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Posts posted by bax

  1. Blue train is a good one to start with.

    That's a good one, but as far as early stuff try out My Favorite Things and Giant Steps as well. If you want to hear a good live album try Live at the Village Vanguard. Keep in mind though that you definitely do want to start with this earlier stuff, because his material gets progressively more challenging and perhaps difficult to listen to-particularly something like Stellar Regions.

  2. Good thread topic. With Let it Be, they were attempting to get back to a more straightforward sound without so much production. They hated all the strings and shit that Spector tacked on without their input, so I imagine they would've done something like that, but they would probably create some mind-bending progressive material after that. It's a shame we'll never know.

  3. Fuck Mastodon. Theyre pussies. Why would you try to mess with SOAD? They were probably loaded up on PCP or something.

    I would not fuck with SOAD. Those guys look like they could really flip out and give someone a beatdown.

  4. Gish and Siamese Dream are great albums, but after that I can't listen to anything beyond a song here and there. I'm glad I got to see them in their prime(93).

    They recently became a trade-friendly band, so if anyone's interested let me know and I'll be glad to send you some links to good shows.

  5. This is huge. Everyone should at least contribute something for the download though-the more money this cd makes, the more likely other bands will release albums this way in the future. Fuck the labels.

  6. I love this section-I really do. I've gotten turned on to a lot of bands I never would've been open to before because of threads here. It bugs me though when I see polls/topics trying to objectively judge one band/artist as better or worse than another. How can anyone be objective about this? Everyone has their likes and dislikes and they are not going to be judged on the same criteria by all members. I know it's fun to debate with people, but it just seems pointless in a way to me. Am I the only one who sees it this way?

  7. And I think "Unplugged" came out a few months before Kurt died and was very popular.

    Not only was it popular, but it was one of the best televised performances ever, if Kurts popularity wanned his talent certainly did not.

    Very true.

  8. I just got their self-titled album and it is incredible. The interplay between Clapton and Winwood is amazing. The last song Do What You Like contains one of the best bass solos I've ever heard, and of course stellar playing from Ginger Baker.

  9. Been listening to a few of the tracks on youtube, and I kinda dig 'em. I'm not a big metal-head at all, but I think I'll check this album out.

    It's a killer record dude, you may like it.

    I will be picking up Revolver magazing soon, thanks for the heads up damagedgoods.

    I'm not big on metal either, but I love this album.

  10. It's a fucking killer album, start to finish.

    Favorite tunes right now are:

    Three Suns And One Star

    I Scream

    On March The Saints

    Never Try


    Nothing In Return (Walk Away)

    Solid start to finish.

    Absolutely. Rolling Stones says it'sthe best hard rock album of the year so far, and I definitely agree.

  11. They are terrible IMO. If you're a fan of their earlier stuff I can't imagine you would like them, because they sound like a pathetic attempt to cater to what was going on in the mainstream at the time. If you like generic, derivative "modern rock" like Creed or Nickleback you might like them though.

    So it`s impossible to like more than one genre/music style?

    It`s good that some bands try to evolve a bit and especially Load is underrated. Some fillers here to, but also some really good songs

    I never said that. If you knew me you would know that my taste in music is very eclectic-I can listen to Slayer then throw in Miles Davis for God's sake. I do like some straight-up rock, I just think that those albums are poor. No one has to agree with me. I think it's good for bands to experiment, but there's a difference between that and selling out. Radiohead, The Beatles, Wilco and many more bands have consistently evolved with each album for, but they never wrote material that sounded like everything that was popular at the time.


    Name ten albums that came out in `96 and sounded like "Load"?

    off the top of my head I can't name 10 albums released in 96, much less that I bought or even heard. That doesn't prove that Load is a good album. Likes and dislikes aren't objective things-they can't be debated like tax cuts or something. You like what you like, I like what I like. The only so-called experts on the subject-music critics-pretty much all hated the album though. I don't tend to agree that crititcs know any more than the average listener , so I won't hold that one over your head.

  12. They are terrible IMO. If you're a fan of their earlier stuff I can't imagine you would like them, because they sound like a pathetic attempt to cater to what was going on in the mainstream at the time. If you like generic, derivative "modern rock" like Creed or Nickleback you might like them though.

    So it`s impossible to like more than one genre/music style?

    It`s good that some bands try to evolve a bit and especially Load is underrated. Some fillers here to, but also some really good songs

    I never said that. If you knew me you would know that my taste in music is very eclectic-I can listen to Slayer then throw in Miles Davis for God's sake. I do like some straight-up rock, I just think that those albums are poor. No one has to agree with me. I think it's good for bands to experiment, but there's a difference between that and selling out. Radiohead, The Beatles, Wilco and many more bands have consistently evolved with each album for, but they never wrote material that sounded like everything that was popular at the time.

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