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Posts posted by aidlook

  1. so this may need to be in the anything goes section, but i thought it pertained a little bit more to people's musical tastes.

    so i was an AM DJ on my campus radio station last semester, and it took me almost all of this one, but i finally got qualified for FM. i have one show before the station shuts down for the end of the semester and it's tonight at 3 AM eastern time (yeah, 3 AM) till 5 so i doubt anyone in the area will be up to actually catch it on the radio, but you can listen in on the website... wfnp.org

    you can call in and request anything you want and i'll try to play it (gotta play half of my show from the rotation, which surprisingly isn't too bad) as long as i have it on my ipod and there's no cursing. the number to call in is...


    if you call in, please don't curse, i'll drop and dump the call and you won't get on the radio or your request played (10 second delay is mighty handy)

    i'm down for playing absolutely anything as long as i have it and you guys call it in.

    next semester i'll have a regularly scheduled show, though i don't know if the time will be any better than 1 AM. but this is the start and with enough listeners hopefully i can make a ruckus at the station.

    why no cursing??

  2. Get An Ac Adapter for it as well

    battery, probably need a battery.

    You'll need one of the two

    Vox Wahs only run batteries,

    But its worth it because they have the best tone.

    Stupid statement...you can't say one tone's better than the other...it's a matter of taste

    The fact that the Vox is the original Wah pedal, and that the Crybaby is an imitation of it.

    Hendrix, Clapton both used the Vox.

    Still doesn't mean anything... It's all subjective...


    It's all a matter of taste,

    and in my opinion it has the best tone.

    It WAS the original Wah pedal though, so really it is the original tone and is what a Wah is meant to sound like (remember the Wah was meant to simulate the sound of a trumpet mute)

    Pedals and Cars are two very diferent things hahahhaa. :P

    well...saying that wah's are meant to sound like the vox...but also saying that the vox's supposed to sound like a trumpet mute kinda contradicts itself imo...Who says they got it right the first time...If wha's are supposed to sound like a trumpet mute maybe someone else got closer... :P

    Anyways.. I like my crybaby 535Q

  3. Ac/Dc - Back In Black

    Queen - A Night At The Opera

    Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon

    Metallica - Master Of Puppets

    The Beatles - The White Album

    Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction (Duh!)

    Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti

    Black Sabbath - Paranoid

    Deep Purple - Machine Head

    Nirvana - Nevermind

    Soundgarden - Super Unknown

    Green Day - Dookie

    Oasis - Whats The Story (Morning Glory)

    I was dissapointed no-one said that on the first page... :P

  4. Get An Ac Adapter for it as well

    battery, probably need a battery.

    You'll need one of the two

    Vox Wahs only run batteries,

    But its worth it because they have the best tone.

    Stupid statement...you can't say one tone's better than the other...it's a matter of taste

    The fact that the Vox is the original Wah pedal, and that the Crybaby is an imitation of it.

    Hendrix, Clapton both used the Vox.

    Still doesn't mean anything... It's all subjective...

  5. Anyhow, when Axl goes off for a rest and the band are doing there solos and shit, does that make that a fuckin cover band???? no one the fuck says that do they? So I say have Seb for cool duets with Axl and for singin extra GnR songs when Axl's restin.

    Bring on britney spears for some duets as well!!!!! that would be excrutiatingly awesome!!!! rock3rock3rock3rock3

    Dumbfuckinass idea, dude. Britney might be one fine beeatch but she couldn't sing GnR for shit, I garantee you that.

    I'm gonna go ahead and guess you're.....12?

  6. Anyhow, when Axl goes off for a rest and the band are doing there solos and shit, does that make that a fuckin cover band???? no one the fuck says that do they? So I say have Seb for cool duets with Axl and for singin extra GnR songs when Axl's restin.

    Bring on britney spears for some duets as well!!!!! that would be excrutiatingly awesome!!!! rock3rock3rock3rock3

    Don't be stupid. this isn't a girl pop group. One Christina song a night is cool, but more would just be gay.

    I understand sarcasm doesn't come through very well when communicating by text.....but dude... WTF??

    Allrightey then....better add Joey Tempest of Europe and Vince Neil and we'll have an awesome Hair-metal tea-party on-stage

  7. The nutters are officialy in control of the nut house :rofl-lol:

    I have heard it all now................ no fuck no!

    Actually, there's been a lot of fuckin support for this to happen on this thread. A lot of people see how kickass this idea could actually be!

    it would be a shit idea.

    now now.... you're just saying that because you're pissed at how you didn't come up with an idea of such divine awesomeness yourself..... :rofl-lol:

  8. Holy Fuck Yeah! rock3 I just can't understand why bands today don't have this type of solos anymore.

    Are you in any band by the way?

    Nope, not in a band at the moment... trying to put something together though...just started going to University about 2 months ago..

    You were channeling Jeff Beck there! Great work! rock4

    Funny thing, I'm ashamed to say I've never actually listened to Jeff Beck....Although my 2 favourite guitarists where inspired by his stuff (Brian May, and Slash)...

    You were channeling Jeff Beck there! Great work! rock4

    Haha yeah, i was tryign to put a name on that style, and yeah i agree. Very Jeff Beck, but hey, Jeff Beck is fucking cool so thats all good.

    Maybe you could keep the quiter, start bit going for longer, have a verse sung over that, then kick into the rocking part for the chorus with a solo after? just an idea.

    Already done....well except for the singing...I think I'll leave that to someone else .. :P

  9. wtf is this thread??

    1. Axl starts his concert early

    2. Pulls of a flawless kickass show with a steady incredible voice and awesome axl-moves.

    3. Parties all night

    4. Gets arrested

    5. Spends some time at the police station and pays his fine

    6. Goes to Norway

    As far as performing goes...it's absolutely perfect...other than that, isn't this the Axl we all came to love`?

  10. posted this in another topic...but someone told me to post it here as well..

    Being only 20 years of age, but a fairly long-time gnr fan, I never had the opportunity to attend a GnR concert with the "old" guys. After seeing numerous bootlegs of the 2002-era, watching a older axl trying to cope with his own material while pulling of something supposingly looking like his old dancemoves. Helium-voiced with no sign of that wonderful rasp, in embarrasing outfits, and backed by miscalleneous freaks. Although I loved some of the new material, nothing was close to the young axl you'd see running around like crazy in the bootlegs that I got my hands on. This made me sad for a long time, I felt I had missed out on the last oppurtunity to see the last real rockstar perform as he once could. After the last fiasko I thought I wouldn't even get to see the shadow of the man he once was. I had never gotten asked if I knew where the fuck I was...I had never gotten to sing that I'm knocking on heavens door among 10's of thousands of people, and I was never brought down to paradise city..

    When it all suddenly happened this spring, and I got my hands on the floortickets to see them live at the globe arena in stockholm, my place of birth, I was in extacy, altough still not too shure it would last all the way to sweden.

    After waiting and waiting, and getting through 2 very boring opening acts (they're not helped by the fact that everyone's anticipating guns n roses), I was finally standing there , just waiting to hear those first echoing notes of welcome to the jungle soon to be followed by what was going to be an indication of the quality of the entire concert -Axl Rose's voice.

    They're sheduled to start at 10...Myself I'm expecting to wait at least an hour extra...hey it's a long way to sweden... But then it goes dark...WTF???they're EARLY?? and the guitar starts...and my eyes have just adjusted to the darkness so I can make out Axl fucking rose standing there right in front of me...I can see him standing there in the dark....with my own eyes...

    And there it is -"Do you know where the fuck you are????" cutting through the noise of 13 000 people as high and good as ever.... The following 2 and a half hours is just pure magic. I cannot see the slightest resemblence to what I've seen from the earlier fiasko with axl's new line-up. It's really axl, in a great mood, laughing and jokin, pulling of the highest notes effortlessly, at 40+ making the young opening acts look like amateurs. Axl was really back...no stupid out of time dancemoves...not out of breath, not mad at anything...with a great band.

    My dream finally came through...I got to see the last rockstar, perform the way he should, the way he could, with the audience he deserved...because the audience was truly magnificent...

    Although the funniest part of the show must have been dizzy reed's piano solo where he pulls of ABBA and 13 000 Swedes are trying to figure out the lyrics to a song by the Biggest product of the swedish musical wonder.

    I leave the concert fully satisfied, immediately thinking about driving to denmark to see him again...

    When I see the first review the next day, I'm not very surprised...but still dissapointed. 2/5...because the guy obviously couldn't accept the fact that Slash left 10 years ago....would the concert have been called "rose plays guns" he would have given it 5/5 undoubtedly...For anyone that was there cannot deny that they got to see what great rock once was, and hopefully will be reborn as, with the greatest rockstar alive...

  11. Being only 20 years of age, but a fairly long-time gnr fan, I never had the opportunity to attend a GnR concert with the "old" guys. After seeing numerous bootlegs of the 2002-era, watching a older axl trying to cope with his own material while pulling of something supposingly looking like his old dancemoves. Helium-voiced with no sign of that wonderful rasp, in embarrasing outfits, and backed by miscalleneous freaks. Although I loved some of the new material, nothing was close to the young axl you'd see running around like crazy in the bootlegs that I got my hands on. This made me sad for a long time, I felt I had missed out on the last oppurtunity to see the last real rockstar perform as he once could. After the last fiasko I thought I wouldn't even get to see the shadow of the man he once was. I had never gotten asked if I knew where the fuck I was...I had never gotten to sing that I'm knocking on heavens door among 10's of thousands of people, and I was never brought down to paradise city..

    When it all suddenly happened this spring, and I got my hands on the floortickets to see them live at the globe arena in stockholm, my place of birth, I was in extacy, altough still not too shure it would last all the way to sweden.

    After waiting and waiting, and getting through 2 very boring opening acts (they're not helped by the fact that everyone's anticipating guns n roses), I was finally standing there , just waiting to hear those first echoing notes of welcome to the jungle soon to be followed by what was going to be an indication of the quality of the entire concert -Axl Rose's voice.

    They're sheduled to start at 10...Myself I'm expecting to wait at least an hour extra...hey it's a long way to sweden... But then it goes dark...WTF???they're EARLY?? and the guitar starts...and my eyes have just adjusted to the darkness so I can make out Axl fucking rose standing there right in front of me...I can see him standing there in the dark....with my own eyes...

    And there it is -"Do you know where the fuck you are????" cutting through the noise of 13 000 people as high and good as ever.... The following 2 and a half hours is just pure magic. I cannot see the slightest resemblence to what I've seen from the earlier fiasko with axl's new line-up. It's really axl, in a great mood, laughing and jokin, pulling of the highest notes effortlessly, at 40+ making the young opening acts look like amateurs. Axl was really back...no stupid out of time dancemoves...not out of breath, not mad at anything...with a great band.

    My dream finally came through...I got to see the last rockstar, perform the way he should, the way he could, with the audience he deserved...because the audience was truly magnificent...

    Although the funniest part of the show must have been dizzy reed's piano solo where he pulls of ABBA and 13 000 Swedes are trying to figure out the lyrics to a song by the Biggest product of the swedish musical wonder.

    I leave the concert fully satisfied, immediately thinking about driving to denmark to see him again...

    When I see the first review the next day, I'm not very surprised...but still dissapointed. 2/5...because the guy obviously couldn't accept the fact that Slash left 10 years ago....would the concert have been called "rose plays guns" he would have given it 5/5 undoubtedly...For anyone that was there cannot deny that they got to see what great rock once was, and hopefully will be reborn as, with the greatest rockstar alive...

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