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poison will open for gnr?


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Poison sucks wet A S S. The ultimate opening band for GNR would be Godsmack. They have the same intense sound as some of the Guners heavier songs. They would compliment each other perfectly. Heavy rock songs throughout not a DJ mixxin records. That should only be done on the streets of Harlem.

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well if for you poison would be weird to open for gnr

what do you think about cyk and mixmaster mike???????

man poison at least have guitar solos ,mixmaster mike is just a loser mixing fuckin songs of other people i dont even call that music man and i agree godsmack suck so do mixmaster mike and cyk

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Thanx Rockerman I looked it up and yer right  ;D ,I forgot ( aw Sh*t )

like it or not, GNR was a big hair band folks.

make-up, hair spray, the whole nine yards.

Cant erase that.

  aolobsession  , I think your wrong there  :-/ just because you look like something doesn't mean you are for example Avril looks punk but she isn't , People say Creed looks Metal but there not and what if Eminem grew his hair long and wore leather pants would he be a Rocker No , ya see where I'm going , it's not so much what  you look like it's you're sound , attitude , and feel . They DID look a lot like a hair band from 85-87 , I'll give you that  ;)

  Peace GnR Nation  8)

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...  just because you look like something doesn't mean you are for example Avril looks punk but she isn't , People say Creed looks Metal but there not and what if Eminem grew his hair long and wore leather pants would he be a Rocker No , ya see where I'm going , it's not so much what  you look like it's you're sound , attitude , and feel . They DID look a lot like a hair band from 85-87 , I'll give you that  ;)

  Peace GnR Nation  8)

Good point Duffan.

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Thanx Rockerman I looked it up and yer right  ;D ,I forgot ( aw Sh*t )

  aolobsession  , I think your wrong there  :-/ just because you look like something doesn't mean you are for example Avril looks punk but she isn't , People say Creed looks Metal but there not and what if Eminem grew his hair long and wore leather pants would he be a Rocker No , ya see where I'm going , it's not so much what  you look like it's you're sound , attitude , and feel . They DID look a lot like a hair band from 85-87 , I'll give you that  ;)

  Peace GnR Nation  8)

that wasn't my quote hon. you haave the wrong girl


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it's not so much what  you look like it's you're sound , attitude , and feel . They DID look a lot like a hair band from 85-87 , I'll give you that  ;) quote]

bro; how old are you? ANyone who knew the Gunners b4 GNR knew they were a hair band what that means that they played hard rock of the 80's which was fusion of 70's punk with 70's glam mixed with a little ryhtm & blues(old school) in a mainstream kinda way. Yes, they slowly eventually evolved from that stereotype cos as all of us know they were one helluva of a band but your arguments are pathetic to say the least. Look at the wttj video axl has makeup and hairspray on..then as all axl fans know he made an image career move to separate himself from the other singers he stoped wearing makeup and put his hair down. Izzy was glamish but in a country bluessgrass kinda way. Slash was trying to look like his ALice Cooper's guitarist  influences with the hat and leather jacket to portray the shock rock attitude. Slash wore and still wears that handerchief to personify his blues side. Duff was the all Punk rock look, Steven well he was 100% glam with the best looking hair of any musician ever. That is why GNR was so damn intriguing they had so many characters that somehow complimented each other. Most people think that being "hair band" as a bad thing but the fucking experts real experts know that it';'s the those fucking seattle pussies the 'alternative" and "grunge' bands that suck more. Look for example at Stone Temple Pilots they were labeled Alternative/grunge when they really were not they were much more than that and they dressed Glam(weird version of glam at that..) Scott Weiland was not wearing those Checkerd shirts and looking like all those other pussified 90's band. Or look at Soundgarden's Chris Cornell that dressed more like a Metal god than a grunger. bottom line is this GNR was at first a Hair band period! just like at first the Beatles were a pop band like a boy band with instruments or like how so many punk rock bands become top forty sissies after they sign that major label.



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Poison open for Guns? that is very unlikely, since Poison has been broken up, for ages!

KPRICE, dude where ya been for the last 4 years Poison has been touring every summer taking with them 4 or 5 80's bands. In fact a lot of 80's band have reunited cos of Poison. They still put on a great show esp CC deville with his wild antics onstage during his solo spots. By the way for those that do not know this Axl used to date an associate of Poison singer Brett Michaels back in the day and Slash was almost the the lead riff meister of Poison until Tracee Gunn got canned from GNR as we all know.....

If AXL  brings Poison they will help sell more tickets on the december dates they can play for 1 hour and 30 minutes of non stop greatest hits. Just imagine all those women. ALso for all u Poison critics if you rather see a fucking dj and a sorry ass mickey mouse wannabe rock band than as axl would say, "Just stay the fuck home"  I would not mind seeing Godsmack or maybe even System of a DOwn but rather see Pantera as the perfect opener but Pantera singer is touring in his side project right now so stop whining. Poison would be an improvement. GNR was never a hair band please you fucking lil' kids don't jack shit.



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poison, slaughter, bon jovi, ratt suck big time... their just like backstreet boys only that in their times they were supposed to be hairy bad boys.. nothing more ,nothing less.. even numetal has more attitude in it than those bands... poison the worst of all.. gay lyrics, singer, and a band that can't write songs, sell image and are supposed to be "mean" (when on tv of course only..) i would rather britney spears open.. really. and i guess axl knows that and he won't hire those gays to do the job...

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Alright, first of all, I hate when bitter fans of 80s metal bash bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and the other grunge bands of the early 90s.  Music needed a change, everyone was sick of hair metal (Guns N' Roses is not hair metal).  You insult their musicianship, which is absurd.  What about Pearl Jam's Mike McReady or Alice in Chains gutiarist Jerry Cantrell, I guess they suck, right?  No, they don't whatsoever, unless you're a blindly loyal fan of Poison or Motley Crue who is completely stuck in the 80s.  When Nirvana hit it big, they helped weed out bands that were living on a few radio hits, makeup, hairspray, and nothing much else.  That's why Guns N' Roses still managed to remain prominent after Grunge became the new trend in music, they had substance to their songs, lyrically and musically.

Anyway, getting back to the opeing for GNR thing, I don't think Poison would be the best fit because it would make the show seem more like an oldies show.  It's good that they have upcoming bands opening for them, even though CKY blows, it makes them seem like they're playing for the present instead of the past.  I think a band like the Vines would be a good opener, they're a pretty good band and the exposure would definitely help them.

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[that wasn't my quote hon. you haave the wrong girl


   My deep apology lolobssession  :-[ that was Shades qoute I must just overlooked the names or somethin , ( I was tired and it was pretty late  ;) )

quite alright! :-*

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poison the worst of all.. gay lyrics, singer, and a band that can't write songs, sell image and are supposed to be "mean" (when on tv of course only..)...


Hey is that screen name cos ur a RONNIE JAMES DIO fan? ANyhow, ur right to an extent that Poison and other Glammers were actually nice guys in person and played bad boys on tv but that was what the industry demanded juSt like When in 70's when the boy band 'the osmonds' came out they were forced to go from classic rock to top forty bubble gum rock COS PEOPLE MADE THEM. OR Just like in 80's Cheap Trick was foprced by manageMENt and record labels from semi punk to bubble gum rock FOR INSTANCE REMEMBER THEIR HIT POWER BALLAD 'THE FLAME' CHEAP TRICK ONLY RECORDED THAT SONG COS RECORD LABELS FORCED EM TELLIN' POWER BALLADS SELL TO WRITE ONE. Or like in 60's how a lot of religious christian bands were forced inTO pop r&B. So that'S the way I look at that just like today any band that wants a major deal has to look like freakin' LImp Bizkit. Sad but true. U call em gays all u want the fact is they have all slept with more women than any of us combined will ever muster and a lot of todays bands were fans of that music when they were growing up.



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poison, slaughter, bon jovi, ratt suck big time... their just like backstreet boys only that in their times they were supposed to be hairy bad boys.. nothing more ,nothing less.. even numetal has more attitude in it than those bands... poison the worst of all.. gay lyrics, singer, and a band that can't write songs, sell image and are supposed to be "mean" (when on tv of course only..) i would rather britney spears open.. really. and i guess axl knows that and he won't hire those gays to do the job...

RATT DOES NOT SUCK THEY BEST SONG EVER 'ROUND & ROUND" STILL SOUNDS FRESH TODAY AS IT DID ALMOST 20 YEARS AGO. Also Ratt as big as they got never got to be as big as they could of cos of MOtley Crue. Warren Dimartini is a helluva a guitarist that never got his just due. hE KICKS THE ASSES OF THOSE PU S S I FIED 90'S GRUNGE WANNA-=BES..



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