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Status Updates posted by Aaron_H

  1. I give up trying to understand. I'm sorry, I don't understand Spanish. :(

    I thought you said you didn't like anyone there. I hoped everything is okay. Apologies for being fucking useless at Spanish. :'(

  2. Look it up. We can "text" for free using the Internet :)

  3. We need to find another method of communication. Do you have whatsapp installed on your mobile?

  4. I can't complain, thanks. We've not chatted for a while :( x

  5. I hope you're doing okay today. :) x

  6. Is twitter being shitty?

  7. I tweeted you! I'm here!

  8. Thanks for the nice message. I hope we can speak on MSN soon. You're such a sweet person! :)

  9. You're breaking my heart, sweetie. :(

  10. Two threesomes? Someone is a busy girl.

  11. You are very very cool!

  12. Ha, your last post was amazing!

  13. No, not at all. I was apologising for being a bad boyfriend recently. :(

  14. I sent you an email by the way.

  15. This topic is making me laugh so much. It's hilarious!

  16. Oh, nevermind. He's already quoted it. :)

  17. Ha, thanks sweetheart.

    Also, change it to "you're more into licking" (since he's going on about grammar/spelling).

  18. Can we tweet or email instead?

  19. RHCP are great. Btw, I love you.

  20. Google isn't as good as me

  21. Hallo is German, I think. :P

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