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Tommy v. Duff


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Who do you think is superior musically and who do you think is superior image/stage wise??  Don't get me wrong, I loved Duff, he was good while he lasted...or should I say while his pancreas lasted ( :o oh no, I bet I'll hear it for that one), but I think Tommy is the better bassist and performer, plus I like his image more compared to Duff  :P

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DUff had more of the hair bandish look, which is kinda gay.  Stinson looks more "punk" like and looks to have a lot of fun on stage.  Running around like some f#ckin gypsy.  Nevertheless, I can't really say who's better, but Stinson is really good.


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I'd have to pick Duff. I'm no expert on guitar technique, so I can't comment on that part of it. But I liked his sound, and I really preferred his personality, style, and chemistry onstage. Maybe my impression of Tommy will change as the band plays together more, I don't know.

But, I'd love to have Duff back.

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I would also loved to have Duff back, he is like the cool guy who never cared about anything else but having fun and playing in a cool band..

But Tommy is one of the new members i like the most and without knowing much about bass stuff I think his playing in The Replacements seems to be really good and I think he is a better bass-player than Duff..

But when all comes to all they are 2 pretty like bass-players, both are kewl and seems to be having a good time onstage and lay down some solid bassplaying..

I dont know..  :)

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of couse I have to bore you with technical details.  ;) I like Duff don't get me wrong. With this band Tommy is a great choice that the band agreed to play with. A drummer & bass player have to connect 1st off more so to keep the band tight. With Brain on drums who I like a lot & can't wait to see more of him, he is a versatile player and so is Tommy. They are deadly a great match and great for where Axl and the rest of the band are headed for. Matt wouldn't fit as well and neither would Duff. They have a great band & I hope they are ALL on the same page to have fun. BP

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listening to some of the bass lines on The Blues whis morining i noticed there a bit crazy, but at least hes willing to do more than Duff and go out on his own more rather than simply playing under the guitars note for note...

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exactly, and it takes more skill and creates lots of energy and fun between the players. Can't wait now to see this band. BP

listening to some of the bass lines on The Blues whis morining i noticed there a bit crazy, but at least hes willing to do more than Duff and go out on his own more rather than simply playing under the guitars note for note...
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well lets see ...

Duff: Guns n Roses = legend

Stinson: Replacements = mediocre

           Replacements                     GNR

              Stinson------------------>    Duff----------->

                                    |   |

                                    |   |



                                GNR (?)  

                                Stinson                        Duff

Anyone get the point ? ;)

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øøh.. Wasnt that the other more the other way around Holydiver, Tommy seems to be a better bass player than Duff and so is the rest of the band, technicly..

Listen to some of The Replacements stuff and I think you will see that Tommy is a great bass player, after what I have heard, though I dont have all that much clue.. :)

But as Bi Polar says, its a new rhytm instead of just adding the bass sound to the guitar play..

It has always been Axl`s goal to make the bands sound stronger (bad english?) and being able to live at more than just the guitar and I think Tommy and his bass play is in on this..

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It doesn't matter what band Tommy was in before or whether it was mediocre or whatever.  He's a better bass player than Duff.  Simple as that.  And seriously, give Tommy a break.  The Replacements were real EARLY in his life.  He started playing bass for them at age 13.  

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ha...What is it that Duff does that gets to you so easily?

Mark, if I had never seen the Tokyo vids, I wouldn't have this opinion but all he was on about was himself, one of those guys where he can do it all and knows it better and it irritates the shit out of me.  I can't stand it when people are so far up their own arse.  Axl performs for the fans, Duff performs for himself, if you get my drift.

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Jeppz.. But actually he doesnt need to be given a break for his work in The Replacements or for the band he was in.. They where fucking great and is actually the one band (sad) that I got more than 1 cd of except for GnR.. I would recommend anyone to buy some Replacements stuff, Let It Be and Pleased To Meet Me are the 2 ones I got and its just good old loose punk rock..

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Now I get it  ;D  Duff had his picture taken more, so he is the legend  ::)   Duff should just quit the music business all together  :) n become a porn star. I think  ::) its in his best interest. Strappin' Duff Rod The King Of Porn Rock Mckagan with special joining member Tommy Lee.  ??? I can't think of any good names now cause I'm about to throw an axe into my computer.  Are you guys having internet problems?

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Now I get it  ;D  Duff had his picture taken more, so he is the legend  ::)   Duff should just quit the music business all together  :) n become a porn star. I think  ::) its in his best interest. Strappin' Duff Rod The King Of Porn Rock Mckagan with special joining member Tommy Lee.  ??? ....

BP  -- aren't you the same guy who was drooling over that talentless, cash-grabbing KELLY OSBOURNE in another thread?!!!  ::)  Give me a break. At least Duff knows how to play guitar, and has good stage presence, charisma and personality.  8)

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anow let me tell you something. look what songs duff did and the ones tommy did. there must be a reason for this and it's not only that duff cooperated with slash and izzy and axl who are great musicians too because he put his own thing in their sound too. and if anyone thinks duff was a bad player then he takes something from gnr. and something more. i know things about music and i don't think tommy is better than duff. he is just sober. when duff was also sober he could outplay tommy for fun. and who said something bout just copying the guitar lines? yes this is done sometimes but overplaying in rhythm sections is not good either. the song must get the bass lines or the drumming that fits with it even if it the simplest one. it's not a matter of showing off your talent but sounding good. and taste is what makes a great player rather than technique.

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OOOF! low blow.... I never said he was bad. also my point has nothing to do with over playing and showing off, just the opposite actually. ok, have you ever seen like complex jazz players jamming? point is as simple as that but not jazz.  and not 12 bar blues (he ducks). dude who cares, two different styles we are talking, nothing to get upset about......jesus christmas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BP

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i'm not upset.. i just want some respect for one of the five men who braught to us appetite ,illussions and all that great music. if it wasn't him it wouldn't have sounded that way in the first place and i think it's called ungratefullness to nullify his contribution after all those years that have passed and to praise a man who hasn't done nothing for gnr at least yet. It's so easy by itself is a great contribution to rock history and there's much more duff has done beyond it, i just say an example.

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