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There is about 5 GnR shirts.  Sizes range from small-pretty large, I seen some shirts that fit some big guys.  One shirt has buckethead on the front and the back has a small star with G&R across it.

My shirt I bought has a large gray star in the center.  A picture of the earth covers up most of the star except for the outer points. Then over then earth it says it large letter "G & R" below that it in smaller letters "World Tour", underneath that "2002 - 2003" with the '-' being a small star.  The back: Center, picture of earth, everything gray (not as detailed as front, smaller picture) with Roman leaf thing around the earth picture.  A yellow star over the earth.  Over that in green in black letters it say G&R, below in smaller letters "Guns N Roses" towards the top of the shirt it say "Chinese Democracy" above those words it has a picture of american flag, then china's flag and towards the bottom of the shirt it says "World Tour 02-03". Below those words has pictures of: Japan's Flag, Canada's Flag, and England's flag.

Other shirts. dragon like dog beast, with gnr tour dates on back and a confederate flag one.  I forgot the other one or two.  They also have CKY shirts, GnR wind pants, GnR necklace and Beltbuckle, GnR Shot Glass, and a whole load of other goodies.

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