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Posts posted by Mango

  1. Anyone know if axl is gonna make any videos for some of the songs on CD? if they do then they would have to record some of the concert footage of the band and crowds since in almost all their videos they show the band doing live performances and stuff. anyone wanna take a hint at what some of the videos if the band makes any will have in them?

    I can imagine video of BETTER in a style like november rain

    ...at the start axl is sitting in his bed alone and drinking some water and takin nerve pills.

    ...than finally he can go to sleep...and while sleeping he has nightmares about BETA telling and shouthing at him about CLEANING THE ROOM, WASHING THE DISHES, NOT PLAYING VIDEOGAMES LATE THROUGH NIGHT...and than the final chord says " NOW I KNOW YOU BETA, NOW I KNOW YOU BETA" :lol::lol::lol:


    Now i know you Beta, Beta.... :unsure:


  2. I have HOB 1/1/01 bootleg and it's on the list :o :xmasssanta: As 20th song, after Brain's solo they meant to play it, but they had some technical problems ... before that Axl says "I think you'll like this.... this is something called The Blues, featuring mr. Dizzy Reed who cant hear shit... it would be very nice if he could hear something, and probably make song better...." and then those tech problems and then "Let's do Patience, cause that's what i'm going to try to experience right now...." etc... then people start chanting "Welcome Back" and after Patience, chanting "Axl, Axl..." from the crowd and finally piano starts walking and then "this is called The Blues" and here we go...

    So i think thats from 00 to 01 show... rock3

  3. I like both, but i prefer Rio version - it was played faster, and it sounded better, eventhough Axl had problem with that ear-thing through the whole song....

    It was also performed in HOB 1/1/01 :) If you wanna have itt, check unlimited DL audio section or PM me..


  4. Well, i'm not sure, on the official page doesn't mention it (true that my knowledge of italian language sux :wub: ), but i assume (from available pictures from previous festivals) it'll be in park. I've bought arrangement for that gig (4h June) too, dont have the ticket yet, but ....

    Well, anywayz, really wierd if festival will be open-aired, and tickets got numbered seats :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

    If i'll find some more, i'll write here ;)

    rock3rock3 rock2

  5. he is axl

    he can pull of anything

    need i say more?

    Well, anything except for releasing a quality album in the past 14 years. And showing up on time for concerts. And keeping his fans informed of the progress he's making. And keeping the lines of communication open with his band members so that they actually know what's going on.

    Other than that, I guess he can pretty much pull off anything.

    :rofl-lol::rofl-lol: LMAO :unsure: :xmassrudolph:

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