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Lost Jimi Hendrix Album Discovered


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World Entertainment News Network reports that a lost album Jimi Hendrix recorded with rocker Stephen Stills has been discovered more than 30 years after it was recorded.

Stills recently found the recording among a stack of material he taped during the 1970s, and his Crosby, Stills And Nash bandmate Graham Nash is helping him prepare it for release.

Nash tells the Las Vegas Sun, "He has an enormous history of recording. In the '70s, he was a recording fool. He just found a bloody album he made with (Jimi) Hendrix.

"'Oh yeah, I forgot that.' We've got to listen to that... I want to listen to every track he ever recorded in case he recorded with Al Jolson."

Hendrix's solo work in progress at the time of his death has previously been issued as the album First Rays Of The New Rising Sun, but the news of extensive recordings with Stills is a revelation.

Stills' 1970 self-titled debut album did feature Hendrix on one track, Old Times Good Times, but now it seems that there is an album's worth of material. Stills' album also featured Eric Clapton, but it's not known whether there is attack featuring all three guitarists – Clapton has never claimed he recorded with Hendrix, even though the two were friends.

POSTED: 07/08/2008 - 07:56 am


This will be interesting :blink:

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*does three laps around the room, hyperventilates and passes out with joy*


uh move over rover...n let Jimi take over, yeeeaahh you know what i'm talkin' bout...

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i love how he didn't even remember doing it.

you think you would remember a recording like that.

I know.

I actually chuckled about that to.

...when i got high, when i got high....

actually by a lot of accounts Jimi was quite workmanlike in the studio :)

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i love how he didn't even remember doing it.

you think you would remember a recording like that.

I know.

I actually chuckled about that to.

...when i got high, when i got high....

actually by a lot of accounts Jimi was quite workmanlike in the studio :)

talkin bout stephen still here. keep with the convo frankie boi

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i love how he didn't even remember doing it.

you think you would remember a recording like that.

I know.

I actually chuckled about that to.

...when i got high, when i got high....

actually by a lot of accounts Jimi was quite workmanlike in the studio :)

talkin bout stephen still here. keep with the convo frankie boi

leave me alone, im only little :rofl-lol:

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They finally found the masters!

This has been the holy grail for a while now.

Can't remember if it was Eddie Kramer who said it,but apparantly the material on this is amazing.

Hendrix commented on it before too,he really praised Stephen Stills' guitar work,Hendrix considered him one of the best guitarists around.

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This is kind of a side note to this, but I always get a laugh when I think about it.

Apparently Jimi was jamming with Stills loudly late into the night when there was a knock on the door. They answered and it was a couple of police officers. One can only imagine how they must have felt at that moment-assuming that they were high as one would think they would be. Rather than bursting in and searching the place, the cops asked if it would be o.k. if they sat outside in their car and listened. Of course Hendrix and Stills complied and I'd imagine were quite relieved to say the least.

On topic, Stills is a very underrated guitarist and this promises to be an excellent release. There is so much unreleased material by Hendrix it's unreal, but it's still quite a surprise that something of this importance would've been overlooked for so long.

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I've never checked out any of his posthumous stuff, or any for any band really. Is the Hendrix stuff decent? People seem to rape posthumous releases for their own benefit most of the time, I've always been wary.

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I've never checked out any of his posthumous stuff, or any for any band really. Is the Hendrix stuff decent? People seem to rape posthumous releases for their own benefit most of the time, I've always been wary.

It varies. A lot of stuff was put out that I'm sure he wouldn't have approved of, particularly material that was butchered by poor attempts to overdub other musician's parts. Since the Hendrix family regained control of the recordings in the mid 90's, most of the releases have been pretty good. Check out First Rays of the New Rising Sun-it's the album he was working on at the time of his death. It was put together from finished songs and unfinished stuff reconstructed under the supervision of Eddie Kramer who worked on the original sessions. I'm sure it isn't 100% of his vision, but what instructions he did give were followed to a t.

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