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If Chinese Democracy wasn't Chinese Democracy

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"Ya'll?" Are you from the south?

I don't think it would have mattered. I think the biggest problem was timing. I don't think it would have EVER been a hit like original GNR albums, but it certainly would have done better had it released in the late 90's. That was the time to do it. I think the VMA performance doomed it.

Lol yah tx , excuse my southern draw :P

I forget actual people don't actually use the word "y'all" I use it so fukin much hah

Imagine it name Guns N Roses Shacklers Revenge. Shackles turns out to be axls psychotic evil alter ego furthering the mystery of Axl Rose. Seems it would be a little cooler for the kids? Idk I just feel there's nothing cool about the title Chinese Democracy and joe six pack (first time I've used this I've seen it around here and find it hilarious) wants GNR to be cool if he's gona jam out to it. Gnr were the coolest band back in the day it was kinda there thing.

Very true about the cover art, it's a fukin bike lol but with changing the tittle that would definitely not be the cover as that is a picture of somthing he saw in China right?

I actually think Axl should have made a video for SR where you follow the the life and mind of a school shooter. Show the abuse, the bullying, the crying out for help. Then show the mental degradation and end the video with the shooter committing the acts and then killing himself.

In light of all the recent shootings, it would have been in every major news publication and probably drummed up controversy. All of which would have boosted sales.

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I don't think it would have made any difference to the reviews and its legacy if it had a different title.

I think the fact Chinese Democracy became such a myth helped it in terms of sales, i'd imagine alot of people picked it up to see what Axl had been doing for all those years.

The material on the record is divisive as has been discussed umpteen times, I highly doubt a title change wouldnt have made any difference to its reception.

Great post. You hit the nail on the head.

At the end of the day, the music is what really matters. Axl could have a buffalo on the cover and called it "I love Rainbows" and if the songs had captured the hearts and imaginations of the music world, it could have sold 10 million copies.

Keeping the Guns n Roses name/brand no-doubt helped Axl sell more copies than if he had used a different brand name.

CD was a fantastic album that, for whatever reason, didn't set the rock world on fire. I still love it though and listen to it pretty much every other day. I don't care what the name of the band is or what the name of the album is or what the cover looks like. I just love the songs. And can't wait for the follow up.

The album is what it is regardless of it's name, the bands name or the artwork.

Russ makes some of the best posts on this forum.

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I think it would have been better received by the public if it had better songs, sounded like gnr, and had the afd or uyi lineups. Given that it went 0 for 3 on those, it was received about as well as could be expected.

Edited by jmapelian
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The thing is i think the presentation matters. Appetite was around for Afew years if I'm not mistaken, but didn't make a big splash untill mtv and sweet child video. What if Guns first video would have been for Anything Goes and sweet child just an album filler (like slash thinks if it :P) would it have made as huge of an impact as it did? Would people hear a weak first single and go out of there way to spend money and explore the album in whole when they don't like the single? It's possible I think but the probability drops immensely I would say.

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