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Posts posted by alf@melmac

  1. 8 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, although the result is the same), the things that the hardcore fans want and care about the most (new music, release of concerts, setlist, Axl's voice, Izzy and whatever else) are not up to Fernando and the band definitely doesn't wait for him to come up with ideas about any of these. 

    In regards to some of the comments on reddit, although I understand people's need to vent, I think it's not very consistent to point out Fernando's arrogance or that he conducts himself like he is the band etc., and at the same time to expect him to do all the above as if it was his call and blame him because they aren't happening.

    Now, the video takedowns and the communication with the fans are among the things that are up to him/he is responsible for, and I think this is where the focus should be in the interactions with him. 

    Thank you for bringing some grey into the black and white - honestly!

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  2. 2 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

    Right.  I think that maybe it may seem that way to some since these forums are really the only place we can congregate in large as GNR fans and discuss GNR so in-depth, including the things about the band that makes us scratch our heads

    I think the source of frustration isn't necessarily even if there is or isn't going to be a new album, but rather GNR throwing hints and carrots at GNR fans with absolutely no follow through over the years. 

    We have only gotten 1 album since 1993 from GNR, yet every single year there are comments and vague Instagram posts, and odd random Fernando comments, etc. At this point GNR fans should be collectively rolling there eyes at them considering how little those comments seem to actually lead to anything - and it has been that way since like 1998


  3. 21 hours ago, Towelie said:

    I understand this from a casual fan, but anyone who considers themselves a hardcore fan must be glutten for punishment to not want new music from these guys. How many times do you want to go and see the same songs played the same way, year in, year out? 

    In the words of Prince "heavy rotation never made my world go round."


    The question is not who wants to hear new music - its quite clear most of us (including myself) want to hear new music from this lineup. The question is how to survive until day X is comming (if ever): feeling frustrated? feeling fine? feeling betrayed? beeing curious? Not all hardcore fans are frustrated, some are just curious ...

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, RussTCB said:

    LOL, Axel....

    Also....heres why you're having a hard time on this forum: we've all been you. For years. For decades. We've all given Axl, GN'R and everyone associated with them a chance. They never stop disappointing us though and they certainly never stop shitting on their loyal fan base. 

    You might speek for a majority but not for ALL. Still there are fans seeing the gray between black and white - and thats not a matter of time following a band or forum ...

  5. 54 minutes ago, Basic_GnR_Fan said:

    Hey someone else remembers this! I think it was on a Stern interview where Duff was with the other guys from the Neurotic Outsiders but I can't find the clip online.

    Havent found that but another interview with Duff in 96 (Hard Rock France). He was talking about rehearsing with Guns and kickboxing and Benny the Jet (very similar to the titel on the alt setlist)

    HR: Does it mean that the Duff McKagan of 1996 is clean?

    Duff: Yes. I do kickboxing every day. It's popular in France, uh?

    HR: Uh… yes.

    Duff: Do you know Benny The Jet?

    HR: No

    Duff: He was a world champion during 20 years! He's my teacher!


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  6. The whole story is getting freaky:

    There is a man who worked (how many ?) years for the band and left some disks in a locker - well knowing the magnitude of the stuff inside ???

    However the disks have seen  daylight again and find their way to some hardcore fans leaking song for song - without any reaction of TB, the band nor any media ???

    Hardschool appears on the alt setlist - just by accident???

    Come on!

    At least someone of the inner or outer circel of the band reads the stuff on these pages...

    Whats next ?




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  7. 12 minutes ago, username said:

    This. I refuse to believe that literally every band can just make this happen except GnR. Especially considering how tons of bands from GnR's generation and older are opening the vaults with special editions, box sets, digital releases and what not. 

    Do you really think the fanbase will be satisfied  when he opens the vault? 

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