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"You're everything that I could have been."


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If we are talking one album, I give it to Kurt. Appetite is great, but I Nevermind is flawless. If we are talking body of work, I give it to Axl. Guns n Roses were more consistent than Nirvana.

Nothing beats AFD, for me it's by far better.

I like some Nirvana songs, but Kurt Cobain I have always found annoying, and the way he died annoyed me even more.

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I can't imagine Guns N' Roses putting on a grunge affectation. That would have been harsh. If Pearl Jam and STP were criticized for being poseurs what would have happened to Guns N' Roses if they went grunge? They would have lost all their hard rock credibility. They should have continued on like Aerosmith did with Get a Grip and Nine Lives and transcend the 90s.

The brilliance in Kurt Cobain was in his honesty and that couldn't be imitated nor emulated.

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Axl could never approach being what Kurt was, he's just not that good, never has been. For a start Kurt actually wrote music and lyrics which, correct me if i'm wrong was never really Axls forte til a lot later on. Kurt music, for the mainstream at least, SOUNDED original and Axls music i think, took off because it was kind of taking cues from Aerosmith and The Stones and Led Zeppelin, established bands and an established sound that had been saturating the mainstream since fuck knows when ahead of time. Also Kurt was just naturally a better lyricist. Not that Axls lyrics suck but you can see post Appetite that he's taken his new role as voice of a generation VERY seriously and he's trying very hard to be profound. I think Kurt wanted to be profound too and often took stabs at it but just couldn't take himself seriously in that role and, quite honestly it saves his music whereas Axl got into his i'm standing at the edge of an era looking down upon the bloodshed and war we perpetrate and crying for my generation shit with songs like Civil War and all that stuff.

Kurt appeared an instinctive genius whereas Axl appeared/appears like he had to sit down and really give it a shot and kudos to him, he's hit and miss with it but the hits are worth it whereas Cobain, bless his dear heart, died 17 years ago yesterday the silly boy, was routinely brilliant.

I like Nirvana too and of course Kurt was central to that, but don't go deifying him just because he shot himself.

Kurt inmo was great because he wrote songs from the heart that played with performed with awesome intensity.

However, his music was pretty much a new-wave of punk and also what was going on in Seattle at the time indeed hw was pretty open about his influences? Moreover, their biggest hit smells like teen spirit was just a rip off of the riff from Bostons more than a feeling? So it wasn't that original?

As for his lyrics? They were more like a stream of consciousnes? I did like some of his lyrics but I have to say that lyrically I think Axl is the stronger of the two? I prefer his more literal style.

And please don't believe the effortlessly brilliant accidental star garbage. Kurt and Nirvana inmo conscientiously decided to place themselves as the anthises of the whole GnR excess thing. They (with no small thanks to the gret music they wrote) did that very successfully.

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