, and finally having decent mixes and versions of those old songs.

    Chinese Turns 10 this year.  I’d pay 1k for all the unreleased Chinese stuff in an expanded edition including demos remixes and all unreleased supposed 3 albums of material. Don’t want pictures just the timelessness that guns has brought since I was a kid.  The music.

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  11. 8 hours ago, chandler72 said:

    I have been questioning the motives of some of the folks on the "truthful" forum for sometime now.  Thanks for the interview Brando. It really sheds some light on some of my suspicions.

    Yeah the fact that over there with such truth or what’s supposed to be truth you can’t even discuss what’s leaked, or unreleased songs is just pretentious, ridiculousness.  Even with no bad intent.  It’s stupid.

  12. Killer podcast.  I’m new here, but not new to reading the forums since 1995/6ish.  Been a member of another supposed “truthful” forum but after listening have left that forum as I started seeing/hearing names mentioned negatively pop-up.  I haven’t heard an 1/8th of this stuff, aside from silkworms which I found a few days ago and was able to stream.  Very cool.  Hope this all sees the light of day.  I know Axl said he wasn’t sure about writing a book and doing things justice with truths and whatnot etc in his interview not too long ago. I think it would rule if he just wrote a book on the CD period about the sessions, his life, thoughts and that period of time.  I still love going back and reading those Chinese whispers.

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