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When your holding your copy of cd


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i will first pull down my pants and make love to the album in wal-mart without protection. then i will leave the album there because i don't buy music from wal-mart. besides the janitor people there need something to clean up to keep themselves busy.

then i will drive over to another music store and buy the album. i will caress it against my crotch on the way home as i drive, and make love to the asian man on the front cover (god, please let there be an asian man!).

when i get home i will gently unwrap it from its cover and make love to each page of credits separately, which means i will make love to it 100 times since the credits for the album will probably be about that long. then i will make love to a picture of axl rose in the album cover (please god let there be a picture of axl!) and, finally, after i am finished, i will put it on my stereo and blare it as loud as possible as i gently embrace the speakers and hump them senseless, feeling the vibrations of the twin-power subwoofers enhancing my sexual pleasure.

or, maybe i'll just buy the damn album and listen to it you weirdo. :rolleyes:

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dUDE I will get one copy for the car, one for the home, one for the office, 1 copy that I'll never open and I'll get it off Itunes for my ipod.

Don't worry, the first copy won't be intact for a longgggggggggg time!

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Here's an interesting thought... when you get CD, will you listen to all the tracks in order, or will you be unable to resist the temptation to skip ahead to, say, Madagascar to hear what the studio version sounds like?


I will listen to the tracks in order on repeat

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