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Posts posted by Silence

  1. 13 hours ago, DeNfr said:

    I thought she was a bit of a crazy gold digger, but if Elon Musk the king of fake news and spreader of conspiracy theories said it I have to reevaluate my judgment

    It was the auto biographer. The same guy who did Davicinis and Einsteins auto biographer. I thought it worth noting with the strange twist of the thread.

  2. 29 minutes ago, jekylhyde said:

    I think both Heard and Depp were just bad, bad match for each other and it evolved into a mutually-abusive relationship. Bring alcohol and drugs into the mix and voilà!

    I feel neither of them is innocent and neither of them is guilty. Some people just shouldn't be together.

    There is a whole chapter on her in the new Elon Musk autobiography. Many accounts that were verified she is not sound of mind.

  3. 9 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Why cannot Amber Heard be a bitch and Depp an abuser? We do we have to simplify human relations into the binary of "good" and "evil"? Humans aren't like that. And why do we insist that a victim of abuse should be sympathetic and an abuser to be unsympathetic? By failure to accept the complexities of human nature we are forever doomed to be wrong. 

    Bitch and Psycho deserve a distinction. 

    • GNFNR 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    The whole story with the hoarders is one of the things that this fanbase has mythologized. They've been made out to be these villains who have everything the rest of the fans don't have and won't share with them.

    Of course there were and are hoarders, as history has shown. But the fact that some people happened to have or managed to obtain songs doesn't mean that every unreleased song is hoarded.

    I think this is most certainly true. Additionally, the hoarder phrase appears to be attached to the CD era as well. I know a GNR audio guy and that community really gets off on having unheard shit. Like its their thing in a stupid way, but none of those guys had CD songs. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, gnfnr2k said:


    If you don't like how blunt I am then get over it. This is just how I am,  I dont have time to treat people like you with kid gloves. What are you 12 or something?

    What you are saying is objectively wrong. It's just funny with everything that has happened with leaks and this band that you still think there is still not more out there. You really must be new to all of this.  

    And yes the general has been the most talked about song, just like a bunch of other songs that were never teased.  And guess what, we only have the slash version of the general, the BH and Finck version is still out there just like the BH and Robin version of Monsters. Just like a ton of other songs that we have titles for that we have never gotten clips for.

    The BH/Robin version of the general and Monsters will leak out at some point, and other songs will leak out too. Its just them getting into the right hands.  My opinion lies in facts and the history of leaks with this band and all the info out there, about all those other songs being out there being hoarded that Fernando shared with his Brazilan friends.

    And of course when more songs leak out, you will be like oh well that is really the last of them and now there are really no other leaks out there.

    You should also take your own advice with its not an echo chamber thing bc you are the only one who is having a hissy fit with there being more leaks out there. You are delusional if you dont think there are not more leaks out there by hoarders.  



    More unheard leaks with complete vocals?

  6. 1 hour ago, smokingarthur said:

    There must have been an important reason why, I don’t recall the entire situation but I do remember I went to every show and ended up with extra tickets. I think I bought some and got some from my company at the time. At any rate, I don’t know why you would carry a grudge for so many years. If you feel slighted by my behavior back then, I do apologize. 

    I dont hold a grudge at all. I was just surprised you kept the same handle all these years. Im also surprised we are both here. Lol. We must really love GNR. I apologize for the lack of clarity in previous post. I hope all is well.

    • GNFNR 1
  7. 3 hours ago, DeNfr said:

    pneumonia, Jarmo told me.
    Axl told the crowd during the first show of her absence

    Ok. I was reading into it. 

    28 minutes ago, smokingarthur said:

    I think there are patterns of behavior that Fernando has displayed throughout that shows manipulative tendencies. It makes me feel very uncomfortable about the entire TB situation including Beta. Not that they haven’t grown close and built trust over the years, but that their relationship may have been built on manipulation. 

    I will never forget the time you refused to sale me a single Hammerstien ballroom

    ticket because I wouldn’t tell you my CO’s name. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    What makes you think Fernando was the reason they started doing lithos?

    If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t say it. But, regardless, I still have found Fernando to be more or less a decent and fun guy. Ive seen countless examples of his humanity thru the years with fans. Despite the fact I believe Kat, I prefer Nando to Niven all fucking day long. 

  9. 49 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    The lithos are probably from another company that does them. They’re the exact same format that many bands use. He didn’t come up with the idea

    No shit. If you wanna be an obvious dick be my guest. He is the reason GNR does them and he did for the fans. I dont know why expressing some gratitude for that is something you need to shit on. 

    • ABSUЯD 3
  10. 10 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    Well she's owed money for her services. There's no cash grab. Just a "I tried the quiet route, and was rebuffed for several years now I have no choice but to air this dirty laundry". Had he been a smart man, he would have paid her off years ago and hoped she didn't ever talk of his over misconduct. Not paying her is bad, not paying her AND sexually harrassing is a whole other level. Time will tell whether gnr handle this properly or not, but new management would be the best course of action. What else are they not doing professionally?

    And justice in this instance would be financial compensation. She's hardly going to settle for Fernando saying "sorry" with his smarmy attitude. Hit them where it hurts is either jail time (which he won't get) or his wallet, which he almost certainly will have to open.


    He probably isn’t compensated that well. He enjoys the lifestyle and all that it affords. But, I seriously doubt he is a millionaire in the way he can off a woman. 

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