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Posts posted by Moop

  1. I've never been a big fan of Monday, but lately, it's gotten a hell of alot better. Has anyone else noticed that EVERY Monday for the last five weeks, and eight out of the last ten, we have had some kind of news? Not just stupid rumors and bullshit either! Whether it's leaks, concert dates, pictures, or other reports, Monday's now kick ass!

    I don't know about you guys, but I fully expect something tomorrow to keep the streak alive! So stick close to MYGNR forum tomorrow! I know I don't wanna miss it.....

    .....Of course, I am a blind optimist! Peace!

    Thanks for jinxing it.

  2. Damn...Axl isn't in the running for having the best week ever :P

    Yeah, he should've really been in the running. I mean, he's been getting alot more publicity recently, one of his demos made it to an international chart and he's announcing his appearance at festivals. Who the hell has done better this week?

  3. Based on the current events, it looks very possible that these two albums are going to be released around the same time.

    Subsequent touring could see some overlap on festivals or shows. Do you think axl would make a concious effort to avoid VR?

    What the hell makes you so sure that CD will be released anytime soon? Libertad is gonna be months upon months ahead of CD.

  4. It's Probably:



    The Blues



    Rhiad And The Bedouins


    Chinese Democracy

    Oh My God



    Moderators at a Deep Purple forum probably don't know that much about what's going on with GN'R lately. So, they probably thought they were actually leaked songs.

  5. Nine leaked songs? Or was it 3 leaked songs and 6 live performances?

    here is what the guy said:

    Re: Guns N Roses 9 songs from New Album

    I really don't think this should be posted.Great stuff(I've heard most of the new album)but it is copyrighted

    It's probably just the three new leaked songs (IRS, TWAT, Better) and the 6 older live songs (Oh My God, Rhiad, CD, The Blues, Madagascar and Silkworms).

  6. Doubt it's the official logo. Surely Merck would've mentioned if he released the newest GN'R logo to the press?

    Anyway, I've seen two versions of this, there was one on the NovaRock site, which I didn't like since it looked like a crappy photoshop job. But this one looks alot more professional and alot more smoother. Lets hope this'll be the new Guns logo.

  7. Well, we've heard The Blues, IRS, Madagascar, CD, TWAT and Better. That's six songs, so I'd say we're close to hearing half of the album, IF all of these songs are even on it. We have no idea what Axl will do with the album. Hell, he might not have any of these songs on the album for all we know.

    You missed Rhiad and maybe OMG.

    Oh My God won't be on the album. And Rhiad was never confirmed, was it?

  8. Well, we've heard The Blues, IRS, Madagascar, CD, TWAT and Better. That's six songs, so I'd say we're close to hearing half of the album, IF all of these songs are even on it. We have no idea what Axl will do with the album. Hell, he might not have any of these songs on the album for all we know.

  9. What's with the family-friendly lyrics?

    These two songs, in particular, would be a lot more convincing if they had some vulgar and explicit language. At least a little. I'm not looking for another AFD but just some damn conviction in the lyrics and some damn attitude in songs like these. I love songs like The Blues, Madagascar, NR, Patience etc. but songs like Better and IRS, I think, would benefit from a couple fuckyous, bitches and mofos etc.

    What do ya'll think?


    Unlike Eminem, GN'R doesn't need to swear in every single song to gain attention. ;)

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