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Ludacris Democracy


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I think it's really disappointing. The guy who made it unfortunately decided to simply take parts of the songs that don't have Axl's vocals (such as the opening few seconds of If the World) and attempt to create a beat out of them, but it sounds forced and amateurish. I can think of so many ways it could have been done better. (No pun intended.) He should have used instrumental tracks, too, instead of trying to slow down the songs at times to make Axl's lyrics less noticeable or try to bury them underneath Ludacris' vocals.

If I sound too harsh, it's just because I've heard a lot of good mashups and a CD mashup has a lot of potential, but this one just strikes me as being half-assed and amateur.

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CD mashup has a lot of potential, but this one just strikes me as being half-assed and amateur.

You don't sound too harsh to me at all. I was disappointed. The above quote sums up my feelings about the mashups perfectly. However eventually I'd love to hear someone do something like this and really put some effort into it. Perhaps with a cross section of artists - not just Ludacris. Tons of potential for some kick ass mashups/remixes.

Edited by Ions
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