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Posts posted by dobadog

  1. If Catcher in the Rye is played live, I guess atleast one of the other band members has learnt Brians parts. It also mean Brain May can jump on stage and join in if he happens to be around (possibly at some up and coming gigs)

  2. Who plays the solo in this song?...it sound like Slash is doing it......then again, Slash wasn't round at that time! could this be...........Finck??

    In my opinion....this is the best GNR solo ever!

    I missed the solo, i heard nothing out of the ordinary. Must listen to Catcher again. What i did notice were some sounds like those on some BLind Melon tracks. Better too reminds if a little of Blind Melon. Maybe it's just me.

    If Catcher in the Rye is played live, I guess atleast one of the other band members has learnt Brians parts. It also mean Brain May can jump on stage and join in if he happens to be around (possibly at some up and coming gigs)

  3. on the 1st listen, TWAT, IRS, BETTER are better. Maybe in a weeks time, my mind will change. Catcher in the Rye is too slow for my liking, it reminds of the something the Beatles might do all be it heavier than the Beatles, and i've never really rated the Beatles all that much. I think i like OMG more than Catcher on the Rye, even the speed of Silk Worms puts Catcher in the Rye in the lowest position of all the CD stuff i have heard.

  4. I totally missed this leak. I have Better (very good!) T.W.A.T (great!) I.R.S (very good!). Now Brian May says he has recieved a copy of Cather in the Rye so the leak must be out and i missed it, and i'm not allowed it to request it in my in box (hint hint).

  5. I really liked this picture, it looks natural, it looks spontaneous, it looks like one of those photo’s that destined to become a classic. Who ever it belongs too should get it copyrighted and off to an agency. It sure as hell beats all the other photo’s that have been emerging of late.


  6. Dear Axl Rose,

    When you release Chinese Democracy, nothing would please me more than to see one track from Appetite re-recorded with Guns N' Roses' current lineup, mixed in somewhere in the tracklist. I read an interview where you discussed the band re-recording the album, and this band has such amazing talent. I think it would be a great way to come back and kick the world in the ass if you include a song like Nightrain, My Michelle, or Rocket Queen on Chinese Democarcy. I do believe all the long-time fans would appreciate it very much. Showing the world that this band is Guns N' Fuckin Roses. I think this lineup perfroms those particular songs better than the previous. I did hear the songs that leaked on the internet, and my faith in this band is stronger than ever! some very very good stuff! Peace!

    Thank you from one of your biggest fans,

    Your Disillusion

    *When you release Chinese Democracy, nothing would please me more than to see one track from Appetite re-recorded with Guns N' Roses' current lineup, mixed in somewhere in the tracklist.*

    are you out of your mind! - you must be. i donot want to see old gnr songs mixed in with the new. a separate bonus disc containing the whole of AFD recorded by the new GnR band would be better.

  7. /wonders if Brian May is simply with GnR for the live gig's or if Brian May has re_recorded all of Bucketheads parts on CD or simply done his own thing in place of what ever Buckethead added to CD. Only with the release of CD will the anwsers become reality ;)

    Brian May ISN'T TOURING with GNR. A guy posted this on cd.com, and then apologised for misreading the site.

    brian says guns have a gig in dublin..........not that he is playing with them!

    good lord! when will people understand

    7 pages later :lol:

    Yup, 7 pages later - Pointless thread - again :P

    Mr May might simply pop on stage to lend a hand for a few tracks, to have some fun and nothing more.

    Btw, about 17 years ago, while in a local shop, Brain May from Queen popped in to the very same shop and brought some stuff. He had a red merc parked outside. It was a sunny Sunday. Some hours later i spoke to my sister and told her, never guess who was in the local store. I said Brain May from Queen and she said she had heard that they (Queen) were filming a video in the area. Of the Queen video's i have seen, the only video that i can think of that could have been filmed in the area was the video where the band is on the back of a train.

  8. /wonders if Brian May is simply with GnR for the live gig's or if Brian May has re_recorded all of Bucketheads parts on CD or simply done his own thing in place of what ever Buckethead added to CD. Only with the release of CD will the anwsers become reality ;)

    Mr May might simply pop on stage to lend a hand for a few tracks, to have some fun and nothing more.

    Btw, about 17 years ago, while in a local shop, Brain May from Queen popped in to the very same shop and brought some stuff. He had ared merc parked outside. It was a sunny Sunday. Some hours later i spoke to my sister and told her, never guess who was in the local store. I said Brain May from Queen and she said she had heard that they (Queen) were filming a video in the area. Of the Queen video's i have seen, the only video that i can think of that could have been filmed in the area was the video where the band is on the back of a train.

  9. Question:

    What can be gained by GNRs marketing team leaking the entire album (in DEMO form only), song by song, one at a time, prior to the pre-tour dates and prior to the full album release?


    The hype builds, word spreads, press releases skyrocket, momentum gains, all in favor of inflating album sales when the real deal is released. Axl wins.

    Fans learn the songs, know the words by heart, go the concerts prior to the release and are actually into the songs (because they know them), avoiding the problems encountered in the early 91 tour prior to the UYI release when no one knew the tunes. Again, Axl wins.

    I'd say it is very plausible that the most of the album's demo version songs WILL BE leaked to generate the hype and get the fans familiar with the new material without compromising album sales. Now if it were the full production album that was leaked, that's an entirely different and unfavorable scenario. But with DEMO releases, everyone wins and Axl walks away with more $$ in his pocket.

    Here, take this gold star :D

  10. it sounds like a drum machine because it is a drum machine...wes said that when he first told us about the demos. dont worry im sure were in good hands with Brain, hes really good. I hear hes gonna kick ass on The General.

    Agreed, check this out, he's definately good enough to rival Sorum or Adler


    Click on the 'Go-Go Beat' video

    [the video] Interesting stuff

    I wonder what a Brain 'going mad' drum solo sounds like. I remember seeing Matt Sorum do a mad mad solo that was very entertaining to watch live at The National Bowl/UK back in 1993

  11. So far most of the drumming on the new GnR tracks has sounded like a drum machine.

    I really hope the drumming situation improves with the final released album.

    ...and before you say 'they're only demos, not the real thing...' - I listend to 'The Blues' and 'Madagascar' lastnight, and both those songs, while featuring drumming by a drummer, the drum patterns seem basic and slow. The drumming seems to have taken a back seat when compared to older GnR material. Double Talkin Jive, You Could be Mine both contain really good drumming. Even It's so Easy and Paradise City have good drumming on them.

    Hearing 'The Blues' again lastnight, the song sounds no where near as complex as i had thought it to be. There Was a Time and Better sound so much better, i'm really liking these 2 new songs.

  12. Some thoughts here. I've been a gunner since the late 80s, and I have to say that the devolution of this thread into the "Axl's right, Slash is a tool" and "Slash is right, Axl's a corporate whore" camps is quite disappointing. Slash and Axl will always be two halves of a greater whole on one level, in the same way that Lennon/McCartney, Tyler/Perry, Plant/Page, and Mercury/May are/were. Of course, they (like the others I've listed) can still be brilliant artists on their own, and I think they're both in various stages of showing us that. TWAT's pretty damn great, and so is the solo in LOVING THE ALIEN. I personally believe we'll see them together again someday (with Duff and possibly Izzy), maybe at their Rock Hall induction. Until then, I think we should just be thankful that we're still getting material from both of them. I know a lot of Queen and Nirvana fans that envy our situation. Axl and Slash were great as one of the great all-time frontman/axeman duos. They continue to be great as independent artists. I seriously doubt either of them have a hundredth the animosity for each other that is being created between them on this board. I guess being new here, I shouldn't have started off with a post like this, but it's my thoughts on what I've read here.

    Some good points. Maybe all is good and their separate directions is the way to go.

    Still, i bet when the new GnR turn up in 2006 there will be the usual mob chanting 'wheres Slash' and all that. The question is, how many times will A. put up with that until he walks out on a show :D

  13. Do you think we will hear any comment from slash on the leaked demos?.

    Kind a strange we havent heard anything from him,he said he was looking foward to the album came out,didnt he?.

    It must be difficult for the likes of Slash and Duff. Imagine being in VR about to start recording your next album, all the while knowing that the band you were once apart of is about to unleash something very big and you won't be apart of the experience. Even without releasing a single new song GnR are back in 2006 headlining on the strength of the GnR name alone.

    I doubt it'll bother Matt or Gilby as they were simply hired guns during the UYI tour, and Izzy left long ago on good terms to do his own thing.

  14. It would be interesting if Axl would allow the odd female singer into the picture. While listening to 'There was a Time' towards the end of the track i kept on thinking the track would work so much better (that word again) if some female with a super powerful voice came into it. There's a tack by the Rolling Stone (my favourite Stones song) called 'Gimme Shelter' and there's a female with a powerful voice that adds so much more to that track than what Mick J. can do. The version of Gimme Shelter i am referring to is on the Live Licks album and have no idea if the standard studio version has any females performing onit [i'm just checking that out now]

  15. This whole thread is BS :P

    If that song was out people would have it. There is a track called Prostitute listed under Guns N'Roses on Emule. It's 3.0 MB and there's afew sharing it. The only problem i have with it is, it's electronic without singing. Go figure :P

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