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Charles Manson

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Posts posted by Charles Manson

  1. I sent a complaint to the site which started this all Life Style Extra):

    To: Info@lse.co.uk


    You recently wrote an article about Guns N' Roses reuniting. ("Guns 'n' Roses to reunite" - Monday, 23rd January 2006, 13:57). I'm writing to you because the whole article is taken way out of context. Axl Rose NEVER claimed that the original members could reunite, on the contrary - he only said

    that he "loves Slash" and hasn't spoken to him in 10 years, and that he spoke to Izzy the other day. Now where in all this do you see him saying that "they could reunite"? Nowhere.

    Now many other medias are using your article as a source, like MTV, and most recently, Virgin Radio London. Virgin even got so far as stating that "Axl Rose is confident about reunion".

    This is exactly the reason why Axl doesn't speak publicly too often. People always twist his words around and take everything out of context.

    In a nutshell, your article is garbage. You are misleading the Guns N' Roses fans and other media to believe in something Axl didn't say at all.

    If I'd be you, I would remove the article. But unfortunately I can't do that. So I'm hoping that you'll do it, or at least edit it.

    Have a nice day,

    Karri Ojala

    GO KARRI!!!!! Fight The Power!! Kill Em All!!! :anger::fuckyou:

  2. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

    A clothing designer.

    What is Dizzy's real name?


    Well done for proving how sad you are.

    What the fuck is that supposed to mean?


    lol simmer down lad

    Oh, o.k. So, am I am supposed to say, "Hey, yes I am sad". Boo Hoo.

    Lets just settle this, what do you still have a problem? Do you?

    I mean, I could really care less. Your the least of my problems. Some pussy on a forum.........I mean really.

    Though, I guess I can understand your predicament. You were born with both parts, and its your time of the month. So, I guess I can excuse your actions, for the time being.


    no comment... :drevil:

  3. Yah, you should look into threapy to get that fix'd. Thats a major problem. I know that someone is you. You should see a doctor. AND, lets not forget that we already finish'd this, so you should get off CHB's dick, and get on with your life.


    truth hurts, dont it? ;)

    but back on topic...

    what i was trying to say *bad obbsession*, was how are we supposed to worry about gnr when we dont know whats going on? i mean sure we got something from axl last week, but the last time that happened was 2 years ago! if anything, the new gnr shouldnt really be anyones concern because in alot of peoples minds, they dont exist!!

    a reunion is the only thing on peoples minds that will bring gnr back!

    ...i think i sort of missed the point with everything i typed, but ohwell! :D

  4. Just worry about what current incarnation of GnR that we have now, because really thats all that matters.


    say what??



    how can we really worry about them though? theres more important things than a make-believe band...

    Worry about who, and what make beleive band? What are you talking about?

    Please Explain. I.........Do...........Not............Comprehend.



    i cant be bothered to sit here and type a load of crap with someone who has a kid fetish!!

    so this conversation is over... :drevil:

  5. Just Another Sunday :)

    Duff was married 3 times. True or false?

    True, to Mandy, Linda and Susan.

    What was the name of the bassist before Duff?

    Ole Beich, i hope........

    if so...

    what is the name of betas children?

  6. Theres 24 beers in a keg, and 24 hours in a day!! coincidence? I THINK NOT... :drevil:

    seriously, go out and get laid!! or else you will remain an internet nerd for your whole life!!

    theres alot more than 24 beers in a keg!!! haha

    The Plot Thickens... :o

  7. Theres 24 beers in a keg, and 24 hours in a day!! coincidence? I THINK NOT... :drevil:

    seriously, go out and get laid!! or else you will remain an internet nerd for your whole life!!

  8. i do like the raw sound to some appetite songs. like out ta get me sounds great how it is. rocket queen...mixed to be very boring imo. great song, amazing live (live era rocket queen = one of my favorite gnr tracks) but something about the appetite version doesnt make me too happy :fuckyou: .

    songs like wttj and my michelle sounded great too though. im undecided on mr brownstone, it sounds very good and very poor at the same time, but once again one of my favorite gnr tracks.

    yeh i no the AFD rocket queen dosnt sound rite it is so much better live on the live era it rocks and i like get in the ring btw on get in the ring is there that song that snt done live cos on uyi it is live jut wundrin

    rock on rock3

    I have no clue what the fuck you just said... :drevil:

    haha me too man lol.....i think he means the part in get in the ring where at the begining they added audience overdubb cahnting GUNS N" ROSES. but then i dont know what hes asking haha

    i think "he" is actually infact, a "she"

    but that means fuck all because they still cant type!

    and dont give me any of that "dont mind my typing, im russian" or "please dont diss my spelling, im asian" or even "dont hate on my typing, im american" :drevil:

  9. i do like the raw sound to some appetite songs. like out ta get me sounds great how it is. rocket queen...mixed to be very boring imo. great song, amazing live (live era rocket queen = one of my favorite gnr tracks) but something about the appetite version doesnt make me too happy :fuckyou: .

    songs like wttj and my michelle sounded great too though. im undecided on mr brownstone, it sounds very good and very poor at the same time, but once again one of my favorite gnr tracks.

    yeh i no the AFD rocket queen dosnt sound rite it is so much better live on the live era it rocks and i like get in the ring btw on get in the ring is there that song that snt done live cos on uyi it is live jut wundrin

    rock on rock3

    I have no clue what the fuck you just said... :drevil:

  10. I doubt Brian's guitar parts will be on Chinese Democracy though.


    No, but Axl WILL be swimming with dolphins in the new video. :krider:


    SHUT UP!!!!!!!

  11. I'm still amazed at how many retards are going crazy here..

    "OMFG Chinees Demokratie IZ COMMING!!!"

    "CD STARTS NOW!!!!11!!1"


    Please people, get a grip and try to act like this is not everything your meaningless life revolves around.

    I mean, this is very positive news. And I'm excited to see and hear Axl again as well. Be never ever did he mention Chinese Democracy is comming out. He said we'd hear new music. The two are not the same. Not to burst your bubble or anything, but Axl didn't say he is releasing an album. Just trying to make sure here we don't get all the "cd's not out yet", "I'm leaving" or "Axl is such an asshole" threads at the end of the year.

    This is positive. It's even relatively concrete, but you should still take it for what it is.

    Edit: I just noticed there's a thread about this

    username you are ruining everybody's lifes. *Whisper* (They don't have anywhere else to go.) Let them have this one eh


  12. So... this leaves us with the potential lineup (in the 1 in a million chance all this happens):

    Axl Rose


    Duff McKagan

    Richard Tobias /Izzy Stradlin

    Dizzy Reed


    and yes... Chris Pittman would probably be fired in this scenario- I don't believe a semi-reunified G'n'R would look quite right with the special effects/techno sound created by Pittman.


  13. Coma alone is better than all of the Crues albums combined. Actually there are a bunch of GnR songs that could blow away the whole Crue catalog

    :D Even Rihaid is better than all of Crues albums combined

    ah come on now... now your just being stupid.

    Guns arnt THAT good...

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