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Robert Johnson

Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

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There you go again, hiding in your absolutes. I am not dealing in absolutes so why are you?

This argument might be different if I had any confidence that you listened to Charley Patton, Skip James, Blind Willie Johnson and other Bluesmen who were as or more important than Robert Johnson to the development of music.

So basically, if you aren't a true Blues fan, and just listen to Robert Johnson because you think that's all there is, you have no fucking place arguing this.

What's the title of this thread?

I stand by my statement. Go listen to some Skip James.

Well thank you for recommending artists that were being played in my household as far back as the 50's and 60's.

(back before the history of the Blues could be Google searched)

It's nice to have a blues fanatic in the family...

So you can put a lid on your condescending presumptions.

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

Second of all, R&B is a myth. R&B is a white attempt to separate Rock and Roll from it's black origins.

THANK YOU! Finally somebody says the truth. Have you seen "Hail! Hail! Rock and Roll", Chuck Berry's movie? It has a very intriguing scene in which Chuck talks about how the record companies separated himself and others from white rock, and called them R&B, despite the fact that the music was virtually the same. Nobody's more rock n' roll than Chuck Berry.

Yes I've seen it, it's excellent.

zint61, whatever man. I have always respected you and I'm sorry if this has gotten too pissy. I don't think Robert Johnson had much of an influence on Rock N' Roll, that's just the way I see it. With how sketchy things are in this world (historically), I suppose no argument is absurd.

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all's cool

besides,discussions about the blues and rock and roll tend to get heated and passionate...if they're worth their weight

(been down this road before)

The connections we were discussing (however vague or indirect) have been made (for ME) by far more scholarly musicologists than I could ever claim to be (or hope to be).It can be quite mind numbing actually...and not at all easy to articulate.

I know a guy with over 30,000 vinyl albums (and a VERY old Dobro)...he's VERY good at laying it all out!

pissy match over


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  • 1 year later...

kinda diggin up an old thread here but...fuck man, i've had the complete recordings of Robert Johnson for a while and i dug em out (since im kinda on a blues trip at the moment) and i listened to em all the way through, 2nd takes and all...wow...just fucking wow. i dont pretend to know as much about music as Zint ODS and/or Adnan (found myself really the whole thing) but i do know that...the fucking matierial is too much man, it really...i dunno, you really get an impression of really...precise work on Johnsons part, really deliberate and...appropriated. i mean this is just REALLY something else.

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Frank, Adnan didn't know shit about music, he was just really good at using Google.

But on-topic, what a great compilation Complete Recordings is. :heart: Robert Johnson is my second favourite blues musician, behind Howlin' Wolf.

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Frank, Adnan didn't know shit about music, he was just really good at using Google.

But on-topic, what a great compilation Complete Recordings is. :heart: Robert Johnson is my second favourite blues musician, behind Howlin' Wolf.

he didnt? :lol: wanna know something REALLY silly??? i thought between him, ODS Zint and shit they just fucking knew it all and read their shit pretty intently on here. ODS to this day i still believe, at least in regards to my beloved Blues, probably did know everything and Zint just fucking suprises me with every new day. he always knows some band i aint heard of that have some song or album that i'll fucking ass-rape for weeks (specifically about punk rock i mean, late 70s, early to mid 80s) and just reading this thread today and he's talking about...the blues and shit.

but yeah, Adnan didn't know shit?? Oh well, there ya go, learn something knew everyday. i'd more often than not back down from discussing shit with him, struck me as being pretty smart. y'know like university people and shit? people that now all the right words and the right way to say em and make a point in a way thats like...y'know, correct, concise...i dunno, that suprises me though, he didnt know shit?

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Yeah, Zint and ODS are both great guys. Together with Genesis (don't know if you were here when he was around), they are/were the most knowledgeable people on here, I'd say.

Yeah, man, Adnan was one of the biggest attention whores on here. He tried to create an image here as the fucking... uppermost authority on music and cinema, it's really pathetic.

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Yeah I don't get it-we're not playing trivial pursuit, we're just talking about bands we like. I've been turned onto a lot of music in this section than I would've been without it and I hope others have as well.

Just enjoy the tones-if you want to dig deeper into a particular artist or their influence on other musicians go ahead. It's just not fair to judge other fans of a band you're into as ignorant just because they haven't done their doctoral thesis on musicology yet.

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Yeah I don't get it-we're not playing trivial pursuit, we're just talking about bands we like. I've been turned onto a lot of music in this section than I would've been without it and I hope others have as well.

Just enjoy the tones-if you want to dig deeper into a particular artist or their influence on other musicians go ahead. It's just not fair to judge other fans of a band you're into as ignorant just because they haven't done their doctoral thesis on musicology yet.

dont get me wrong, i wasnt having a pop at em, far from it, i'm genuinely saying they know/knew their shit and i thought that was pretty cool is all...just kinda did a double-take on the Adnan thing cuz he struck me as quite a...straightforward fella :)

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Yeah I don't get it-we're not playing trivial pursuit, we're just talking about bands we like. I've been turned onto a lot of music in this section than I would've been without it and I hope others have as well.

Just enjoy the tones-if you want to dig deeper into a particular artist or their influence on other musicians go ahead. It's just not fair to judge other fans of a band you're into as ignorant just because they haven't done their doctoral thesis on musicology yet.

dont get me wrong, i wasnt having a pop at em, far from it, i'm genuinely saying they know/knew their shit and i thought that was pretty cool is all...just kinda did a double-take on the Adnan thing cuz he struck me as quite a...straightforward fella :)

It wasn't directed at you bro or Zint for that matter.It's just that factual knowledge of music will never replace it's emotional impact on fans, whether very casual or hardcore. Don't take offense-there are plenty of cool people with well-thought out opinions posting here and you're definitely one of them.

Edited by bax
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Yeah I don't get it-we're not playing trivial pursuit, we're just talking about bands we like. I've been turned onto a lot of music in this section than I would've been without it and I hope others have as well.

Just enjoy the tones-if you want to dig deeper into a particular artist or their influence on other musicians go ahead. It's just not fair to judge other fans of a band you're into as ignorant just because they haven't done their doctoral thesis on musicology yet.

dont get me wrong, i wasnt having a pop at em, far from it, i'm genuinely saying they know/knew their shit and i thought that was pretty cool is all...just kinda did a double-take on the Adnan thing cuz he struck me as quite a...straightforward fella

It wasn't directed at you bro or Zint for that matter.It's just that factual knowledge of music will never replace it's emotional impact on fans, whether very casual or hardcore. Don't take offense-there are plenty of cool people with well-thought out opinions posting here and you're definitely one of them.

none taken dude, just didnt wanna look like my post was about ragging on anyone :) that emotion shit is bang on the money too :)

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Yeah I don't get it-we're not playing trivial pursuit, we're just talking about bands we like. I've been turned onto a lot of music in this section than I would've been without it and I hope others have as well.

Just enjoy the tones-if you want to dig deeper into a particular artist or their influence on other musicians go ahead. It's just not fair to judge other fans of a band you're into as ignorant just because they haven't done their doctoral thesis on musicology yet.

dont get me wrong, i wasnt having a pop at em, far from it, i'm genuinely saying they know/knew their shit and i thought that was pretty cool is all...just kinda did a double-take on the Adnan thing cuz he struck me as quite a...straightforward fella :)

It wasn't directed at you bro or Zint for that matter.It's just that factual knowledge of music will never replace it's emotional impact on fans, whether very casual or hardcore. Don't take offense-there are plenty of cool people with well-thought out opinions posting here and you're definitely one of them.

Well thought out opinions...exactly.

That was my beef with Adnan.I don't have a problem with people's opinions on music and why it moves them.But when adnan used to come on here with his cut and paste info on a supposedly obscure band that he was enlightening us peasants on,it struck me as ridiculous.

Adnan was very opaque in that regard.

Lots of times I can spot when someone's opinion on a band is actually a quote from another source.

Adnan sometimes had 6 or 7 new bands he'd start discussions on that he claimed to be listening to forever,and the data he'd provide would be endless and clearly someone else's work.

Yeah he knew lots of music perhaps,but he also faked his way through a lot of his knowledge.

ODS knew his stuff...got a little condescending with it at times (as evident in this thread) but he usually was a pleasure to discuss music with.

Ffrank usually thinks his stuff out...(except for his "I always thought the Ramones were heavy metal bubblegum" comment)...no he didn't...he didn't think until he read that quote (I have it in about three different books on punk)....but that's cool,I let it slide...cuz ffrank is usually pretty good about processing music and music info before stating his own take on it...(usually... :tongue2: )

That's all I want really...people's OWN thoughts and ideas on music...not Google search data meant to impress.

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Yeah I don't get it-we're not playing trivial pursuit, we're just talking about bands we like. I've been turned onto a lot of music in this section than I would've been without it and I hope others have as well.

Just enjoy the tones-if you want to dig deeper into a particular artist or their influence on other musicians go ahead. It's just not fair to judge other fans of a band you're into as ignorant just because they haven't done their doctoral thesis on musicology yet.

dont get me wrong, i wasnt having a pop at em, far from it, i'm genuinely saying they know/knew their shit and i thought that was pretty cool is all...just kinda did a double-take on the Adnan thing cuz he struck me as quite a...straightforward fella :)

It wasn't directed at you bro or Zint for that matter.It's just that factual knowledge of music will never replace it's emotional impact on fans, whether very casual or hardcore. Don't take offense-there are plenty of cool people with well-thought out opinions posting here and you're definitely one of them.

Well thought out opinions...exactly.

That was my beef with Adnan.I don't have a problem with people's opinions on music and why it moves them.But when adnan used to come on here with his cut and paste info on a supposedly obscure band that he was enlightening us peasants on,it struck me as ridiculous.

Adnan was very opaque in that regard.

Lots of times I can spot when someone's opinion on a band is actually a quote from another source.

Adnan sometimes had 6 or 7 new bands he'd start discussions on that he claimed to be listening to forever,and the data he'd provide would be endless and clearly someone else's work.

Yeah he knew lots of music perhaps,but he also faked his way through a lot of his knowledge.

ODS knew his stuff...got a little condescending with it at times (as evident in this thread) but he usually was a pleasure to discuss music with.

Ffrank usually thinks his stuff out...(except for his "I always thought the Ramones were heavy metal bubblegum" comment)...no he didn't...he didn't think until he read that quote (I have it in about three different books on punk)....but that's cool,I let it slide...cuz ffrank is usually pretty good about processing music and music info before stating his own take on it...(usually... :tongue2: )

That's all I want really...people's OWN thoughts and ideas on music...not Google search data meant to impress.

heavy metal bubblegum is a quote from somebody and i think it might be John Lydon but im not sure...i didnt throw it around like its mine did i? shame shame :lol: it was someone REALLY famous and its totally escaping me at the moment..whoever it was i think they were like...talking about bands and...what they were in relation to the punk scene/movement. i pretty much type as it occurs to me, little i say is WELL thought out...thought out yes, just kinda stick at the well bit :lol:

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He probably already knew a share bit, yes, but he copied ODS in most of his posts + Google and Wiki. He created his own personality just for this forum; it's quite pathetic if you ask me.

And you know this how?

To be honest, I don't think music knowledge is a competition. If someone says an artist is good, sure I'll check them out but I won't like them just because I'm supposed to. I don't believe that the amount of music you listen to determines how much of a music lover you are.

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One thing is that he created stuff like last.fm and ratemyalbums or whatever that site is called, and when he was banned, those sites suddenly became inactive or an "error" occurred when you tried to enter them.

And he created several accounts to gain attention, like Truckin' (which he eventually admitted was his, the guy who pretended to be Borat, and the guy who claimed to be 86 or whatever, although I'm not sure whether that one was him or Jackamo.

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Nah, he's not smart enough to pull something like that off. :lol:

Speaking of Vulgraw, I haven't seen him around lately. He's too bad of an actor to stay un-noticed for more than a day, so I guess he has, shockingly, given up. :o

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