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The Project..... or... The Guns


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I haven't become anti old...i just moved on, remembered the past and loved it, but it is gone.  I'm just realizing this.  IF the old guns got together and put out good music...then more power to them.  Axl was just my favorite and the driving force behind gnr for me.  


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Dude don't tell me that i'm not a fan..you don't know anything about me..just because i'm not hung up on the past and that i'm not $hitting on the new band and axl doesn't make me a non fan of the old guns.  I have all the cd's grew and love the music.  I think that qualifies me as a fan.  Or maybe i just bought those cd's for the hell of it and spent all my time listening to the old guns for no reason what so ever.  Your arguement is full of holes..you big piece of swiss cheese.  You bag on axl all the time, guess you weren't a fan of gnr then..AXL was in the band...I think.....


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Dude, I am 100% dedicated to the greatest band that ever lived and it's now over.  I will never forget(not like some) how fantastic they were.   No I am not supportive of Axl's new band because it fucks with history of a band and is now someone else who is trying to be someone who they are not. (Does that make sense?)  I am here because I am also a fan of Axl, and I will always follow what he does, but I am disgusted in the way he has treated the people that got him where he is today.  Anyone who says this new band is better than GNR is kidding themself, because if you really know the real GNR, then you would know that they just don't compare.  That is the g*dd*mn truth!! >:(

Its better than nothing isn't it?

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Dude don't tell me that i'm not a fan..you don't know anything about me..just because i'm not hung up on the past and that i'm not $hitting on the new band and axl doesn't make me a non fan of the old guns.  I have all the cd's grew and love the music.  I think that qualifies me as a fan.  Or maybe i just bought those cd's for the hell of it and spent all my time listening to the old guns for no reason what so ever.  Your arguement is full of holes..you big piece of swiss cheese.  You bag on axl all the time, guess you weren't a fan of gnr then..AXL was in the band...I think.....


well you are abviously a fan, but i think what Nathan was getting at was that becuase you dish the old band out, your fanship has been detracted...

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I didn't dish the old band out..they did that to themselves...GNR was destined to be destroyed.  And I kind of feel betrayed by the old members..i mean surely they coulda worked it out with axl..i mean the new band has no problems with axl..dizzy has no problems.  I don't know what went on, but i refuse to believe it was ALL AXL....I will forever love the old band, and if the old gunners come out and have some good music..then sure as fuck i'll buy the cd..but like i said...AXL was the driving force behind GNR for me...so i will follow him to the fuckin churn desert no matter what.  



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I didn't dish the old band out..they did that to themselves...GNR was destined to be destroyed.  And I kind of feel betrayed by the old members..i mean surely they coulda worked it out with axl..i mean the new band has no problems with axl..dizzy has no problems.  I don't know what went on, but i refuse to believe it was ALL AXL....I will forever love the old band, and if the old gunners come out and have some good music..then sure as fuck i'll buy the cd..but like i said...AXL was the driving force behind GNR for me...so i will follow him to the fuckin churn desert no matter what.  



UMMMMMM......... RIGHT!!!

Im sorry, but this is the biggest load of bullshit ive ever heard... Firstly, axl drove the other guys away.... In fact, slash never even officially left. His last words to axl were "call me back when you wanna make an album", and it was axl who caused this... The actaul band had put the fragments of a studio track down, but axl would never show up and rehearse.

And axl was very demanding, and i mean it was impossible to work with him, thats why the other guys quit. Sure, it might not of all been axl, but for the most part it was. So if theres someone to feel betrayed by, feel betrayed by axl, cos it was his fault (and dont trust the bullshit on gnronline, thats just a one sided biased recount from axl)

And how do you know the new guys dont have a problem with axl??? I mean im sure they are very fristrated with him, but becuase theyre getting paid they are not so concerned.

I mean i am a huge fan of axl, and im ready to embrace this new band, but i mean remeber it was at least 3 people who quit guns n roses, and im sure that their reasons were fairly mutual.

Oh, and if this rubs some more dirt into the wounds, izzy actually left becuase axl asked him to take a pay cut becuase he didn't run around as much on stage.. I mean thats the sorta man axl was... (as much as i hate to say it)

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Again.  None of us know why that band broke up.  We know what Slash has said.  And Duff.  And Izzy.  And Axl.  And whoever else.  But we don't know.  We know what everybody's perception was but that isn't the same thing.  Especially since the story changes everytime we hear it.  But even if we knew it wouldn't change anything.  For GF GNR the biggest part of GNR was Axl.  For others it was Slash.  For others it was Axl/Slash.  For yet others it was the original members.  Some others could live with Steven becoming Matt and Izzy becoming Gilby.  GNR is whatever your perception of it is.  

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heay the old members  f**ckd  up  included  axl, they where  to  high to work  with  one another, and that's exactly what parted them  way ( to fu-cked up to work ) and then the rest  just  history.

like it or not, axl anded up the smartest one,with the gnr name and a kick ass band. and if that name went to other  members, none of them know what to do with it.

gnr would  have anded up like  ( black sabath with out ozzy )  and that would have sucked  match  more. just be thankfull  that axl got the gnr name because only he knows what to do with it

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Badzan I agree with all your post except that I think that Axl doesn't really know what to do with the name Why ? Well personallyI don't think he did the right thing to keep using the name GNR just cause you Can do some thing Doesn't mean you SHOULD do it < GNR was a legacy an Axl should've kept it that way and use a different name to sell himself and his new colleagues (Maybe he thinks he can't without the GNR name  ??? ) I don't believe that cause he's a great talent and performer but I makes me think , besides I think it'd only be fair to the new guys if they had a new name to sell themselves under . If he want's the rights to the name for sales and such that's fine and I totally agree with that  but I just don't think it's right for him to make evryone else in his band try to live up to the Weight that the name carries .

  Peace GnR Nation . 8)

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well i think if you are going to talk about the name i agree with Duffan. I mean the name of the band is a name given to that group of musicians, not one person, and i mean this is a new band.

For me, i would rather have at least one band named Guns N Roses rather than no band named Guns N Roses to carry on that legacy, however, at the end of the day i think its what axl has done with the name that pisses most fans off. I mean i want to see a reunion as do many other fans and its axl who has caused most of this.

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