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coolio GNR

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Posts posted by coolio GNR

  1. Pink Floyd- Comfortably Numb

    Eric Johnson- Cliffs of Dover

    Beatles- Let it Be

    Guns N' Roses- Sweet Child O' Mine, November Rain, Estranged, Nightrain

    Jimi Hendrix- Voodoo Child, All Along the Watchtower

    Led Zeppelin- Rock and Roll, Stairway to Heaven

    Lynard Skynard- Freebird, Sweet Home Alabama

  2. Eric Johnson- Cliffs of Dover

    Guns N' Roses- Coma

    Pink Floyd- Shine on you crazy diamond

    Pink Floyd- Echoes

    Pink Floyd- Comfortably Numb

    Steve Vai- For the Love of God

    Guns N' Roses- November Rain

    Guns N' Roses- Estranged

    The Who- Baba O' Reilly

    Beatles- The Long and Winding Road

    Deep Purple- Highway Star

    Motley Crue- Home Sweet Home

    A bunch of songs make me feel this way

  3. Hells Bells-10

    Shoot to Thrill-10

    What do you do for Money Honey-10

    Givin the Dog a Bone-10

    Let me Put my Love Into You-10

    Back in Black-10

    You Shook me all Night Long-10

    Have a Drink on Me-10

    Shake a Leg-10


    rock3 My conclusion is that it's a classic, flawless masterpeice

    Edit: I can't rank them cause there all great

  4. Well the "singer" that I hate the most is named belinda, she's spaniand but lives in Mexico, I hate her look, trying to imitate Avril Lavigne, her fuckin music, their stupids lyrics, i gotta recognize her concert are always full, of children, no one serius like her music, well i have a clase mate who is the president of her fan club in this country, but she's another stupid, she never says that to her friends(the boys), but with the women she always says belinda is the best singer ever, and she always say behind me that GNR is a shit. I hate them both, but the worst thing is that every momento on any radio station the play a song of her, ion the t.v thy're always talkin about her and all the peope hate her all of them, but the children and my fuckin clasemate

    look a belinda's song translated into english:


    say good bye to your boyfriend NOW/ that fool nice girl, there are so many like her, she thinks that is a pleasure that you fell on her spiderweb, yeah


    look ate her



    I hate heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I hate when she gives interviews, with her stupid vouce sayin' "ay... sí...."

    And her music is a SHIT , she says that is punk music, hahahaha, just her mom believes it, that's another thing she always goes to her tours with her mommy, daddy, litlle brother and her puppy.

    :fuckyou:  hate her :fuckyou:

    I don't understand, why if she has the oportunity to make good music, she doesn't!!!, her songs have the same rythm, I can't compare songs like NR or estranged, they are masterpieces and comparing with that fuckin stupid child, the GNR songs are GOG!, well I have had this reserved, I had never said this.

    Tell me wich artists do you hate and what's your opinion about this stupid named belinda


    All I can say is is that she IS FUCKING HOTT

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