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Posts posted by DopeSickGirl

  1. Hey.. Got my name changed.. As you see lol.. Was wondering if you

    fancy having a go at making me a new one please? Totally forgot name

    change would mess up with my sig.. <_<

    If you can please could you get Rancid on it?


    DopeSickGirl the artist formally known as Axls_Rose.

  2. Rancid is the best band from the 90`s after Blind Melon.

    And Out Come The Wolves and Let`s Go are truly great records.Aren`t they going on a tour this year?

    Theyre touring usa now i think... They better get their asses to europe!!! :angry:

    They're definately touring the UK coz I'm going.. So I don't see

    why they'd miss out the rest of Europe.. That would be a little dumb

    and unfair methinks..

  3. I just realised.. I've had my name changed.. and now my

    sig doesn't fit.. And I'm computer illiterate.. Still <_<

    And was wondering if anyone felt like making me one?

    If possible with Rancid in it.. And my new name..


    DopeSickGirl the artist formally known as Axls_Rose

  4. I can't watch the GNR one.. The part where Steven Adler

    says in the pathetic fucked up junkie voice wavering and

    tears in his eyes: 'These four guys I thought were my best

    friends where suddenly taking everything I had..'

    My god.. Tears in my eyes just thinking about it.. Always sets

    me off.. :cry:

  5. Personally I can't stand the man anymore.. I used

    to absolutly love him! I still love RHCP but when I saw

    them live he really pissed me off how arrogant he is!

    Just randomly wandering off stage leaving the rest of

    the band!

    Sounds vaguely familiar that.. :rolleyes:

  6. Totally agree!

    Its like an emo tribute mag.. Kinda in the same way

    NME has turned into an indie tribute mag and Q has

    turned into a Coldplay and U2 tribute mag.. You wanna

    have a read of Classic Rock or Metal Hammer.. They

    always have awesome music in and usually come with

    a free CD full of up and coming bands..

    Can't moan about that :)

  7. Anyone got anything coming up they feel like

    they wanna brag about? Personally I got the best

    goddamned weekend of my life coming up in Nov.

    4th; Unholy Alliance

    5th; Motorhead

    6th; Rancid

    Can't fucking wait! And I'm seeing Maiden in Dec.

    So, anyone else want to brag?? :)

  8. Not to rain on the parade.. BUT

    If you like the bands music why the

    hell does their nationality matter..?

    Seems slightly xenophobic to me..

    But hey, who died and made me queen

    anyway? Its pretty interesting to see

    which bands are from where anyways..

    I never normally check.. =)

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