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Posts posted by raodonne

  1. 2 Options.

    1. CD will still come out and they are making sure nothing is said until the day it is released (this is what they claim will happen)

    2. Huge legal battle between Axl and Universal. No one wants to says something that will later be used against them. It is even possible that Gn'R never planned on releasing the cd and knew Universal would hold it up and ask for more money. GnR went through the motions of announcing a vague release date, and going on tour to help their case in court to claim that Universal is the reason behind the delay. (most probable situation)

    Regarding the 2nd option, I'd agree but why sign the contract with Harley? Wouldn't Universal have to sign off on a release? Axl doesnt own the rights to the CD music, Universal does...So if Universal wasnt planning on releasing the album, its a pretty foolish move to license a song from that album...And a move I dont think a multi-national corporation like Universal would make...

    Good Point. But to further go with my theory...you could say that Universal is playing the same game. I am not saying that Universal is telling Axl not to release it...but maybe they are saying that when he does...they will get back the money he owes them..and if he doesn't give it up, they will sue him for it.

    It´s few times I read posts and really enjoy it. This time I do. U both have great points so please.. continue!

    Thanks :) And I think that the one problem with most of the speculation is the assumption that Axl has more say than he actually does...Universal owns the rights to CD...As a result, people on the Board tend to over look the 10000lb Gorilla in the room-Universal....If Universal doesnt like Cd, or is simply sick of Axl then they can tell him and Merck and Jarmo and everyone else to fuck off...If 2006 doesnt fit into their marketing scheme, too bad for W.A.R...and look-the last thing I wanna do is make Axl out to be a victim here cause God knows hes a frustrating son of a bitch at times...But one reason for the silence is that Universal isnt down with the final product and/or CD doesnt fit into the 4th Quarter marketing scheme and Axl and co. really cant believe it...Consider this: Universal has a budget of X million dollars for marketing new releases...They have already spend 1X million bucks on CD...If they are serious about getting their money back, why release the album when they are busy promoting tons of other new late Nov/Dec Christmas releases?? Maybe, from their point of view, it makes more sense to devote more of their Fiscal 1st Quarter marketing budget to CD and Axl is simply stunned...After all, I am sure Axl assumes he is Universal's top priority but I'm no longer convinced thats the truth....

  2. 2 Options.

    1. CD will still come out and they are making sure nothing is said until the day it is released (this is what they claim will happen)

    2. Huge legal battle between Axl and Universal. No one wants to says something that will later be used against them. It is even possible that Gn'R never planned on releasing the cd and knew Universal would hold it up and ask for more money. GnR went through the motions of announcing a vague release date, and going on tour to help their case in court to claim that Universal is the reason behind the delay. (most probable situation)

    Regarding the 2nd option, I'd agree but why sign the contract with Harley? Wouldn't Universal have to sign off on a release? Axl doesnt own the rights to the CD music, Universal does...So if Universal wasnt planning on releasing the album, its a pretty foolish move to license a song from that album...And a move I dont think a multi-national corporation like Universal would make...

  3. Everyone knows nothing really ever goes as planned in the world of GnR...But that being said, it is clear that SOMETHING was planned for 2006...(and this is all on the assumption that nothing is happening this year) First, Merck makes the public statement regarding the number of Tuesday thing-not something that someone in the PR biz would say unless there was something there to back it up...Next, we have the Harley Ad....Clearly, there was a business agreement in place between Guns and Harley Davidson to use GnR music, including Better, in HD ad campaigns....As we have seen, Better WAS AT ONE TIME in an HD ad...Which means GnR had to grant permission...which is something they NEVER would have done unless they were planning to use Better as the first single...There is simply no other reason to use a Guns n Roses track only die-hards know in a national ad campaign unless it was to be used in promotion of a new single/album...If the only purpose of the ad was to sell Motorcycles, then it actually makes MORE sense to use Paradise City or Jungle or one of the *signature* Guns tracks...Not one to which very few people actually know the words...

    So, considering all that, what the fuck happened? Lets put the screwing over the die-hards aside for a sec cause, lets be honest, they dont give a fuck about the so-called "die hards." This is first and foremost a business: we dont represent the demographic they are "gunning" for...We are all gonna buy CD if/when it comes out...We'll buy over-priced tickets to shows, etc...No-what Guns need/want is the record buying public who DONT know about the new songs, cant name everyone in the new lineup, etc...And they need a business plan to accomplish that....And it seems like, to some degree or another, that kind of plan was starting to come together....

    But now, we have silence...Ads pulled/postponed...Radio DJ rumors dead...no new updates from the GnR camp...A pulled Del James article...Houston: we have a problem.

    My question is: WHATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM? And honestly, at this point, how could it not be easily fixed?

  4. The thing is, after 13 years, etc there shouldnt even BE a question...EVERY show should be KILLER...for instance, the quality of the Hammerstein shows needs to be replicated at EACH AND EVERY SHOW....thats the only way people will be able to aceept the new band members...Some people say this show was amazing, others say it sucked...So that prob means it was somewhere in between....And medicore just wont cut it...its not like this is 1 3/4 years into the Illusions tours where if you caught the band on an off-night well, that was understandable.....There is no reason for this band-AXL ESPEC.- not to blow people away everything single night...and not for the people on this board-we are eternally forgiving-thats why we actually still care about 13 years....but I mean this for the rest of the world who are just being introduced to this new band.....Axl cannot simply say well, I'm Axl so I'll do as I please....After all, that would essentially imply his reputation earned with the previous incarnation of guns should allow him to simply be greeted with 100% acceptance by all...and yet, the band he is playing with is not the same group of guys....So he needs to re-establish his/the bands reputation by putting on killer shows EVERY night of the tour....Otherwise Axl is basically challenging the crowds to live in the past and just be happy to see/hear Axl....and I thought that was what everyone wanted to move away from, the past.....

  5. Look I dont post much-lurk around,etc....I am really excited to hear how the show sounds before passing any judgments, good or bad....But Bumblefoot? Jesus Christ why cant GnR get a guitarist who looks like a rock n roll badass and not a fuckin wierdo....seriously-I dont care how amazing this guy is, rock n roll guitarists have to look, well, rock n roll....Keith Richards, Jimmy Page, Joe Perry and yes, even Slash, all look like Rock n Roll badasses....this dude, with the foot on the guitar, looks like another wierdo recruit.....I'm sure he's really good, but cant SOMEONE both LOOK rock n roll and kick ass playing?

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