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CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Buckethead goes DVD!!


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Dig this, its from Chud.com :



By Devin Faraci

Contributing sources:

Did you catch the MTV Video Music Awards last week? If you did, you saw the new Guns and Roses in their American TV debut, and man was it rough. The band sounded pretty damn good, but Axl has not aged well, or thinly. His voice seemed to be shot, and it was kind of sad.

Anyway, you may have noticed a guy in the band with a KFC bucket on his head. Yeah, you probably did - he's Buckethead, a "respected guitar innovator who has played for more than a decade with people ranging from Bootsy Collins to John Zorn to Primus to Snoop Dogg." That's the description from our scooper from Scarecrow Video, who is putting out a Buckethead DVD. Here's more info:

It's called SECRET RECIPE and it's designed as a celebration of the 13th Anniversary of his (fictional?) theme park Bucketheadland. Buckethead has a huge archive of footage and we're putting together highlights from each of the13 years in his career so far. There's also going to be one full length concert included.

The special features are not completely set in stone yet but as of today some of them are music videos (such as "The Ballad of Buckethead", directed by the brilliant comics artist Dave McKean), new songs, poster and photo galleries, an illustrated guide to nunchaka/guitar battling methods, and a definitive discography with detailed entries on over

100 Buckethead recordings. I don't want to give away the gimmick of the menus but suffice it to say it all follows a very Buckethead theme with lots of little surprises, gimmicks, secret messages and hidden features.

The whole project is being overseen and put together by Syd Garon, co-director of DJ QBert's brilliant animated hip hop musical WAVE TWISTERS. We haven't set a release date yet, but it's going to be put out by a company called Catalyst Entertainment, who released Buckethead's last album Bermuda Triangle and the upcoming Super Diarama Theater. It will be a real treasure for Buckethead fans and a great overview of his career for newcomers.

Wow, I can't wait to see this! I had a feeling about that, Buckethead's time is coming!

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