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"teddibiase" is a jerk


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I am sorry I am a tax lawyer.. I am sorry I do not work at 7/11 like you.. does that mean that only skids can be GNR fans... sorry bud, that isnt the case... Sometimes, people that decided to get an education like to rock... It is skids like you with mullets that are the such a joke..

Dont hate me because I am smarter and richer than you ever will be you useless welfare skid....

Hold on.. i have to go call my client...

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I am sorry I am a tax lawyer.. I am sorry I do not work at 7/11 like you.. does that mean that only skids can be GNR fans... sorry bud, that isnt the case... Sometimes, people that decided to get an education like to rock... It is skids like you with mullets that are the such a joke..

Dont hate me because I am smarter and richer than you ever will be you useless welfare skid....

Hold on.. i have to go call my client...

[glow=red,2,300]I am a super hero...i have no mullet...hold on i must go call my sidekick[/glow]

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I am sorry I am a tax lawyer.. I am sorry I do not work at 7/11 like you.. does that mean that only skids can be GNR fans... sorry bud, that isnt the case... Sometimes, people that decided to get an education like to rock... It is skids like you with mullets that are the such a joke..

Dont hate me because I am smarter and richer than you ever will be you useless welfare skid....

Hold on.. i have to go call my client...

You lied about the press conference.. only client you have is your 4:00 pm john, better lube up now.

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I am sorry I am a tax lawyer.. I am sorry I do not work at 7/11 like you.. does that mean that only skids can be GNR fans... sorry bud, that isnt the case... Sometimes, people that decided to get an education like to rock... It is skids like you with mullets that are the such a joke..

Dont hate me because I am smarter and richer than you ever will be you useless welfare skid....

Hold on.. i have to go call my client...

Hey Harvard, I should be capitalized, and the last time I checked, you should end a sentence with one period rather than three.

I'd be glad to tutor you in English if you'd like.

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I am sorry I am a tax lawyer.. I am sorry I do not work at 7/11 like you.. does that mean that only skids can be GNR fans... sorry bud, that isnt the case... Sometimes, people that decided to get an education like to rock... It is skids like you with mullets that are the such a joke..

Haha!!  ;D

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Ya know what TED this is a GnR Forum , I know you know this but I wanted to remind you that we're here to discuss all Gnr related topics not what our life descions are or how much we make ( Nobody cares what you do  :P ) so don't boast about it . We can get along as long as you don't become to High n Mighty with your far to important self to bother with people who have choosen a different path than you . Just because your some Tax lawyer with a Quality education dosen't make you better than a 7/11 worker or a shearer and if you think you are than why don't ya just F*CK OFF !! cause no one here wants to here it , BTW as I mentioned before stick to GnR/Forum topics and you'll be just fine  ;)

 Peace GnR Nation  8)

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