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Mac daddy ax

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Posts posted by Mac daddy ax

  1. 1 minute ago, RussTCB said:

    LOL.... No. 

    We've always maintained the same stance on members: 

    If you can follow the rules of the site, you're welcome here. If you can't follow the rules of the site, you're not welcome here. 

    If someone can't follow the rules of the site and they get banned then they show back up with an alt account and we can prove it's the same person, we ban them again. 

    There's a world of difference between that and a member of GNR management needing a new account because they can't access their old one for some reason. 

    That's why I assumed your original question was a joke. Seems pretty easy to understand the difference, but apparently I had to spell it out. 

    ok I get it

  2. 7 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Fernando has a couple of accounts on here that are confirmed. My guess is that he forgot some PWs along the line or something as he's been active on some accounts and not others. 

    Then we have actual users who's real names are Fernando and they're not trying to impersonate anyone, they were just unlucky in having the same name lol. 

    I can confirm that the account you linked to is confirmed as one of the accounts Fernando signed up with though. 

    I totally agree that pretty much anyone could have started that reddit account. That's why it should have been as easy as Fernando saying "that's not me", then this whole issue could have been put to bed. 

    I thought alt acounts weren't allowed?


  3. 9 minutes ago, Gibsonfender2323 said:

    Jesus christ. Like seriosuly can we stop with Axl  fat comments or have a different thread for all of them FFS

    nah its a talking point about the show he has his own opinions of what axl looks like at this show and anybody else has an opinion and you cant tell them to not speak their own opinion because axl is obese

    1 minute ago, LandOla said:

    Heard from a reliable source, Dead horse AND Hard school will be played. You also might witness an ex drummer to hit the stage...

    bullshit bullshit bullshit

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