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Posts posted by GNR_uruguay

  1. Ok....how can i describe my emotions? How can i tell you how great was, how emotional was... No, i cant. Im not Axl Rose. The reviews from here were pretty accurate. Ruben, i share 100% your review, i make mine your words. So, today i started to look my pcs and video and starting to cry! Man, i had to turn off the camera. I dont know what happens to me. One thing is sure, yesterday Axl change my life. Sorry folks, i still shocked...sorry

  2. It will probably sell out by tonight. Did any uruguayan catch Bien Despiertos this morning? (no don't get me wrong, I don't watch that, they had it on at work) Juji (the girl from the show) talked to DJ, Sebastian and some of the guys at the hotel. DJ was so cool!!! I'm going to the hotel now, I hope I can meet some of the guys.

    Can't wait for tonight!

    Cool, that Juji girl is made for the crime if you know what i mean...haha. Less than 8 hour...

  3. Hi everyones, so..tonight is my night!!!!!!!! Our Uruguayan night. ... Guns N Roses is gonna play in our 3: ppl country. ITs insane. Guns were my life's soundtrack, my joys and sorrows were accompanied with Axl screaming in the background.

    So, yesterdey i went to the hotel with aprox 100 fans. Some members of this forum were there too. I met DJ, Tommy, Dizzy, Del James and Baz. They all sign t-shirts, pics, cd booklets, etc.

    I took some pics, sorry for the shitty quality and my primitive english also!






  4. Uruguay! vas hoy entonces? yo voy a ir a eso de las 8 de la noche! En que hotel es? el victoria plaza?

    Voy si!! Calculo que a esa hora, quizas un poco antes. Es en el Radisson, frente a la plaza Independencia. No es de los mejores lugares para andar de noche pero ta... ja

    Rock n roll neneeeeeee

  5. excelentes fotos.. estoy muy confiado para este concierto... va a ser el mejor en sudamerica y el mejor en el tour... aguante uruguay lpm!!! va a ser el estadio y publico mas grande del tour

    ya se sabe si hay algun telonero antes de Sebastian Bach?

    pd: alguno de uds va a llevar camara de fotos?

    Buenas!!! Aparte de Sebastian Bach está Rey Toro y Vendetta. Mañana despues del laburo me voy pal hotel a ver q pasa...Capaz q me quedo hasta tarde, feconroses dijo que llevaba la viola asi que cerveza + viola + previa de guns me parece una buena noche pa mi!!! jaja. Calculo que podremos ver a Bumble, el loco es una grande y tiene gran consideracion por los fans, verlo a Axl parece mas un sueño que otra cosa.

    Yo vivo cerca del estadio y cada vez q paso ojeo a ver q onda con el escenario, esta mas completo ahora. Tengo una emocion que no se como voy a reaccionar con el toque. Guns N Roses y sus canciones fueron la banda sonora de mivida, alegrias y tristezas personales las vivi con Axl gritando en el fondo... Me gustaria decir que voy a agitar como un enfermo, pero no se, capaz q quedo paralizado ante semejante carga emocional.

    Bueno, uds me deben entender. Aguante los guns!!! Otra cosa q tenemos q recordar todos los q vamos al estadio es agradecer a la productora Belgrano q se la jugo y los trajo. Aqui hay muchos contras y los tipos se la bancaron. Como dice Darwin "chapon" pa la Belgrano.

    Que sea rock hermanos, que sea rock...................

  6. Solo 5 dias!!! la puta madre como va a estar eso!!! va a ser un sueño hecho realidad!

    alguno va para el aeropuerto?

    Yo ando con ganas, el tema es que no se cuando llegan!! El hotel lo tienen reservado a partir de la noche del 16. En Oceano FM hablaron con la productora y al parecer llegaria parte de la banda y el "crew" esa noche. Pero el 16 tocan en Porto Alegre! Asi que no se... Axl dicen que viene en un avion privado el 17 o el 18 mismo...

    Si se sabe de algo, quizas alguin tio de la prima del hermano del vecino de un amigo de un miembro de aca tiene algun contacto en el aeropuerto y nos pueda tirar algun pique.... no se

    Bueno, saludos hermanos gunners!!!!!!!!

    Axl Rose viene a Montevideo..... No puedo creerlo aun

  7. Ashba fazendo video dele aqui, Ron dando entrevista p/ rádio brasileira e mandando mensagens p/ os brasileiros pelo twitter, Ashba criando tópico agradecendo os brasileiros no MyGNR e agora ainda esse do documentário sul-americano, os gringos do MyGNR nunca tiveram tanta inveja da gente uhahuahua...

    I know, it's too good to be true.

    obs: Eu não diria inveja Manets. Na verdade eu acho que a maioria dos fans está começando a entender que é melhor apoiar o GNR do que ficar reclamando de tudo o tempo todo. :shrugs:

    Dude, Manet, nobody is envying the Brazilians, and say that stuff in English, no reason to be hiding like a wussy.

    Agree. Its typical of the brazilian people "O mais grande do mundo" crap. We are in the GNR world, remember that. Its great news for everybody

  8. One of these days when I see GnR I ain't filming, so I get the full concert experience. :)

    I think you are doing the right thing :) I mean i guess filming like just like 2 minutes or taking a few pics is good so you have a special reminder of you being there , but i wouldnt be recording the whole time ...like that would just be like not being there . Whats the use ? I remenber when i went to RIR LISBON my friend was trying to record some songs and i just thought " you arent even getting good images ...and you are having such a trouble doing it , is stupid" .Trying to enjoy a concert with no trouble is already hard when you are in a big concert like that , having all this people pushing you and all .... so having that trouble with the camera is too much . I just preffer to listen the music jump, break all my body and scream until i have no voice :) . Now thats a Very good concert experience

    Amen for that...

  9. Vendetta, Rey Toro and Sebastian Bach for openers in Montevideo's GNR show.In Argentina will open La mancha de Rolando and Massacre. According to newspaper El Pais Uruguay's show sold 20.000 tickets so far...

    More info here:




  10. 18 days and counting baby...... I sent an email to Bumblefoot wish him a pleasure stay in Uruguay and send him images and our anthem. He answered me really quickly!!! He said he downloaded yesterday all the country's anthem. What a nice guy ... hope to met him...

    well Guns N Roses is nearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I envy you. I'm Uruguayan but I have lived outside of Uruguay for most of my life. I went to two Canadian shows in January and they were the best times of my life, you will love this lineup.

    I looked at the concert map and the stage will be on the Tribuna America??? That's gonna be fucking awesome, the huge Tribuna Olimpica will be in front of the stage. Axl will shit his pants. lol.

    Also, I wonder how's the sound quality in the stadium. They don't usually have concerts that stadium right?

    Hi my fellow repatriado!! jeje Yes, thats correct. The stage will be on the Tribuna olimpica. Also Tribunas Amsterdam y Colombes (25% each) will be available. About the sound qulity i think its gonna depend on the amplification.

    FeConRoses: Hay que averiguar en que hotel se quedan. En la radio dijeron que van a quedarse en 6 hoteles distintos. No se cuanto de cierto hay en eso. Además no creo que Axl se quede en uno que no sea 5 estrellas y aca 5 estrellas hay 2 creo (el Victoria o el que está atras del Punta Carretas) No se... Como estaría para conseguir un pase de backstage!!!

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