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Once Axl drops Chinese D he will be in the most vulnerable poistion of his life


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I am thinking, maybe, just maybe I can get these AXL-lite losers to wake up and realize this new beginning is just the beginning of the end. It's like when I watch these new members up on stage, they just have no identity up there, no personality. And how can they, when they know Axl would flip out if they ever let loose. See back in the day, the whole band was fucked up, drunk, angry and pissed. That energy made the live shows fucking electric. I did feel that electric energy at Hammerstein, but everywhere else, the level of energy on stage was pathetic.

the electricity will only return when slash does :)


go fuck yourself




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I agree with the original post.

I really feel sorry for Axl.

But he painted himself into a corner. The world expects greatness. It would be very humbling for Axl to disappoint us. And humble is not our W. Axl Rose.

The world doesent know who Axl is...

Only people on "this" board are waiting for the album

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I am thinking, maybe, just maybe I can get these AXL-lite losers to wake up and realize this new beginning is just the beginning of the end. It's like when I watch these new members up on stage, they just have no identity up there, no personality. And how can they, when they know Axl would flip out if they ever let loose. See back in the day, the whole band was fucked up, drunk, angry and pissed. That energy made the live shows fucking electric. I did feel that electric energy at Hammerstein, but everywhere else, the level of energy on stage was pathetic.

the electricity will only return when slash does :)


go fuck yourself




i dont hate the band though' thats all in your head'

i dont like robin finck' wich is a concept you cant cope with

dont tell people to fuck themselves if you cant take it back

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We all know he's a little scared, and his perfectionism is a combination of insecurity and ...perfectionism. He's up against it for this record to be great, I'm happy he's closer now than ever to letting it go, it will be a big relief for him once it's out there...even if some pan it.

Graet thing is critics who've heard the leaks LIKED it! Critics that hate Axl, that is, or at least didn't expect much in hearing them. No, the new songs are top shelf. I'm really impressed the more I listen to them. I mean a few months now in the car, my 7 song C.D. CD.( "Chinese" and "Silkworms" are not on it, btw) These songs grow on you like great songs do, real top shelf....critics see this.

Edited by axlskAmpf
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I am thinking, maybe, just maybe I can get these AXL-lite losers to wake up and realize this new beginning is just the beginning of the end. It's like when I watch these new members up on stage, they just have no identity up there, no personality. And how can they, when they know Axl would flip out if they ever let loose. See back in the day, the whole band was fucked up, drunk, angry and pissed. That energy made the live shows fucking electric. I did feel that electric energy at Hammerstein, but everywhere else, the level of energy on stage was pathetic.

the electricity will only return when slash does :)


go fuck yourself

OK, for some reason anytime Slash is mentioned it means the people who like Slash, hate Axl and the new band. I dont know how that general assumtion came to be, buts its wrong.

I think the people on this forum labeled as haters (Im pretty sure I am one of them too), are missunderstood. I know I want Slash to rejoin Guns N' Roses, and its not because I HATE Axl or any of the new members. Not only would it be the reunion of my favorite musical duo, but the constant critisim Axl and the new guys get every day would stop.

Robin Finck, Richard Fortus, Bumblefoot, Brain, and Tommy Stinson are great musicians. But they are simply in the wrong place. They do not deserve the critism they get and they do not need the weight of a band as huge as Guns N' Roses on their shoulders. They cant make Guns N' Roses fans happy the way the origional members did, because they come from different spheres of musical influence. They could be out to make new fans, but then why would the band be called Guns N' Roses? Buckethead came to realize this, and that is why he has returned to his solo career.

I want to see Slash back in GNR for the sake of him and Axl. I dont believe either one of tham can have the same success without their cooperation. Look how they have done without eachother, even if they didnt get along so well. Contreband isnt terrible, Slash does a good job at what he does, but is the music at the same level of material he and Axl produced? No way. Listen to the leaks, Axl does a great job. The lyrics are well written, he sings with power, but where is the blues influenced guitar solos that bring out the energy in the song? Nowhere to be heared.

Well, thats just what I think about all of this. I dont know if I speek for everybody else who is a "hater", but as one of the people called that, I really dont hate the new band. I just dont see them getting very far, the sky isnt the limmit for them, even if they hit it big they would still be considered "the next best thing", and I dont think thats fair for them. Besides, they have yet to impress thousands of GNR fans in 13 years. Why arent the fans impressed? Because it is a different band.

Edited by sweetness
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Although I somewhat agree with Kaneda, I do not expect Guns N' Roses to last forever, I just want to see what was worth keeping this thing going for as long as Axl has had this going. I want to see what he came out with, and I want to see him perform one more time.

I personally dont care if Chinese Democracy sells 100 million copies, or 10 thousand, if I like it, thats all that really matters to me. I dont care if anyone else likes it, I want to see Axl perform, thats all I want. If he comes to Detroit one more time, then for all I care Guns N' Roses can go perform at state fairs and sell 500 tickets to their shows.

I agree that people are expecting way too much from this album. But lets face it, we on these boards are really the only people who care enough and are expecting big things from this album. Geffen just wants their money back, and they will keep Axl around because his name alone will sell records (reference Velvet Revolver, they got a record deal because of who was in the band, make no mistake, if they were a bunch of Joe no-names, they would still be in a garage).

I would be surprised if Chinese Democracy took over the world, simply because thats not the American music market right now. But I will say that Guns N' Roses do have the opportunity to be a continually touring band along the lines of Aerosmith and the Rolling Stones, they might never release anything of any notability ever again, but for as long as they are around, people will still be talking about them, and somewhere in the world, they will be selling out arenas.

Axl could take GNR and be a total nostalgia trip and he could go to Europe and Japan, and be the biggest kid on the block, he is proving this right at this very moment, he is getting great reviews and people are hyped to see him.

As far as America goes, will Axl Rose in 2006 be as popular as Axl Rose in 1992? I doubt it, would you think any of those sexy pop stars will have the same fan base in 15 years? Will Britney Spears still be hot as a 40 year old? I doubt it. Axls time is up in the USA, sad but true, he will never be the 'flavor of the moment,' but in Europe and Japan and wherever else, people really have an affinity for him, Chinese Democracy or not.

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I am thinking, maybe, just maybe I can get these AXL-lite losers to wake up and realize this new beginning is just the beginning of the end. It's like when I watch these new members up on stage, they just have no identity up there, no personality. And how can they, when they know Axl would flip out if they ever let loose. See back in the day, the whole band was fucked up, drunk, angry and pissed. That energy made the live shows fucking electric. I did feel that electric energy at Hammerstein, but everywhere else, the level of energy on stage was pathetic.

the electricity will only return when slash does :)


go fuck yourself

OK, for some reason anytime Slash is mentioned it means the people who like Slash, hate Axl and the new band. I dont know how that general assumtion came to be, buts its wrong.

I think the people on this forum labeled as haters (Im pretty sure I am one of them too), are missunderstood. I know I want Slash to rejoin Guns N' Roses, and its not because I HATE Axl or any of the new members. Not only would it be the reunion of my favorite musical duo, but the constant critisim Axl and the new guys get every day would stop.

Robin Finck, Richard Fortus, Bumblefoot, Brain, and Tommy Stinson are great musicians. But they are simply in the wrong place. They do not deserve the critism they get and they do not need the weight of a band as huge as Guns N' Roses on their shoulders. They cant make Guns N' Roses fans happy the way the origional members did, because they come from different spheres of musical influence. They could be out to make new fans, but then why would the band be called Guns N' Roses? Buckethead came to realize this, and that is why he has returned to his solo career.

I want to see Slash back in GNR for the sake of him and Axl. I dont believe either one of tham can have the same success without their cooperation. Look how they have done without eachother, even if they didnt get along so well. Contreband isnt terrible, Slash does a good job at what he does, but is the music at the same level of material he and Axl produced? No way. Listen to the leaks, Axl does a great job. The lyrics are well written, he sings with power, but where is the blues influenced guitar solos that bring out the energy in the song? Nowhere to be heared.

Well, thats just what I think about all of this. I dont know if I speek for everybody else who is a "hater", but as one of the people called that, I really dont hate the new band. I just dont see them getting very far, the sky isnt the limmit for them, even if they hit it big they would still be considered "the next best thing", and I dont think thats fair for them. Besides, they have yet to impress thousands of GNR fans in 13 years. Why arent the fans impressed? Because it is a different band.

Good post. I agree with you on most points. (I don't really want a reunion anymore - I like the new band doing their thing, but you deserve props for standing up for those who get labelled as haters unfairly.)

Gotta say this is the first good thread of Kaneda's I've read in a longggg time. Interesting view.

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I agree with the original post.

I really feel sorry for Axl.

But he painted himself into a corner. The world expects greatness. It would be very humbling for Axl to disappoint us. And humble is not our W. Axl Rose.

The world doesent know who Axl is...

Only people on "this" board are waiting for the album

^^Your right. Sure people will remember him from the early GNR, and when the live shows come around, they will say "well its not the same" and it isn't. Personally I prefer the new band, and if slash rejoined i would call my GNR days over. Not because i dont like slash, i mean i fucking loved the music the old band made like, but because Axl would be giving into pressure. How will history judge Axl? It will be intresting to see. TBH this isnt really about the album anymore, its about the band...

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Also Kanada, thanx for another good controversial topic. You had a few bad months there, but your back to the good ole stuff. Veryu rarely does a quality topic come up that doesnt start and end is curses ect. Your entitled to your opinion and i value it as does many others, even tho i personally dont agree with it, its always insightful...

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Why has Axl Rose waited so long to release Chinese Democracy? It's my supposition that Axl is simply afraid of the backlash that will come, afraid of the criticism and the slander that will surely follow if he doesn't match or top the work laid down by the original members.

Like retards, we all have been on this board for years trying to figure out what the new sound would "sound" like, the release date...etc. None of us thought that in 2001-2 we would still be scratching our heads in July 2006 with regards to the release date. Shit by now I thought I would be listening to the THIRD new Guns N Roses disc, not still waiting for the first! The bottom line is that Axl Rose obviously knows that deep down inside his project to bury the old GNR failed time and time again. Seriously, nothing the guy has done in the past 10 years has gone right for him.

At what point do people stop making excuses for Axl and start pointing the finger of blame at him? I mean some of you think Axl has 70 hit songs ready to go...Please, if that were the case, then he truly is the dumbest person alive. You act like he has the musical equivalent of the cure for cancer, but this is not the case.

What Axl has is really good music recorded with some very talented musicians. But he doesn't have time on his side, he doesn't have the energy or desire to take over the world again...because that's not something you can fabricate and it's not something you can summon while cruising through LA in your Lamborghini. It's something that comes naturally, and spontaneously, and it requires the right people to be together at the right time. That's what made Guns N Roses so fucking huge. All of the stars aligned at the right time. Axl Rose made music before Guns N Roses and it all sucked.

While yes, he has learned a lot over the years, he's learned too much, he's an over analyzer to the point of paralysis. He is afraid and scared to release Chinese D, because once he does, it's over, the cards on the table, he either wins or loses, there is no tie, there is no mediocrity, there is no push, there is no half way success to be had.

And by never showing his cards, Axl has fooled us all into believing that he has the best hand at the table. Picture a table of card players, where instead of people, one hand is being played by AFD, one by UYI 1, one by UYI 2, one by GNR Lies, one By Spaghetti Incident, and then there's Axl sitting there playing as Chinese D. Everyone else has shown there cards, the other musicians that made up GNR have delivered songs the world absolutley loved. And nobody loved the adoration more than Axl, for it fed his ego and meglomania personality. But now it's all on his shoulders and he is scared shitless to release an album.

I do believe it will come out this year, I do believe it will be very good, but I do not think the world will love this new band nearly as much as the old. They just don't have it. Live they are much more boring than the old band. It's only in the studio where people will still accept Axl Rose. For his voice still is amazing, and his sound will never grow tiresome (since we hear it so little)...but him prancing around on stage with strange musicians calling themselves Guns N Roses, it's never going to work. It could only work if Chinese D absolutely blows away even our expectations for it...And that would be a miracle.

Axl is a huge star, working with producers of his choosing and a hand picked band of professional session guys and legends for hire like brian may. It's nothing like trying to make demos as an unknown in 1983. He has everything at his disposal this time.

No band was ever as good as the legend they leave behind. Not the beatles, not guns. It's all cannoizing by fans. Axl we'll deflate the legend just like Slash and Duff did, no matter how much better Axl is now then he was in 1991.

Axl didn't fool us, you fooled yourself. Axl did his singing and that was it. Now he's coming back.

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OK, for some reason anytime Slash is mentioned it means the people who like Slash, hate Axl and the new band. I dont know how that general assumtion came to be, buts its wrong.

I think the people on this forum labeled as haters (Im pretty sure I am one of them too), are missunderstood. I know I want Slash to rejoin Guns N' Roses, and its not because I HATE Axl or any of the new members. Not only would it be the reunion of my favorite musical duo, but the constant critisim Axl and the new guys get every day would stop.

Robin Finck, Richard Fortus, Bumblefoot, Brain, and Tommy Stinson are great musicians. But they are simply in the wrong place. They do not deserve the critism they get and they do not need the weight of a band as huge as Guns N' Roses on their shoulders. They cant make Guns N' Roses fans happy the way the origional members did, because they come from different spheres of musical influence. They could be out to make new fans, but then why would the band be called Guns N' Roses? Buckethead came to realize this, and that is why he has returned to his solo career.

I want to see Slash back in GNR for the sake of him and Axl. I dont believe either one of tham can have the same success without their cooperation. Look how they have done without eachother, even if they didnt get along so well. Contreband isnt terrible, Slash does a good job at what he does, but is the music at the same level of material he and Axl produced? No way. Listen to the leaks, Axl does a great job. The lyrics are well written, he sings with power, but where is the blues influenced guitar solos that bring out the energy in the song? Nowhere to be heared.

Well, thats just what I think about all of this. I dont know if I speek for everybody else who is a "hater", but as one of the people called that, I really dont hate the new band. I just dont see them getting very far, the sky isnt the limmit for them, even if they hit it big they would still be considered "the next best thing", and I dont think thats fair for them. Besides, they have yet to impress thousands of GNR fans in 13 years. Why arent the fans impressed? Because it is a different band.

Bottom line, Slash is not rejoining Guns N Roses, he's been out of the band for 10 years. If you truly do like the new band like you claim you do, I would think you would understand why some of us get a little pissed off when you keep bringing him into these discussions. Why do you think axl called that guy an idiot the other day? If you want Slash, go see Velvet Revolver. He's not coming back, so why not at least be supportive of Axl and the band and appreciate what we do have?

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Interesting theory Kaneda. It could indeed be that he's afraid to play his hand. I have a theory that rather than being afraid to put his work out, he is himself disappointed with it. He doesn't want the world to hear it because it won't matter if he's not happy with it. I guess this stems from personal experience, I write a lot--fiction and stuff but as I write, I continually tell myself, "I hate this! It's crap! That lines sounds cheesy." So I go back over and over to tweak it again--it really slows down the whole process. A friend will read it and say it's great but it's hard to believe them because they're biased towards me. Not until an unbiased observer reads it and says its good do I believe that the work has potential. And its a hard thing to do, just to let someone critique your work. Maybe that's what axl needs, someone to honestly critique his music--which would be a hard thing to find consider his myth/legend status. That is, if this is even his situation. Of course I have no fuckin clue :xmasssanta:

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I've never really been for the new band and unless Axl starts writing quality songs once again and sends Robin Finck to guitar lessons then i'll probably never be 100% behind them...

I see them twice in 2002, once at leeds and the other time was at docklands/london, the london show was pretty bad but leeds was a cool show with the band actually sounding something like the old band, Axl's voice was passable at leeds and pretty weak at london and to be honest once the tour ended i thought that was the end of Axl...

But i see the new band at Download this year and to my surprise Axl's voice sounded pretty good and quite a bit like the old days when he had one of the most unique and best rock voices ever, when Izzy came out it completely made my day as i love him to bits and although Finck fucked up a few times Axl's voice carried the show through...

The next day i thought back and thought about the Download show and just felt like i hadn't seen anything new and unique like the real Guns n Roses posessed, i don't really dig the new songs and was a bit gutted when they played songs like better as i'm not a really big fan of it at all, for me it was going to a cover band sort of thing featuring Axl Rose and unless he can produce music like the old band did i'll never go to see him again...

Don't tell me to get with the times as the reason i got into Guns n Roses was due to Axl, Izzy, Slash, Duff & Stevie and to be honest if Axl had released stuff like what he's releasing now when i was getting into Appetite, then i wouldn't of become a fan of the band.

*Waits to be bashed by Axl-ites & Finck-ites*

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One has to wonder why Axl has never released his album. One would think if he really had something that was groundbreaking or another classic it'd have been released years ago. These leaks we here are all old & some of the songs are rumored to be UYI era material or shortly thereafter. On top of that, the "new" songs do absolutely nothing for me & despite a few interesting vocal melodies here or there, they sound neutered. I think the reason we have yet to see CD is simply because he can't come up with any thing good enough to live up to the standards the real GNR set. What else could it possibly be?

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OK, for some reason anytime Slash is mentioned it means the people who like Slash, hate Axl and the new band. I dont know how that general assumtion came to be, buts its wrong.

I think the people on this forum labeled as haters (Im pretty sure I am one of them too), are missunderstood. I know I want Slash to rejoin Guns N' Roses, and its not because I HATE Axl or any of the new members. Not only would it be the reunion of my favorite musical duo, but the constant critisim Axl and the new guys get every day would stop.

Robin Finck, Richard Fortus, Bumblefoot, Brain, and Tommy Stinson are great musicians. But they are simply in the wrong place. They do not deserve the critism they get and they do not need the weight of a band as huge as Guns N' Roses on their shoulders. They cant make Guns N' Roses fans happy the way the origional members did, because they come from different spheres of musical influence. They could be out to make new fans, but then why would the band be called Guns N' Roses? Buckethead came to realize this, and that is why he has returned to his solo career.

I want to see Slash back in GNR for the sake of him and Axl. I dont believe either one of tham can have the same success without their cooperation. Look how they have done without eachother, even if they didnt get along so well. Contreband isnt terrible, Slash does a good job at what he does, but is the music at the same level of material he and Axl produced? No way. Listen to the leaks, Axl does a great job. The lyrics are well written, he sings with power, but where is the blues influenced guitar solos that bring out the energy in the song? Nowhere to be heared.

Well, thats just what I think about all of this. I dont know if I speek for everybody else who is a "hater", but as one of the people called that, I really dont hate the new band. I just dont see them getting very far, the sky isnt the limmit for them, even if they hit it big they would still be considered "the next best thing", and I dont think thats fair for them. Besides, they have yet to impress thousands of GNR fans in 13 years. Why arent the fans impressed? Because it is a different band.

Bottom line, Slash is not rejoining Guns N Roses, he's been out of the band for 10 years. If you truly do like the new band like you claim you do, I would think you would understand why some of us get a little pissed off when you keep bringing him into these discussions. Why do you think axl called that guy an idiot the other day? If you want Slash, go see Velvet Revolver. He's not coming back, so why not at least be supportive of Axl and the band and appreciate what we do have?

Im guessing that went right over your head...

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Why has Axl Rose waited so long to release Chinese Democracy? It's my supposition that Axl is simply afraid of the backlash that will come, afraid of the criticism and the slander that will surely follow if he doesn't match or top the work laid down by the original members.

Like retards, we all have been on this board for years trying to figure out what the new sound would "sound" like, the release date...etc. None of us thought that in 2001-2 we would still be scratching our heads in July 2006 with regards to the release date. Shit by now I thought I would be listening to the THIRD new Guns N Roses disc, not still waiting for the first! The bottom line is that Axl Rose obviously knows that deep down inside his project to bury the old GNR failed time and time again. Seriously, nothing the guy has done in the past 10 years has gone right for him.

At what point do people stop making excuses for Axl and start pointing the finger of blame at him? I mean some of you think Axl has 70 hit songs ready to go...Please, if that were the case, then he truly is the dumbest person alive. You act like he has the musical equivalent of the cure for cancer, but this is not the case.

What Axl has is really good music recorded with some very talented musicians. But he doesn't have time on his side, he doesn't have the energy or desire to take over the world again...because that's not something you can fabricate and it's not something you can summon while cruising through LA in your Lamborghini. It's something that comes naturally, and spontaneously, and it requires the right people to be together at the right time. That's what made Guns N Roses so fucking huge. All of the stars aligned at the right time. Axl Rose made music before Guns N Roses and it all sucked.

While yes, he has learned a lot over the years, he's learned too much, he's an over analyzer to the point of paralysis. He is afraid and scared to release Chinese D, because once he does, it's over, the cards on the table, he either wins or loses, there is no tie, there is no mediocrity, there is no push, there is no half way success to be had.

And by never showing his cards, Axl has fooled us all into believing that he has the best hand at the table. Picture a table of card players, where instead of people, one hand is being played by AFD, one by UYI 1, one by UYI 2, one by GNR Lies, one By Spaghetti Incident, and then there's Axl sitting there playing as Chinese D. Everyone else has shown there cards, the other musicians that made up GNR have delivered songs the world absolutley loved. And nobody loved the adoration more than Axl, for it fed his ego and meglomania personality. But now it's all on his shoulders and he is scared shitless to release an album.

I do believe it will come out this year, I do believe it will be very good, but I do not think the world will love this new band nearly as much as the old. They just don't have it. Live they are much more boring than the old band. It's only in the studio where people will still accept Axl Rose. For his voice still is amazing, and his sound will never grow tiresome (since we hear it so little)...but him prancing around on stage with strange musicians calling themselves Guns N Roses, it's never going to work. It could only work if Chinese D absolutely blows away even our expectations for it...And that would be a miracle.

Totally right...........my question is "does Axl knows it?"

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I am thinking, maybe, just maybe I can get these AXL-lite losers to wake up and realize this new beginning is just the beginning of the end. It's like when I watch these new members up on stage, they just have no identity up there, no personality. And how can they, when they know Axl would flip out if they ever let loose. See back in the day, the whole band was fucked up, drunk, angry and pissed. That energy made the live shows fucking electric. I did feel that electric energy at Hammerstein, but everywhere else, the level of energy on stage was pathetic.

another pile of shite from MR .gnr, just another product of the posser class, you wouldn't know one thing about rock N roll attention whore!.

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the electricity will only return when slash does :)


Exactly! We want Slash! It would be so cool if he came back... I think it's possible. Maybe next year after the release of Libertad and CD...

Axl used to insult Izzy onstage when he left the band but now they are good friends again... The same thing will happen concerning Slash... :heart:

And great posts Kaneda and sweetness!

Edited by Ferrari
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