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Paula McKagan

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Status Updates posted by Paula McKagan

  1. blind guardian can suck my ass

  2. jaj nothing..im going to Blind Guardian's gig today, what about you?

  3. but he is gay, thats why i said alexi laiho

  4. buy him a doll of Alexi Laiho

  5. I've told you not to talk to damian! he is gaaay

  6. you spying!!! :o

    ah dammit I told you once to burn your sig! makes my head hurt XDD

  7. i pushed her too!

  8. and btw.. i meant jar heter = me llamo.. but since i used spanglish well (now if i got it wrong again, forget it)

  9. you bet Im spicey

  10. :o I see you spying

    hola..why P.A?

  11. then go play with Cold as ice

  12. mm why intriguing? they're clearly my lips^^ i love that pic

  13. jaja It's cool

    nice pic

  14. I dont know who gave me 3 stars XDD

    thank you! It was a very sweet comment

    and ajaj awesome you agree with me! ;D

  15. now your net is in a coma? bad timing

  16. so you've comment for...him... and never for me? how uncool is that? O_O

  17. LATINAAA, ave maria

    see? she was no slut


  19. but I know in my heart that swede are sluttier

  20. si! sos de aca^^ vas a ver vr y aero? ;D

  21. vos sos de Argentina si mal no recuerdo mmm (?)

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