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Posts posted by love&hates

  1. I like some songs.

    But i can't stand the fact that all the music that they do is totally comercial , i mean they have the pure intention of selling as much they can, i know that is normal, but they should worry about make good music and that showed what they are.

    In this way the remind me a pop star

    They are always adapting to what the public wants.

    In my opinion sometimes Bon Jovi don't seem to have a personality.

  2. In my opinion, it's a weak song. In fact, that band is awful and overrated. I hate the singer's voice. Hopefully, their next album will flop and no one will ever remember they even existed.

    Urmmm they are no longer together! :blink:

    :lol: of course they are

  3. i love the song , i was always looking for the song on the radio, as a big meaning to me. Amy lee voice is amasing , and she know how to perform , a true artist in my opnion , but i think that their cd , is kind of boring because their songs talk about the same, despair , desillusion with life. But have a message , and a good sound

  4. well , my familly would never put a song on my funeral , they are tradicional, so they would only cry , and cry , and cry, and scream. oh i'm seing the scene the coufin is being buried , all people are crying and someone , says:why? why?take me with you !

    you know all histerism , usual in a funeral, well i guess that Dont cry alt. would be a cool soundtrack for all the scene

  5. that's a hard question, because i love almost all gnr songs. i don't know what to chose. i guess welcome to the jungle it's obligatory, because is a pure hard rock song, the public will go wild. well you say one song but i will say another one that's possible rocket queen , that song makes me go completely wild, it's one of my favourites. But is hard tosay, i guess that in each concert of my band i would change of song every day

  6. I tried to listen their last album yesterday..what a CRAP!!

    They're the same shit that Yellowcard is..punk pop with shit lyrics.

    I really miss Axl nowadays when I see this shit band on the television.

    when i heard band like good charlote i feel just like you, i miss Axl so much. why he doesn't realise we need him.we want him back

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