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Dont Try Me

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Posts posted by Dont Try Me

  1. it will be great

    madagascar is awesome, I said it on htgth and I'll say it here: imagine Madagascar with the 'Better' style voice. Killer, true epic song

    The Blues, also!!

    Chinese Democracy, ok song

    TWAT, good song (studio version will knock me down I\m sure

    IRS, zeppelin influences, or so I think, awesome song

    Better, awesome mainstream tune! love it, I wonder how the rest of the song sounds

    I like how Axl is using all his different voices to make it a true diverse record. He's smart

  2. I thought gnfr.com was put to dead like years ago. I was fooled to by that site. Trying to solve it, the site was all crap. Everyone knows the site is fucking fake since years ago. At least they should.

    by the way warchild, you posted a topic some days ago about it? I've read it but I don't think if dark was behind that? I doubt it.... but perhaps your right.... Some nutcase is anyways.... In the same topic you mentioned his 'minions' which on some you are wrong, the company you orded to find that info out is...

    I tried solving those ridiculous riddles....with some of the people you mentioned but never was his "minion" or anything. Haven't spoken to the dude in like years.. my screen name back then was 'anythingoes', you mentioned it as one of his minions. lol, no way in hell dude.

    The one behind gnfr.com should be shot, misleading fans...bah

    More on topic: good open letter, i hope nothing gets leaked. The demo's doesn't represent the completed Guns N' Roses tunes I guess. I must admit that I downloaded the songs and am listening to it constantly. I just hope no one ruins Axl's Christmas presents........by leaking more. :(

  3. It doesn't really matter what the album will be called......altho "Chinese Democracy" is history-wise great. Everyone is waiting for it. If it's released...the people in China still would be waiting for it.

    I really wonder what artwork goes allong with the album. I hope Finck has some input in that, he makes nice artwork, drawings. True artist.

  4. I notice a heavy deftones influence in the guitar sound to Better.

    Yes, Deftones definitely was the first thing to come to mind for me. Kind of reminds me of Be Quiet And Drive.

    TWAT has some Beatles thing going on in the middle, and the ending brings to mind Locomotive

    I can't get over how amazing TWAT is

    but the chorus needs work......doesn't go anywhere..... but this demo could be version 55 of 147....who knows

  5. This is all getting REALLY out of hand... :no:

    It's not fair on Axl, and all this craziness is wrecking the forum...any more leaks and I am NOT DOWNLOADING THEM.

    In fact, I'm out of here for a while. I guess I'll see you guys again when this all dies down...if it ever does :no:

    Agree, but the only ones who can stop this are the fans themselves.

    yes,........but this is the internet......a big carbage can. Without it you wouldn't have all these problems......It will be even worse when cd is officially announced. There will be allot and allot of people on the baords getting all grazy and whatnot....

  6. the board is getting crazier and crazier.....i wonder what happens when CD is released..........all one post wonders will appear asking / starting topics about nonsense. :(

    I wonder what axl thinks about all the crazy people on the boards and what they are saying.... :lol:

  7. if the two new leaks where from the trunk cd does that mean somebody has the full version of better?

    yes, and twat. The guy who leaked IRS and the first half of Better. I'm sure there are more people on the board who have heard those. In fact I'm pretty sure Madison has heard it, but that's just a guess.

    Don't worry, if more people have it, the chances are bigger it it will leak anyways one day.

  8. I totally believe GH2 is whats coming next month or April....

    The catch is that it will contain 2-3 new songs as a teaser for CD.

    They will probably be the songs we know- CD, Blues, Madagascar- done live.

    I wouldn't count on a greatest hits......the greatest hits will be on Chinese D tho...I like to think so anyways.

    Brian May Rocks my Socks

  9. Word on the street is the original lineup is playing a few select cities(very small clubs, under 200 people) across the US at the end of Feb. I don't believe it, but that is the word on the street.

    words on the street? are you beeing funny? I think you are. :rofl-lol: NEVER GONNA happen. :kiss:

  10. Coming back on my last post. I wasn't making clear that I dislike people who don't like finck's playing. It's ok if you don't like Finck's playing. Cause my post was making clear that indeed he does fuck up but does have qualities as a guitarist.

    The Jimmy Page example was only to show that he did ruin solo's quite often on his career. I never said that Robin Finck is as good as Page. And yes 'PatienceForAxl' My point was exactly that Page earned that right. We don't know what songs or solo's Robin has written (besides the blues realy which is quite good, not mind blowing but nice). So it's weird to say that all the good stuff will come from axl, richard etc. That was my only thing.

    Yes I skip pittsburgh Robin's solo on Nov Rain too. Awfull. I do see his flaws but I can live with that so I'm not exactly a Robin Finck lover. But I can't deny that he has certain qualitys and can do some realy good stuff. I'm sure of that.

    We should just wait and see I guess. In reaction to 'Turn It Up', no I'm not one of the people you mentioned nor bloodrelation.

    I appologize for the insults. Just..........I find it harsh when people say Finck won't do any good on the album. You can bash him all you want on the solo's he did on the 2002 tour. Cause that we know he messed up some songs.

  11. CD will be great because of Axl and buckethead(?)/fortus. Not finck. Of that I am 99.9% certain.

    Since you are wondering whether or not Bucket is on the album.......it means you don't know fucking shit about Finck and his writing abilities on the new CD. And if you readed Axl Rose's Rio statement about Bucket...you could conclude that Bucket won't be on CD by now, I'm 99.9% certain of that. Now how funny is that?

    Would you want someone on your album who fucked you over such an event? Would you want to have Slash on the album knowing you can't realy work together anymore? Would it make you feel good if it was your album just to 'please' the fans denying your own feelings? Hell no fuckhead. Put 1 and 1 together.

    Heard Robin's interlude / solo before Paradise City he played on the 2002 tour? Now that is true musicanship. Comparable style with the solo he did on Patience. Yes he sometimes fucked up badly, I do too. I don't give two shits and a penny about that. Ever listened to Jimmy Page's live boots? There are enough of those out there where he fucks up worse then the things people argue about here. Now does that make Page a bad musican? Hell no, he wrote awesome tunes. And well perhaps......finck did too.....and perhaps.....you'll hear them on the new album.......Don't give judgement on something you don't have a clue about.

    ooh and before I forget. I said 99.9% too, meaning I don't know shit about the album. Just so you know. We are in the same boat. Just stop making rediculous statements about the album...before the album is actually out.

  12. Could "The general" be a brain drum solo?

    that might be great. The general ---> army ---> army style music ---> army style drums --> meaning pounding, hard drums ---> Bohnham :blink:

    Maybe Bohnham makes a guest appereance :lol:

    On a serious note, I would defenitely like a serieus drum solo in a song if it's a bit Bohnham style. Bohnham was the only drummer which drumsolo's were cool. They would make you go like: ---> :blink:

  13. B)-->

    QUOTE(mr.b @ Jan 28 2006, 05:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    Sloppiness? Where, i havent heard anything sloppy from him yet, i have the entire boston show(took ages to dl, dial up) and he played every song to perfection, pulled of a lot of the songs better than slash did on the tokyo dvd...

    Robin Finck is definitely a sloppy player 'live'. Listen to Pittsburgh, London bootlegs, rio etc etc. No doubt.But I didn't said that sloppy nececarily means 'bad'. You can play sloppy but still good. And sometimes...... Sometimes he messes up, big deal, I do too. But I guess you missed my statement?

  14. There where times that Jimmy Page actually ruined guitar solo's. I've heard several bootlegs from mr page ruining his own songs. BUT I and no one realy gives a shit cause he wrote GREAT tunes. Page's sloppiness is accepted cause of that.

    If Finck wrote awesome tunes, great solo's. Has a main role on the new cd, will pull of solo thingy's like finck did at the intro of Paradise City (that blues, sad sunday looking outta your window and see nothing but rain music) pure magic! then we will be in for a hell of a ride. People will accept his sloppiness cause of that, mark my words.

  15. The topic discription says it all. People who think about 'overproduced' or not wanting UYI......Or the people who want Gn'R to go back to 'Appetite' style......

    FORGET IT......... Axl isn't struggling to write UYI1&2 or Appetite all over again you know.

    Someone here has it as a signature so I borrowd it.

    We all be in for something realy special!

    Now sticky this topic :lol:

    Thank's for the update :rolleyes:

    it wasn't meaned for ALL the people on here......cause....yeah I know CD will be different. Most of us do... But there are still allot of people who WANT CD to have stuff similar to Appetite or Illusions, or not...or swapped around...vice verca........but it aint' what where getting. We're getting something fresh. I know that, you know that.......but some other people need to stop complaing about what they WANT cause Axl will do it his way. He won't be told. Now think before you post next time cause I wasn't aiming for "updating" all of you. I was aiming at the people who "WANT' so much..... We don't set bounderies for Axl, he'll make em of is own. fucking peace man. :lol:

  16. they twist and turn axls word. idiots.....

    it's like the game were you stand with 10 people on a row.....and then the first one has a story and whispers the story to the second one. And the second one has to try tell that story to the third.....till we come to the 10 person. That one tells the story out loud to see if it's fit with the original storyteller..... it always ends up way different..

  17. The topic discription says it all. People who think about 'overproduced' or not wanting UYI......Or the people who want Gn'R to go back to 'Appetite' style......

    FORGET IT......... Axl isn't struggling to write UYI1&2 or Appetite all over again you know.

    Someone here has it as a signature so I borrowd it.

    We all be in for something realy special!

    Now sticky this topic :lol:

  18. Jesus, how many threads do we need like this?

    1. Learn how to use the English language.

    2. There is no evidence Axl has had any kind of surgery. Those are rumors.

    3. Axl shows up with a spare tire at Rio, and now he appears to be 'fat' to everybody. How many of you have 6 pack abs? Do yourselves a favor and find the pics of Axl at THOB in Vegas the following year, prior to the 2002 tour and the 'dreaded jerseys and braids' and take a gander at the kind of shape he's in there.

    4. Axl likes wearing jerseys and apparently the braids. Deal with it.

    5. The man will be 44 years old. He's looking pretty damned fit to me for a guy that age. As for looking like he's put on a few pounds, WTF are any of you clowns smoking? He looks borderline anorexic if you ask me in the recent pics.

    6. Stop believing everything you hear.

    If I was to say Beta magically gave Axl the power to bend over and shoot lightning out of his ass while on stage, would you believe that? Although that statement is a stretch, assuming he had surgery or is a fat ass just because other people say so on forums DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. By looking at the recent pictures, especially the ones JALP (or was it Patience?) that are the 'comparison' shots I think that were found on HTGTH, it's obvious he hasn't had any kind of 'face-lift', surgery or anything else for that matter.

    And please... please, please, please, please, please, please... no more STUPID threads like this.

    I appeal to the powers that be to create a 'Stupid Motherfucking Threads' section so the morons can have a field day elsewhere.

    + 1

  19. The last time we did see Axl doing a gig was 2002......It's 2006 now.........I really wonder what happened in all this time.........Did he make 4 albums or something :blink: I wouldn't even be surprised :lol:

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