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Bumble interview....but with NEW ANSWERS!!!


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Bumblefoot: I’ve got some questions for you, sir. If Axl is God to you, does that mean when you die Axl will greet you at the pearly gates? Or will some other God be there and turn you away for not accepting *him* as your Lord and Savior? What if Axl’s still here when you die? Will you be greeted by GNR management instead? What if we’re in-between managers? It’s happened, could be a long wait. What happens when Axl hits the afterlife? Will ‘matter Axl’ be greeted by ‘anti-matter Axl’ and all of creation will implode? And how does Chuck Norris fit into all of this? I’ve had a lot of fun times hangin’ with Axl over the years, I’d rather recall people at their best, not their worst. Actually I can be pretty fucking moody…

In other words, just in case you all aren't reading between the lines here, AXL IS A MOODY MOTHER FUCKER AND A DOUCHE BAG!

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Really? Bucket got to write songs, Ron just recorded over them.

Im talking about pure solos though, not whole songs like Shackler's. In terms of solos on Chidem, its a perfectly fair comparison.

This is just stupid. It's not like he's going up to the interviewer and saying "Make sure that you say that im from Guns n Roses".

So going on the Eddie Trunk shows a week before Chidem was launched and talking about EVERYTHING BUT GUNS N" ROSES isn't stupid to you? Im sure everyone was tuning in just to hear him talk about Devo...

I dont do that unless someone says "Buckethead is the best guitarist of all time". I have to set them straight. Praise Bucket and i'll praise with you, but dont treat him like he is on top of the guitar stepladder.

Oh really?? Then what about this quote:

"Okay, I support this thread but #1 it's in the wrong section. And #2 I just one to correct one thing, Ron is a better guitarist than Bucket. But overall good thread, I approve."

Found in this thread:


The OP never said Bucket was "the greatest of all time", he said "one of the most incredible guitarists", surely you can't be that tight, maybe Ron is included in that group too. Nor did the OP say "Guns n roses need Buckethead". Yet you still said "Ron is better". Sorry, it doesn't add up.

Proof that Ron said all that, give it to me. You cant because you have none.

Give me proof that Ron broke the news on the label holding back the record first. Considering you said Ron did give us this substantial info in 2008, until you proof it, its a moot point Ron NEVER publicly said it, even though you said he did.

Keep in mind that number is worldwide. Not U.S.

I kind of thought so, even still i find it hard to believe, he does have niche markets in France etc, but those numbers are too high. Even Slayer and Megadeth barely hit those numbers worldwide.

I like this discussion about Ron vs Bucket, ha.

It has been entertaining. This has also spilled into work too LOL.

Yeah its all in good fun :)

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[b"]Im talking about pure solos though, not whole songs like Shackler's. In terms of solos on Chidem, its a perfectly fair comparison."

Even then, it's a lot easier to write a solo in your own song rather than basically doing a cover with your own twist.

"So going on the Eddie Trunk shows a week before Chidem was launched and talking about EVERYTHING BUT GUNS N" ROSES isn't stupid to you? Im sure everyone was tuning in just to hear him talk about Devo..."

Wasnt there a bunch of joking during that like "No Comment" to all the GnR questions. He was just joking around.

"Oh really?? Then what about this quote:

"Okay, I support this thread but #1 it's in the wrong section. And #2 I just one to correct one thing, Ron is a better guitarist than Bucket. But overall good thread, I approve."

Found in this thread:


The OP never said Bucket was "the greatest of all time", he said "one of the most incredible guitarists", surely you can't be that tight, maybe Ron is included in that group too. Nor did the OP say "Guns n roses need Buckethead". Yet you still said "Ron is better". Sorry, it doesn't add up."

Eh, I feel like a dick after that, what I said wasnt needed. I agree with you, but this is one time exception and even then I did say I liked the thread.

"Give me proof that Ron broke the news on the label holding back the record first. Considering you said Ron did give us this substantial info in 2008, until you proof it, its a moot point Ron NEVER publicly said it, even though you said he did."

I guess this one ends in a draw since we cant prove either can we.

"I kind of thought so, even still i find it hard to believe, he does have niche markets in France etc, but those numbers are too high. Even Slayer and Megadeth barely hit those numbers worldwide."

Ill take Ron's word. And honestly, i am not surprised since he is pretty well known around Europe. He even was featured in some European equivalent of Rolling Stone for having a top 50 song(Guitars Suck). I'vr said lots of times he is the French equivalent of Three Doors Down.

Edited by Cdlove
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Even then, it's a lot easier to write a solo in your own song rather than basically doing a cover with your own twist.

Fair point but Bucket didn't write Riad, TWAT or ITW.

Wasnt there a bunch of joking during that like "No Comment" to all the GnR questions. He was just joking around.

Hmm i dunno if it was joking or it was a gag order. Really either way it was a kick in the nuts for most Guns fans who tuned in expecting to hear something, anything about a band they love only to hear about Devo..

I guess this one ends in a draw since we cant prove either can we.

I specifically remember the fan story and then Ron detracting it, but i can't find it so it is a draw. Although it does take away your initial point on Ron filling us in on what was happening with Chidem,

Ill take Ron's word. And honestly, i am not surprised since he is pretty well known around Europe. He even was featured in some European equivalent of Rolling Stone for having a top 50 song(Guitars Suck). I'vr said lots of times he is the French equivalent of Three Doors Down.

He does have more stardom in France(i think he mostly uses French guitars) and parts of Europe. But 250,000 sounds too hard to believe for a experimental, semi-instrumental, independent artist. If so, kudos, but i have doubts.

Eh, I feel like a dick after that, what I said wasnt needed. I agree with you, but this is one time exception and even then I did say I liked the thread.

Now we can all be friends rock1

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"Fair point but Bucket didn't write Riad, TWAT or ITW."

I'll give you TWAT and ITW but the Ron Riad solo was much better than Buckets.

"Hmm i dunno if it was joking or it was a gag order. Really either way it was a kick in the nuts for most Guns fans who tuned in expecting to hear something, anything about a band they love only to hear about Devo.."

Fair point, but with an embargo....what are you gonna do?

"I specifically remember the fan story and then Ron detracting it, but i can't find it so it is a draw. Although it does take away your initial point on Ron filling us in on what was happening with Chidem"

Not really, I mean he did other stuff, but I really dont feel thinking about them.

"He does have more stardom in France(i think he mostly uses French guitars) and parts of Europe. But 250,000 sounds too hard to believe for a experimental, semi-instrumental, independent artist. If so, kudos, but i have doubts."


"Now we can all be friends rock1 "


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Ron is sooo cool. That's why he named himself Bumblefoot, has a mullet, plays a bumblebee guitar, frowns on stage and is from New Jersey.

Are you seriously bashing Ron? He's the greatest guitarist out there. Best ever in my eyes.

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Q: So, know any exceptionally irritating ways to answer questions during interview, bro?

A: Atoms consist of an electron cloud and a nucleus. The electrons each have the same mass and the same negative electric charge. The mass of an atom is given almost entirely by the nucleus which consists of protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive electric charge and neutrons have no electric charge. The chemical properties of atoms are governed by the number of electrons in the cloud. These match the number of protons in the nucleus and the electric charge of the electron and proton balance exactly.

One nucleus will spontaneously transform into a different nucleus if the final state nucleus is more stable and if the laws of physics allow the transformation. This process is usually accompanied by the release of ionizing radiation and is often called "radio-active decay". Nuclei that exhibit this behaviour are said to be "unstable" or "radioactive". Most of the matter found naturally on Earth is stable and does not undergo this transformation. Some examples of common radiactive isotopes found naturally that have this property are 40K (potassium-40) which is present in seawater and many salts, 14C (Carbon-14) and Uranium and Thorium.

Nuclear Fission energy is released when a very heavy atomic nucleus absorbs a neutron and splits into two lighter fragments. The energy release in this process is enormous. It is 10 million times greater than the energy released when one atom of carbon from a fossil fuel is burned.

As this process happens, heat is produced. The heat is converted into electricity via conventional steam and gas turbines like those used at Fossil-fuel based power plants. Harnessing this heat is an engineering problem. Basically, you could always construct your point slooowly out of a fuckload of irrelevant horseshit anecdotes nobody gives a shit about.

- -

As a little more constructive note, if you are musican busy getting your ass interviewed and the guy asking questions calls your band mate, liek, a GOD! that's the golden moment where you can determine the guy interviewing you is first and foremost a retard rather than a journalist or a fan:p So way I see it his 2nd reply isn't " strange" or him being asshole or whatever, it is just him realizing it isn't a real interview done by someone who'd be remotely professional.

I do dislike Bumble and consider his laid back humble i'm-so-easy- to- hang- with- cool- easy- going- hay- yeah- surf- rocker- lol let's go twit guyz - act bullshit tho. Most of my negative feelings are there simply because he isn't Slash tho.

Edited by LTD
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