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Posts posted by johnyd473

  1. hahahhaha look at that old man tryin' to look hot in jeans.

    who dustin hoffman or that director?

    the guy who has a lot of skin beneath his chin

    gotta be more specific



    wow, photo evidence lol

    Correct me if im wrong,Thats not Axl?

  2. Oh..and finally i'm agree with the Academy,

    Reese won for best actress rock4

    I loved her performance in Walk the line..!!

    I loved her "Performances" too.

    she was only good in Mean Girls. She was hot :heart:


    Was that the movie where she flashed her tits out of the car window?

  3. the guy said axl. his son!!!!

    Chinese Democracy Starts Now!!!!!

    It's the name of Travolta's Son!

    what does travoltas son have to do with CHIDEM?


    I think John Travolta named his son Chinese Democracy,But hey isnt that name already taken?

    Who would bone Reese Witherspoon,I would...Hard!

    EDIT:Shes fuckin cryin now.

  4. John Travolta's on now,Anyone like his new Hair Transplant.

    at least is better than axl's

    John Travolta's on now,Anyone like his new Hair Transplant.

    at least is better than axl's


    Thats weird,Jamie Foxx is on now,Hes also had a Hair Transplant,Check the new hairline out.

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