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Vince Vs. Axl


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a friend of mine that works at rolling stone told me that vince neil down played GNR's tour calling it a fluke and that axl won't even make most of the shows.

i think vince needs to keep his chubby ass out of a rock god's buisness.

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a friend of mine that works at rolling stone told me that vince neil down played GNR's tour calling it a fluke and that axl won't even make most of the shows.

i think vince needs to keep his chubby ass out of a rock god's buisness.

Vince wishes he had his life........The sun set on Vinces' ass years ago

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I could care less what any of these artists say about one another whether it's Vince, Axl or whoever as long as they play the music I wanna hear that's all I care about. I love GNR, I love Motley Crue, I love Poison, etc. I grew up with all these bands and I love them all. Getting the opportunity to see them play again is one of the greatest things.

I remember last year in March '05 when I saw the Crue at MSG..... The crowd reacted like they were gods when they first appeared on stage and they rocked NYC for about 2 hours..... One of the best shows I've ever been too.... GNR back in '02..... The energy was so powerful it felt like the entire place was gonna blow.... This is what these guys about... Putting on the best fuckin shows in the world, not these petty bullshit squabbles that probably aren't even any of our business.

When guys like GNR, Motley Crue, Poison, or Skid Row go on stage all that crap gets put aside and you KNOW you'll be getting about 2 hours of them playing their hearts out for us. That's what I care about- Them getting all their own personal shit together to play for us. All that personal drama between the bands, to me, are just petty squabbles. The only time a petty squabble pisses me off is when a band breaks up because of it..... Like what happened to the original line up of GNR..... yeah that pisses me off. :anger:

GNR is great but I love music itself more and I'm not going to trash on another band just because I'm a GNR fan. I'm a GNR fan but more importantly I am a Rock fan.

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different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.

Edited by Big Boy Sixx
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different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.


Nothing wrong with Vince Neil people, he inspired Axl more than any of you guys think.

Remember Axl was always the one to back down to Vince..


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different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.


Nothing wrong with Vince Neil people, he inspired Axl more than any of you guys think.

Remember Axl was always the one to back down to Vince..


Axl could of wooped his ass.

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different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.


Nothing wrong with Vince Neil people, he inspired Axl more than any of you guys think.

Remember Axl was always the one to back down to Vince..


Axl could of wooped his ass.

1. Why did Axl never show up when VInce organised a place to meet up and fight?

2. Vince would of knocked him into tommorow.

Tip: Read Motley Crue's 'The Dirt'


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different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.

motley crue is a good band........but don't tell me vince taught axl how to use the best hard rock voice i have ever heard.

different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.

motley crue is a good band........but don't tell me vince taught axl how to use the best hard rock voice i have ever heard.

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who gives ashit what vince says

i mean how many new songs has the crue released 3

and besides Axl still puts on a great show

Guns N' Roses r my favorite band and Im also a pretty big CRUE fan, but fuck Motley Crue's last 3 albums have sucked dick! After Dr.Feelgood, motley have missed the mark.

And Fuck why in the fucking Bloody Hell would the CRue take advice from fucking Simple Plan in writing the song "If I Die Tommorow"??? By the way, That song by the way sucks dick!!! I seriously fucking hate the direction theyre going in! Go Back to SHOUT AT THE DEVIL kinda stuff and stop trying to appeal to the new wave and new generation.

I dont wanna bash them, but i saw them in VanCity last year and Vinces voice is definately not what it used to be. It seems to me and everyone i know that they try to cover up for their decrease in talents by having hookers, midgets and fire shows and that seems lame.

BTW, i think that AXL would kick Vinces ass any day. People do mistake Vince for being a wuss and a womanizer, but hed be no match for AXL W. ROSE.

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I think Motley Crue are one of the most over-rated bands ever to existed. At this point I'd like to apologise in advance to Crue fans for any offence I may cause.

Motley Crue, for me, represent everything that was wrong with eighties rock (or hair-metal). Alongside bands like poison and any number of campy rock acts, they turned Rock N Roll into a ridiculous prancing circus-act and produced some truly awful music. Sure a lot of it is fun, but most of it lacks entirely in any kind of substance. They even dragged the once brilliant Aerosmith down to their level in order to ensure continued survival.

Guns N Roses unboubtedly would of taken some influence from these acts, but fortunately they were inspired by the aforementioned Aerosmith at their peak. By the time G'N'R came to release their debut, they had put the edge back into rock and succesfully taken the best of both seventies rock and the more flamboyant eighties rock, with a dash of punk for good measure. Of course it would take Nirvana to finally kill off hair-metal.

Bottom-line. Axl deserves a comeback more than Vince Neil- who's band still puts out dated sounding, and ultimately forgettable music. Axl at least is forever attempting to innovate, succesfully or unscuccesfully as it may be. Oh and is it just me or does Vince Neil's singing voice sound like a bit like Axl- only more femine at at a higher speed? Rant over. On with my life.

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different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.

motley crue is a good band........but don't tell me vince taught axl how to use the best hard rock voice i have ever heard.

different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.

motley crue is a good band........but don't tell me vince taught axl how to use the best hard rock voice i have ever heard.

I'm telling you he did and it's fact my friend not rumour ;)

EDIT: And this thread is full of very young immature little boys who have no idea. Dummys and pacifiers for all :)

Edited by Mama Kin
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has anyone heard the story about the Vince-Izzy incident?

Here's a very brief version:

**Vince punches Izzy**

Bodyguards: Do you want us to sort him out?

Izzy: nah, he hits like a girl.....

I love that story.....

FFS Vince is such a....can't think of a good enough insult......that Aersomith wrote a song about him....

meh....Jon BJ is worse......

I think these are a couple of hasbeens who are bitter because Axl gets all this attention for not doing anything (in the public eye at least) and they put out mediocre music and get little to zero attention....

It's just petty

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a friend of mine that works at rolling stone told me that vince neil down played GNR's tour calling it a fluke and that axl won't even make most of the shows.

i think vince needs to keep his chubby ass out of a rock god's buisness.

if someone started a CD release thread with those same words no one here would believe it at all. yet everyone is completely convinced that Vince Neil actually said this based on "a friend of mine that works at rolling stone told me". <_< hypocrites.

I think Motley Crue are one of the most over-rated bands ever to existed. At this point I'd like to apologise in advance to Crue fans for any offence I may cause.

Motley Crue, for me, represent everything that was wrong with eighties rock (or hair-metal). Alongside bands like poison and any number of campy rock acts, they turned Rock N Roll into a ridiculous prancing circus-act and produced some truly awful music. Sure a lot of it is fun, but most of it lacks entirely in any kind of substance. They even dragged the once brilliant Aerosmith down to their level in order to ensure continued survival.

Guns N Roses unboubtedly would of taken some influence from these acts, but fortunately they were inspired by the aforementioned Aerosmith at their peak. By the time G'N'R came to release their debut, they had put the edge back into rock and succesfully taken the best of both seventies rock and the more flamboyant eighties rock, with a dash of punk for good measure. Of course it would take Nirvana to finally kill off hair-metal.

Bottom-line. Axl deserves a comeback more than Vince Neil- who's band still puts out dated sounding, and ultimately forgettable music. Axl at least is forever attempting to innovate, succesfully or unscuccesfully as it may be. Oh and is it just me or does Vince Neil's singing voice sound like a bit like Axl- only more femine at at a higher speed? Rant over. On with my life.

great! another 15 year old telling us how the eighties went down. no Crue = no GNR.

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great! another 15 year old telling us how the eighties went down. no Crue = no GNR.

Acyually I'm in my twenties. I really don't care for all that eighties hair metal and actually I think it's more: no Aerosmith=no G'N'R. But hey everyone's entitled to their opinion, no?

Edited by Zephyrus
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great! another 15 year old telling us how the eighties went down. no Crue = no GNR.

Acyually I'm in my twenties. I really don't care for all that eighties hair metal and actually I think it's more: no Aerosmith=no G'N'R. But hey everyone's entitled to their opinion, no?

I would say this is more accurate, but Crue did play a role in GnR's success, just in a sense of coming from the LA scene vs a musical influence. Both were important, just in different ways.

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