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Enough of the rumors


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Its getting retarded guys, actually not getting, it has been retarded.  I dont post much here but i do read alot.  I find it annoying how the board is kinda seperated into two groups, the old and new gnr.  Cmon dudes thats a bit childish, I like both the old and the new.  I'd like to see Slash play and the rest of the old band reunite, but I also saw the show in cleveland and thought it was amazing.  Of course your entitled to your own opinions.  There are people that like the old vs new and vice versa.  There is no problem with that, but no need to fight over it, damn!  Well i'm probably gonna get flamed and cursed at for this too but just speakin the truth guys.

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Yeah I agree 100%, I love the old and the new and there are about 4 people here who give everyone with this opinion greif.  There is nothing wrong with liking the old, nothing wrong with liking the new.  If you attack me for liking the new present day tough sh*t.  I still love the old, and still support axl and his new band. If he goes back to the old guys good for him I will love that too if they put out a good record.

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Yeah I agree 100%, I love the old and the new and there are about 4 people here who give everyone with this opinion greif.  There is nothing wrong with liking the old, nothing wrong with liking the new.  If you attack me for liking the new present day tough sh*t.  I still love the old, and still support axl and his new band. If he goes back to the old guys good for him I will love that too if they put out a good record.

all so diplomatic and innocent...

I mean i know it seems like im always out to get you but:

No-one here (at least me, and im sure that my name was included in that list of 4) has said "no-you cannot like the new band" and that it was wrong to like the new band (except mbe jimgnr who is a relative newbie) however it seems to be you who has problems with us 4 who like the old band and who do support the new band, however are hesitant to give our full fanship to them....

For example this is mr sparkles personal attack against me and the other 4 in a previous thread:


A day of the Mullet Musketeers, a short story....

After sleeping in until 5pm, after a hard night of playing with themselves, and watching scrambled porn on the television.. The Mullet Musketeers decided that it was time to go out and start a crusade against all 'new' Guns n' Roses fans.  Jimgnr looked his mullet in the mirror and said, "Hey, I don't even need any VO5 grease in you today, that pizza box we slept on made you nice and shiny!".    As they went to catch the bus, since they can't afford to fix their 1986 primer camero on blocks in the front yard, they noticed rockermans 55 year old ex-girlfriend walking down the street.  Rockerman asked, "So what are you doing these days?", She replied, "Oh, I'm still a crack wh*re"  They gave her their last $2.00 for a hand job and went about their way.  The Mullet Musketeers went to the local arena where the 'new' GnR were playing and tried to get many of the fans there to convert.  After getting their ass's kicked about 20 times.. The Mullet Musketeers decided to go to the local library and start attacking people on mygnrfourms because they couldn't get their ass kicked on the internet. One day they pissed of the wrong person and they hacked into the library computer and erased all the shemale porn they have been collecting for the past 10 years.  This was the last straw for The Mullet Musketeers. They lost the original Guns n' Roses, now their precious shemale porn collection was gone.  They climbed to the nearest building and jumped.  Something that should have happened 10 years ago.   After they died, they arrived in hell to meet the Devil.  Much to their surprise, it was Axl. Axl then condemned them to an eternity of listening to Britney spears, and limp bizkit, and 'new' gnr.   After 20 years of torture, The Mullet Musketeers asked the devil if they could just watch 15 minutes of some shemale porn.. The devil immediately said, "No f*cking way, this is hell and you would enjoy that way too much. You don't get enjoyment in hell!" The Mullet Musketeers then spent eternity wishing they never went to mygnr.com and made such useless hateful posts.  And swore if they got a second chance, they would keep their opinions to themselves, and let people like who they wish.  They finally realized they had no right to tell other people who they can listen to.  

-The End

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