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Posts posted by chester

  1. 19 minutes ago, Martin Riggs said:

    Disagree. Add Axl vocals and his thing to it and a few other tunes and it would’ve been a hit imo. It was successful as is considering it was a side project from a guitarist and was intentionally not promoted that well by Geffen so Slash would return to GNR. Received 4 stars from Rolling Stone upon release and was well reviewed in general iirc. 

    I doubt it would have succeeded as a GnR record. It’s a terribly forgettable record. Very happy it didn’t happen. 

    • Haha 1
    • ABSUЯD 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, THELINESMAN said:

    Sounds like a beginner guitar solo IMO, not really like Slash overall. I’ve seen fan made solos for the song which sound more like Slash to me for example. Because it’s so simple but also strange, and rather low octave compared to the opening and I think better suited higher key bend from the old solo, I think it kills rather than builds the momentum of the song. It doesn’t sound very well thought out or dynamic. I expected and I do think most fans would have preferred a momentum building Estranged style epic solo that would have lifted the song into epic status with it. I guess it seems a bit lazy/below Slash’s capabilities. Perhaps shit is a strong word, but I expected more from Slash on this. 

    One could say it doesn’t have a serious melodic significance to the song. It sounds  like he was just making it up... 😁

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  3. 19 minutes ago, Mikey Whipwreck said:


    It's a companion piece to Catcher. In the literal reading the "you" is Mark David Chapman the "savior" being Lennon. The narrator being Axl or any Lennon fan who had their hero stolen from them through a senseless act. Perhaps "I/we" as a collective were wrong for ignoring MDC, allowing him to feel this isolated and angry. But also, his actions were futile in that nobody respects, knows, or understands him. He's still alone and misunderstood, with the added burden of being universally despised and ruining his own life

    But it's presented in vague enough terms that it can be seen as admonishing anyone who commits atrocities, mass shootings, and so forth with the aim of gaining notoriety

    This is how a perceive the song as well. A sequel or companion piece to Catcher. Could be as simple as Axl trying to express the same idea and Catcher just got more attention as the production of CD continued on…

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    This is the quote they're referring to:

    Slash: “The other side of it was figuring out what my version of The Chinese Democracy stuff would be like, because that was a whole different Guns N’ Roses animal in terms of the musicians involved. A lot of it I thought was really cool, like Buckethead did some cool shit so I would stick to that but do it in my own way so it didn’t feel too foreign or like I was squeezing a round peg into a square hole. That was interesting and fun… more fun than it was intimidating.”

    On the song Better, instead of trying to play like Robin Finck trying to play like you - as per the recorded version - you chose to do your own thing…

    Slash: “Some of the stuff I won’t do note-for-note because it doesn’t have a serious melodic significance to the song. It sounded like they were making it up...”


    I'm not even sure if Slash is talking about Better specifically (even though he was specifically asked about it). He could be talking in general about some of the songs, but not Robin Finck's work in particular.

    That was an old quote from 2007.

    Yeah, Slash is being very diplomatic in regards to his comments about CD and the alumni, especially in regards to how he interprets the material… I believe he’s handled it with tact and grace but it is what it is… I think Axl is/was just grateful that Slash was interested in playing the CD songs and took it upon himself to work on the songs. 

    Clearly Slash can think the parts don’t have ‘melodic significance’ and at the same time not have some personal animus against Robin or whoever…  


    * And I should add I think the person specifically asking the question about Better and Robin was setting Slash up and he didn’t take the bait… The question was phrased pretty negatively. 

    • Like 4
  5. 22 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

    Jheeze. people take things so literally. He said in better there's a solo which he feels hold no melodic value so he just completely rewrote it. he never ever said he doesnt hold robins playing high regard or doesnt rate him as a guitar player. The way random throwaway things the band don't even realise they are saying get warped into these lifetime opinions and facts by people in this fandom is weird. I genuinely cannot remember what i said to someone in a convo a week ago. slash has done a million interviews and spent 20 years of his life fucked up on drugs and booze. 

    Calm down Sally. If you would slow down and read what I wrote, I said I don’t believe there was any ill will at all on Slash’s part, he just clearly doesn’t think much of Robins work on CD… He clearly stated it in regards to how he plays the CD material. I don’t think he thinks less of him as a person or a player… Sometimes you hear something, watch something, read something and it just isn’t to your taste. Nothing more, nothing less. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    I don't know if that had to do with the delay, but I think it's spot on. I thought that was their (the label's/LN's?) main problem with the TouchTunes "leak" (the information about the origins of the song included in the publicity about the jukebox incident.

    And that's the first thing that crossed my mind when I heard Axl make that comment (that he was making fun of the press release). Btw, did he say immaculate conception or inception? I would think it was conception, but sounded like inception to me.

    It’s just a wild guess looking at the way things trickled out and what has been retracted….  

    I thought he said conception but either way I felt he was referencing the murky origins of the song.

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

    So now the dust and relief is settling, why the 18th and not the 11th? Was there a last minute change or wait for something? Video? Did the label push for that...if so good on them...

    By the way that pre save animation with the 8 ball seems to have been adapted into an out now animation graphic on the website, anyone notice? 

    The only thing I’ve seen that’s been fluid since the release has been this whole narrative of “Perhaps” being a new song written by Axl, Slash, Duff this year… It was removed from the official store description of the vinyl and was only mentioned in the initial release used for the radio premiere. Seems to me that Perhaps the record company/Live Nation/Management wanted to market the song as new original composition and maybe the band or Axl wasn’t comfortable with this type of dishonesty… What was Axl getting at with his immaculate conception quote about writing the  song? 

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, diablo9333 said:

    In Slash's defence, he has a completely different style of playing. I wouldn't expect him to play Robin's solos. 

    Yeah, I’m not slagging on Slash at all, it’s apparent and he’s said as much, he doesn’t hold Robins playing in high regard (unlike Buckethead). I disagree with him but it is what it is… Like I said I don’t think there is really any animosity or hard feelings. 

  9. It’s strange but it’s on purpose. I don’t think there is any tension or drama in the band at all I just think Slash has been very dismissive of Robin’s guitar work when playing the CD material live and that this was just Axl’s little wink to Robin (and the hardcore fans). A tip of the hat. 

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