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Posts posted by Illusion1987

  1. On 5/14/2024 at 1:51 AM, tboneman said:

    Francis Ford Coppola is finally going to release his Megalopolis passion project that he started in 1983. So I guess there's hope for everything 😄

    Wow, FFC's journey to make Megalopolis seems to be eerily similar to the journey WAR used to make Chinese Democracy. 

    Read this article 



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  2. 6 hours ago, JimiRose said:

    Lol he did that in like 1982 :facepalm: what's that gotta do with now? this has to be one of the silliest points ever made :lol: 

    You can be one thing in one decade, and a completely different thing in another. When i was 20 i could run 10 miles in an hour. I'm now in my 30s and it'd probably take me 2 hours! No relevance. 

    Please share what you created that was among the top in your industry?

  3. I wouldn't call someone who hitchhikers from Indiana,  to Los Angeles for the sole purpose of being a Rock Star "Lazy".

    He already had created  'November Rain' and many other songs when he got off the bus.

    Somewhere along the way he reached his breaking point.  The pain vs reward threshold for working on, and releasing new music becane diminishing returns,  in his mind,  especially since his body could no longer keep up with the music,  physically  

    It was far less painful to struggle through the songs that made you "Great" then to dig deep down to try to create something, at the level,  and especially with reduced vocal talent and drive to do so.

    So...we end up with the stalemate we've had since 2008.




  4. 5 hours ago, AxlRQ93 said:

    think it means to work at something until you achieve the desired goal & it was directed at slash. It goes in line w Axl’s later comments saying slash didn’t wanna “work that hard” hes basically saying that thx to slash being lazy and unwilling to work here we are

    That is ironic since Axl has Essentially been called some round about form of "lazy " by almost everyone he's worked with and ESPECIALLY during the Chinese Democracy sessions.

    How many times have we heard the following:

    We rarely saw Axl.

    I have no clue if he actually wrote lyrics or recorded vocals for the songs that were basically complete, musically?

    And then there were the numerous band members,  who presented song ideas to Axl, only to have him respond 'I have no interest in putting effort Into this"

    Plus, the 4 new singles are far from polished woekd

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  5. Josh was the glue piece behind Chinese Democracy.


    Listen to Poe's Haunted which Josh appeared on.

    His signature sound/ arrangement is on both albums which is why I always considered those book end  twin albums.  No coincidence the bulk of both albums were created at the same time- late 90s/early 2000s.

    He is a musical genius!




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  6. 56 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    Most useless "News" section in the history of the internet ???

    Yep! The world throws out a single breadcrumb about something/anything that could possibly be GNR related, on a very minor scale, and this site creates 500 pages to discuss.

    Remember the Spotify "algorithms" and the album that HAD to be right around the corner ?

    Now, we have an Axl Rose poorly constructed website, that could be real...or fake, and we are thinking its a lead to a solo album or an autobiography!



    • Haha 1
  7. 10 hours ago, CAFC Nick said:

    Wonder if the release of ‘The General’ was closure for a lot of people? Certainly felt that way for me, especially with the ‘Monsters’ leak, feels like this part of my life has got that closure. Anything from here on out is a bonus but I no longer have any expectations or clamour.

    I think we all realize that, wirh these 4 singles, Guns N Roses is officially dead as a band that purs out quality music.  2 of the 4 songs are embarrassingly bad.


    Also, the band has been ruinited since 2016- 8 YEARS and there isn't even a hint of the reunited group creating a single song.

    Put a fork in them...they are DONE!

    Those 4 songs was their funeral procrssion


  8. The current Older Axl is scared shitless of EVERYTHING but especially about putting out music. He has no presence...no confidence...no swagger...no creativity 

    The Younger Axl didn't give a Fuck...he was hell bent on being the best Frontman he could be, despite his psychological struggles, and NOTHING was going to stand in his way.

    Today's version is a neutered beta shell of the creative alpha genius we once knew that revolutionized Rock N' Roll

    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 hours ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    I think you're all kidding yourselves contemplating single release vs album release ... It's sooooooo so obvious that what they're doing is drip feeding us songs to add excitement to each new tour lol this has nothing to do with artistic / creative integrity 

    Funny...because it actually having the opposite effect. I lose more confidence in them with each craptastic release. 


    Absurd  ....The General...95% of us here, with.no musical background  + 20 years and millions of dollars to burn on effects/musicians/ studio time can come up with something way better than those turds 

    The drip feed isn't building excitement....they are the slow steps on their funeral march.

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  10. This band is musically impotent. 

    They've been reunited since 2016...2016...8 years! And we don't even have even a rumor of a single post reunion song that they have put together.

    Meanwhile, Slash and Duff churn out whole albums on the side and Captain Axl tinkers with leftover throwaway songs that range from Godawful (the General, Absurd) to mediocre (hard skool, perhaps) but far from the GNR standard, even CDs level.


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  11. Rank your list, from best to worst, of the 18 Chinese Democracy era songs.

    I'll start.

    1. Better

    2. Prostitute

    3. There Was A Time

    4. Street of Dreams

    5. Sorry

    6. Madagascar 

    7. This I Love

    8. Shackler's Revenge

    9. Perhaps 

    10. If The World

    11. Catcher in the Rye

    12. IRS

    13. Chinese Democracy

    14.  Hard Skool

    15. Scraped 

    16. Absurd

    17. Riad and the Bedouins

    18. The General


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  12. 75% of CD is really strong and I listen to those songs all the time.

    Of the 4 CD Leftovers, I rank them in this order:


    Hard Skool


    The General

    ..and I think Absurd is a horrible track but compared to The General, it might as well be November Rain.

    The General is that unlistenable. It literally hurts my ears to listen to that pile of crap.

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