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Posts posted by Budweiser

  1. I imagine it'll be within the 500-800$ range -- What sort of specs should I be looking for? it's been a while since I've really given much of a shit about most recent hardware and shit.

    Should I wait until Windows 7 is released?

    Good Graphics card 512 or 1 GB

    Ram at least 2 GB (fast)

    Fast CPU Processor

    I would also look into the rotation speed and access times (cache) of the hard drive

    Might be wise to wait until windows 7 is released if you want to use a Microsoft product

    probably best to spend $800 (to get better specs) and shop around for the best deals

    Yes, I will most likely be using a bunch of Microsoft products, and from what I hear Windows 7 is supposed to be the nuts.

    What do you recommend as fast CPU processor?

    And what can you tell me about this "rotation speed"?


  2. i know this probably is in the wrong forum, but i dont know where to post it. is there any bass on this i love? my band are playing it, and i need the bass tabs (if there are any)

    Yup. There is. I can't tab it out. But I'll sing it. Follow along:

    Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dummmmm. Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum

  3. The book I'm currently reading:


    Just picked it up the other day and I'm almost finished. It's a real easy read. Michael Smerconish is a conservaitve talk radio host here in Philly and he is now nationally known for endorsing Barack Obama during the later part of the presidential election. He's a very articulate and logical man and has no qualms about the fact that he is a suburbanite. Highly recommended if you want to step into the mind of a reasonable moderate conservative.

    Since you're obviously confused about what a "Conservative" is...Go read Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.

    It's been the #1 book in the nation for the 4 weeks it's been out.

    I can't fucking stand him. And please don't give me that "confused about conservatism" bullshit.

    And, for the record, I considered picking up that book - But I fear that I wouldn't be able to read it without hearing that godawful voice of his in my head.

    Plus, I've read too many of those conservative manifesto type books. They're all the same just a different style of writing. And knowing Levin, I'm sure I could just guess what would be on each page.

    Like I said, you're confused.

    If you can't stand Levin (the substance of what he says), you're probably what I would refer to as a RINO.

    Um. When did I say I can't stand the substance of what he says? His substance is UNORIGINAL. His demeanor is annoying. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Frankly, I find him rude. I find him intolerant - Not in his ideology, but the way he treats the people he differs with. Why should I respect anyone and what they think if they don't have the decency to at least respect a person who hold opposing views? It's not even that he attacks opposing ideologies, he attacks the PERSON who carries them because they have the views that oppose his. It's childish.

    So if my lack of interest to invest my time and money on his redundant work makes me a RINO in your eyes, I suppose I'll live. :rolleyes:

    And frankly, your quickness to label me a "RINO" because I don't kiss the ass of the ideologues like Levin and others (Hannity, Limbaugh, to name a few) is exactly what's wrong with my "my" party, IMO.

  4. The book I'm currently reading:


    Just picked it up the other day and I'm almost finished. It's a real easy read. Michael Smerconish is a conservaitve talk radio host here in Philly and he is now nationally known for endorsing Barack Obama during the later part of the presidential election. He's a very articulate and logical man and has no qualms about the fact that he is a suburbanite. Highly recommended if you want to step into the mind of a reasonable moderate conservative.

    Since you're obviously confused about what a "Conservative" is...Go read Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.

    It's been the #1 book in the nation for the 4 weeks it's been out.

    I can't fucking stand him. And please don't give me that "confused about conservatism" bullshit.

    And, for the record, I considered picking up that book - But I fear that I wouldn't be able to read it without hearing that godawful voice of his in my head.

    Plus, I've read too many of those conservative manifesto type books. They're all the same just a different style of writing. And knowing Levin, I'm sure I could just guess what would be on each page.

  5. Yea I was there as well. I spent a month traveling the country doing research on their educational system. Spent a week in Lima, a week in Iquitos (spent a few nights in the jungle since Iquitos sits right on the Amazon river), another week in Chiclayo and the surrounding area, and finally a week in Cusco and much of the Valle Sagrado. And it was alllll payed for by the US Government! Thanks Mr. Fulbright! :P

    Now back on topic!

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