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Posts posted by CALUCA

  1. leaving Sanctuary apart, because they almost never says nothing, who should be the first one to announce the release??



    Howard Stern????

    Rolling Stone????

    I dont know... what do u think???????

    i'd like to see a press conference with the whole band, announcing the release date (with an interview session afterwards) aired via mtv...

    God, a man can dream... :laugh:

    after all this time in the dark and complete silence... thats seems just as you say: a dream.

    what would be Sanctuary preparing for the release??????

  2. Management did not want these tracks to be leaked.


    ;) thats the truth.

    James S.


    Tell me guys - do you honestly think that if somebody in the GNR camp had deliberately - and strategically - carefully planned and orchestrated the leaks in order to get feedback or "test" tracks that they would turn around and tell you about it? And do you honestly think it was just a coincidence that tracks (that were recorded years ago and managed to stay off the Net for years) would suddenly and explicably appear all at once - and from multiple sources at exactly the same time? And when they did leak, do you think it was just an oversight and coincidence that they waited more than 12 hours before asking the forums to remove them (even though the forums contacted them right away)?

    ... Hey - *shrugs* - just asking. :book:

    i love u madison.. no more questions

  3. Got my new Classic Rock magazine through this morning, lots of GNR articles so I suggest you pick it up.

    Anyway, page 12 says something along the lines.

    "Axl attempted to re-unite the band with Slash, Duff, Izzy and Matt Sorum, for 2 shows in the UK one at Download Festival and one at Hammersmith, both would be filmed for a DVD and Live CD and all members would make millions each, all parties were interested in this reunion, but before they could sign on the dotted line, one of the members lawyers noticed in the fine print that it said by agreeing to these terms and conditions the rights and back catalogue of Guns N' Roses would go to Axl Rose, this halted all negotiations however rumours have still flied, we won't know what's happened until Download itself arrives"

    So, Axl say to his new band members:

    "Well, go to the rest room for a few hours because I want to make some money with my former bandmates."

    It's like you say to your new wife/husband: "Please do some dinner in the kitchen, because I want to make love with my ex-wife/husband in the bedroom."

    It's bullshit.

    remember one thing: all those guys are EMPLOYEES!!!!!! theyre not members.... he can do whatever he wants..... members of the band are just: Uncle A, Slash, Duff and Izzy... the rest, just employees

  4. I'm just curious as to whether anyone has asked Merk about the reunion rumors? It seems everytime some new release date comes out (which seems to be every other day) somebody asks Merk...but with this Slash (and now, Duff) back to GnR stuff that has been slowly building over the last month or so, I haven't seen anyone address it.

    It seems like it would be easy to find out about all this. If Merk says it's BS, then case closed. Now, if he says "No comment," or "We'll have to wait and see," then, things will get a lot more interesting. rock1

    If im not wrong, Sanctuary have said "it´s rubbish"

  5. who cares if slsah left vr it has nothign to do with gnr!!! Actually why is it in the gnr sections when hes in vr???????? Slash sucks and is not worthy of joing gnr again axl wont let it happen. or i hope he wouldnt

    come on, how old are you????? Slash was the soul of GNR... Axl was the brain, Slash was the heart... you cant imagine those clasic songs like SCOM, NR, Estranged, WTTJ, KOHD, Dont Cry, Roquet Queen... without the feeling that Slash gave to those songs...

    he is the only one that can play that songs the way they are... the others??? they are just covers....

  6. maybe there was some truth on the rumor about Slash visiting Axls home... maybe... Slash havent said anything about it... Duff turned his head to the other side... Scott was like a little kid... maybe this rumor have some solid bases to be true.

    i cant wait to listen just another solo from Slash with the new guys!!!!!!!! wich would be the new_old guys.....

  7. No, it wasn't the fake Spin review, I brought that up to here, this writer is a freelance music journalist that has contributed to SPIN, but he wasn't covering for SPIN when he heard Chinese D. I really wouldn't make this up.

    HAHA! Having worked in media, i can assure you there is NO WAY on earth advance copies of CD would be given out to a freelance journalist who can't even guarantee who he is writing for, especially in this day and age of internet/music piracy. Only key figures such as the Editor of Rolling Stone and a few other key media outlets would even be allowed to hear it and even then, each copy would have to be couriered, signed and accounted for and then leant out for a short time only before going back to the record company. Alternatively, a few lucky people in major cities would be invited to a personal, invite only listening party and that would be it. I promise you this is how it works. Keep on rockin' in the free world! rock1

    You are quite mistaken. I still to this day get advance copies of tons of albums from my days doing freelance work for my college's student publication. I don't even request them and they just keep showing up. I haven't been in college in 5 years now. I've never had to return an advance copy of an album nor have I ever had to sign for one. In most cases all I ever had to do was request a copy if it was something I really wanted to make sure I got and it was sent out no questions asked. All the publicist wanted in return was that I supply a tearsheet when a review or feature ran. Major labels just print a huge list of mailing labels when doing a servicing and have interns stuff envelopes and mail them out. I've also worked in the music industry for over a decade and I can tell you that a lot of personel that work at labels are not the brightest. I started out doing college radio tracking and promotion. I've also done publicity, booking, artist management, and label management.

    woow... eyyy whats up MERCK!!!!!!!!!!!

    release the shit now!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The first time I see a thread re-opened... madison... i understand and apreciate you contacting Merck just to confirm a rumor/fact that many radios all over were telling some "interesting information"... ok.. but, how can we believe Mercks words if many stations are telling the same... and Merck just says a: "no true.. bullshit"... i really, really apreciate your work, thank you for that... but.... WHO´S TELLING THE TRUTH?

  9. Lots of GNR on the radio tonight. Maybe something like this went out:

    "We ask per our agreement that you put the existing catalogue, Paradise City, WTTJ, etc. into heavy rotation this evening and throughout the day tomorrow. At 5pm tomorrow during rush hour, you have permission to broadcast IRS."

    our world is not always such a nice place....

  10. geting exited, geting exited... but, i want to see an official anouncement....

    why Merck would say that IRS was not in the 10 best songs??? and then release it as the first single in 13 years?

  11. From CD.com

    Well, Ladies and gentleman, I just called my favorite radio station 105.1 in west virginia. They have the "OFFICIAL" I.R.S. single, and are planning to debut it tomorrow at around 5:00 in the evening.


    call the number at the bottom and see for yourself




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