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Contemporary punk


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On Thursday, at University we watched a punk DVD and started discussing whether punk is still around. The punk I mean is more than just the genre. The whole ethos of punk.

Do you think theres still any bands that hold that punk ethos? Obviously not Green Day, Simple Plan.

Like is there anyone out there who has that whole 'fuck you' attitude? Theres the whole Rock Against Bush thing, which was pretty punk in an anti-conservative way. Theres a lot that can be said about this subject.

Discuss :)

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On Thursday, at University we watched a punk DVD and started discussing whether punk is still around. The punk I mean is more than just the genre. The whole ethos of punk.

Do you think theres still any bands that hold that punk ethos? Obviously not Green Day, Simple Plan.

Like is there anyone out there who has that whole 'fuck you' attitude? Theres the whole Rock Against Bush thing, which was pretty punk in an anti-conservative way. Theres a lot that can be said about this subject.

Discuss :)


The only reason I wouldn't consider Green Day a punk band these days would be because they're doing that whole Rock against Bush bullshit and it is so conservative. The music is still great, but their message just stinks to high hell of "Watch my videos on MTV and give me MONEY, MONEY, MONEY :o ". Green Day were a great punk band because they had interesting views and stuck it in your face in amusing and awesome ways, but these days they're just regurgitating the same old message we don't need to be told; "what's that Billie? War in Iraq bad?.... :o "

Edited by pain cake
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On Thursday, at University we watched a punk DVD and started discussing whether punk is still around. The punk I mean is more than just the genre. The whole ethos of punk.

Do you think theres still any bands that hold that punk ethos? Obviously not Green Day, Simple Plan.

Like is there anyone out there who has that whole 'fuck you' attitude? Theres the whole Rock Against Bush thing, which was pretty punk in an anti-conservative way. Theres a lot that can be said about this subject.

Discuss :)


The only reason I wouldn't consider Green Day a punk band these days would be because they're doing that whole Rock against Bush bullshit and it is so conservative. The music is still great, but their message just stinks to high hell of "Watch my videos on MTV and give me MONEY, MONEY, MONEY :o ". Green Day were a great punk band because they had interesting views and stuck it in your face in amusing and awesome ways, but these days they're just regurgitating the same old message we don't need to be told; "what's that Billie? War in Iraq bad?.... :o "

Hehe, I agree.

Maybe not punk, but I think The White Stripes have a 'fuck you' attitude.

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Which punk dvd did you watch?

Don't know the exact name of it. It explained the influence of bands such as Television and Suicide.

I didn't know Green Day were involved in Rock Against Bush. But I'm not talking musically. Like standing up and saying fuck off to the government is a very punk thing.

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if you're talking about three chord barkery, no. theres no kind of...audible identity to punk in that...it aint a sound, its a stance, its an attitude, its the spirit of invention. things that sound unlike punk in the typically construed the damned, the dead boys, the dead kennedys sense are more in line with punk. if you look at the originators from richard hell and the voidoids to the sex pistols to suicide to patti smith...none of em sounded like each other. ideologically at least, punk was going in the right direction with bands like PiL, Sonic Youth, James Chance and the Contortions, Gang of Four, bands that...expand the sound, the direction, new concepts, new ideas, no album sounding like another before it. punk was supposed to be musical ground zero, day 1, like no music before mattered or existed and then going from there. a new sound, new music. thats sort of like...the hardcore ideology (not hardcore as in the hardcore scene, i just appropriated the term there) but even if you strip away the whole kooky " no music before mattered or existed" thing and leave the rest, thats what punk is about and thats what it was supposed to do and thats what the people with any smarts, thats the direction they took it in. all this dumb ass teenage angst three chord barkery is just so tired and stale and lame and just so fuckin crap i cant describe it. the whole point of punk rock was to combat the whole uniform image and mentality thing. its partly the media who got stuck on mohawks and leather jackets and safety pins and spitting and violence because certain incidents in the begginging of punk involved that whole shit but the media kind of took it as the iconorgraphy of the scene and printed it in their papers and shit so you get all these suburban kids actually buying into that bullshit and coming to town all geared up identical and shit going to see the new thing and basically pissing on this sapling movement from a great heart and killing it really, in any wholesale overgroundly plausible sense.

but the ones that got the point took it somewhere. *cough* John Lydon :lol: all this underground keeping punk alive shit is just a bunch of weiners clinging desperately to the wrong end of the stick and ruining it.

Edited by ffrankwhite
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if you're talking about three chord barkery, no. theres no kind of...audible identity to punk in that...it aint a sound, its a stance, its an attitude, its the spirit of invention. things that sound unlike punk in the typically construed the damned, the dead boys, the dead kennedys sense are more in line with punk. if you look at the originators from richard hell and the voidoids to the sex pistols to suicide to patti smith...none of em sounded like each other. ideologically at least, punk was going in the right direction with bands like PiL, Sonic Youth, James Chance and the Contortions, Gang of Four, bands that...expand the sound, the direction, new concepts, new ideas, no album sounding like another before it. punk was supposed to be musical ground zero, day 1, like no music before mattered or existed and then going from there. a new sound, new music. thats sort of like...the hardcore ideology (not hardcore as in the hardcore scene, i just appropriated the term there) but even if you strip away the whole kooky " no music before mattered or existed" thing and leave the rest, thats what punk is about and thats what it was supposed to do and thats what the people with any smarts, thats the direction they took it in. all this dumb ass teenage angst three chord barkery is just so tired and stale and lame and just so fuckin crap i cant describe it. the whole point of punk rock was to combat the whole uniform image and mentality thing. its partly the media who got stuck on mohawks and leather jackets and safety pins and spitting and violence because certain incidents in the begginging of punk involved that whole shit but the media kind of took it as the iconorgraphy of the scene and printed it in their papers and shit so you get all these suburban kids actually buying into that bullshit and coming to town all geared up identical and shit going to see the new thing and basically pissing on this sapling movement from a great heart and killing it really, in any wholesale overgroundly plausible sense.

but the ones that got the point took it somewhere. *cough* John Lydon :lol: all this underground keeping punk alive shit is just a bunch of weiners clinging desperately to the wrong end of the stick and ruining it.

Great post. Exactly what I was trying to say.

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